Has Paul Chappell been indicted for conspiracy yet?

Mathew Ward said:
prophet said:
Bruh said:
Why would Chappell be indicted?
He prolly won't,  and no one here thinks he will.
Tardheel is a starry-eyed Chappell groupie.  So when Chappell wrote a book last year, telling all of us IFB how forthcoming , open, and honest we should be, TB was all up in his fan club.
Problem was, within weeks of the release of the book, one of his former staffers comitted murder/suicide or something.  There was an immediate denial in the press, that that staffer had ever been Pastoral Staff.
'Course, the truth is that he had been Pastoral staff for years.
In the meantime,  after the book release, and prior to that scandal (and the next one, involving Mike Zachary), several of us here were LOLing at P.C. trying to tell anyone else about being forthcoming.
Tardheel was sarcastic and defensive of his fav ifb dude.
We went back and forth.
Then the scandal broke.
We said 'told ya so', and he has periodically reposted his "has P.C. been indicted yet?", in an attempt to portray those who warned about P.C.'s double standard as conspiracy theory nuts who think that P.C. had that staffer "hit".
No one said that.
No one thought that,  I'm pretty sure.
But TB still hasn't admitted that his homeboy is full of it.

PC learned from the best...
Or the worst, depending on your angle.
prophet said:
Bruh said:
Why would Chappell be indicted?
He prolly won't,  and no one here thinks he will.
Tardheel is a starry-eyed Chappell groupie.  So when Chappell wrote a book last year, telling all of us IFB how forthcoming , open, and honest we should be, TB was all up in his fan club.
Problem was, within weeks of the release of the book, one of his former staffers comitted murder/suicide or something.  There was an immediate denial in the press, that that staffer had ever been Pastoral Staff.
'Course, the truth is that he had been Pastoral staff for years.
In the meantime,  after the book release, and prior to that scandal (and the next one, involving Mike Zachary), several of us here were LOLing at P.C. trying to tell anyone else about being forthcoming.
Tardheel was sarcastic and defensive of his fav ifb dude.
We went back and forth.
Then the scandal broke.
We said 'told ya so', and he has periodically reposted his "has P.C. been indicted yet?", in an attempt to portray those who warned about P.C.'s double standard as conspiracy theory nuts who think that P.C. had that staffer "hit".
No one said that.
No one thought that,  I'm pretty sure.
But TB still hasn't admitted that his homeboy is full of it.

prophet is either misinformed, disingenuous, or simply exaggerated for humor' sake*.  :)

NOWHERE is there a post from me indicating anything of the sort, there are many, many posts proving the contrary. This thread is not a defense of Chappell but a tweak of those who believe that because he is IFB that his watch is always wrong, his dog has fleas, his underwear have holes and his mother wears combat boots!
Come to think of it, people like prophet who, when the bell rings, always respond! ;)

* edited to correct my over reaction.
Tarheel Baptist said:
prophet said:
Bruh said:
Why would Chappell be indicted?
He prolly won't,  and no one here thinks he will.
Tardheel is a starry-eyed Chappell groupie.  So when Chappell wrote a book last year, telling all of us IFB how forthcoming , open, and honest we should be, TB was all up in his fan club.
Problem was, within weeks of the release of the book, one of his former staffers comitted murder/suicide or something.  There was an immediate denial in the press, that that staffer had ever been Pastoral Staff.
'Course, the truth is that he had been Pastoral staff for years.
In the meantime,  after the book release, and prior to that scandal (and the next one, involving Mike Zachary), several of us here were LOLing at P.C. trying to tell anyone else about being forthcoming.
Tardheel was sarcastic and defensive of his fav ifb dude.
We went back and forth.
Then the scandal broke.
We said 'told ya so', and he has periodically reposted his "has P.C. been indicted yet?", in an attempt to portray those who warned about P.C.'s double standard as conspiracy theory nuts who think that P.C. had that staffer "hit".
No one said that.
No one thought that,  I'm pretty sure.
But TB still hasn't admitted that his homeboy is full of it.

prophet is either misinformed, disingenuous, or lying.

NOWHERE is there a post from me indicating anything of the sort, there are many, many posts proving the contrary. This thread is not a defense of Chappell but a tweak of those who believe that because he is IFB that his watch is always wrong, his dog has fleas, his underwear have holes and his mother wears combat boots!
Come to think of it, people like prophet who, when the bell rings, always respond! ;)
Which point in my post are you denying?

That you are all rah, rah Chappell?

Ok, so I exaggerated the point for humor, like you have here.
The fact is, you have been defending your claim that Chappell is the best of the IFB bunch. 
Now, deny that.
This thread is like Paul Chappell's preaching....BOOOOORING! ;D
16KJV11 said:
This thread is like Paul Chappell's preaching....BOOOOORING! ;D

I find all these gossip threads boring.  But then my experience with IFB is only superficial, and I don't know who 99% of these people are.  And I don't care. 

The Rogue Tomato said:
And I don't care.

I don't either. Let's take opposite sides and fight about it just to make it more interesting!  ;D
prophet said:
Tarheel Baptist said:
prophet said:
Bruh said:
Why would Chappell be indicted?
He prolly won't,  and no one here thinks he will.
Tardheel is a starry-eyed Chappell groupie.  So when Chappell wrote a book last year, telling all of us IFB how forthcoming , open, and honest we should be, TB was all up in his fan club.
Problem was, within weeks of the release of the book, one of his former staffers comitted murder/suicide or something.  There was an immediate denial in the press, that that staffer had ever been Pastoral Staff.
'Course, the truth is that he had been Pastoral staff for years.
In the meantime,  after the book release, and prior to that scandal (and the next one, involving Mike Zachary), several of us here were LOLing at P.C. trying to tell anyone else about being forthcoming.
Tardheel was sarcastic and defensive of his fav ifb dude.
We went back and forth.
Then the scandal broke.
We said 'told ya so', and he has periodically reposted his "has P.C. been indicted yet?", in an attempt to portray those who warned about P.C.'s double standard as conspiracy theory nuts who think that P.C. had that staffer "hit".
No one said that.
No one thought that,  I'm pretty sure.
But TB still hasn't admitted that his homeboy is full of it.

prophet is either misinformed, disingenuous, or lying.

NOWHERE is there a post from me indicating anything of the sort, there are many, many posts proving the contrary. This thread is not a defense of Chappell but a tweak of those who believe that because he is IFB that his watch is always wrong, his dog has fleas, his underwear have holes and his mother wears combat boots!
Come to think of it, people like prophet who, when the bell rings, always respond! ;)
Which point in my post are you denying?

That you are all rah, rah Chappell?

Ok, so I exaggerated the point for humor, like you have here.
The fact is, you have been defending your claim that Chappell is the best of the IFB bunch. 
Now, deny that.

No, I certainly don't deny saying and still believing that Chappell is the best of the IFB bunch as far as so called national leaders are concerned...at least the way he and his movement measure success. I base that on a number of facts and factors...not that I would want him to be my Pastor, I wouldn't .Neither would I ever send my grandchildren to or recommend his college.

But, he has the largest IFB college, enrollment and probably square footage wise as well.
His church is one of the largest IFB churches in the country, and it appears to be growing.
His books and publishing ministry have been mainstreamed as far as distribution is concerned...at least his materials are available at the two wholesale distributors we use, no other IFB publishers are available His materials are well done and some of the content I have personally found profitable.
He has been mentioned, referenced and lifted up by Rick Warren and Ed Stetzer, two heavy hitters in evangelical circles.

These are facts!
Nothing made up or embellished.
Why that irritates some here, I don't know...but I have admittedly used that for entertainment purposes.
I am not a Paul Chappell apologist, I am not even a fan of his ministry or methods...they would be foreign to the people who call me Pastor. But a few of the organization and principles he uses I have put to use with favorable results.
National leaders for "independent" churches

prophet said:
Bruh said:
Why would Chappell be indicted?
He prolly won't,  and no one here thinks he will.
Tardheel is a starry-eyed Chappell groupie.  So when Chappell wrote a book last year, telling all of us IFB how forthcoming , open, and honest we should be, TB was all up in his fan club.
Problem was, within weeks of the release of the book, one of his former staffers comitted murder/suicide or something.  There was an immediate denial in the press, that that staffer had ever been Pastoral Staff.
'Course, the truth is that he had been Pastoral staff for years.
In the meantime,  after the book release, and prior to that scandal (and the next one, involving Mike Zachary), several of us here were LOLing at P.C. trying to tell anyone else about being forthcoming.
Tardheel was sarcastic and defensive of his fav ifb dude.
We went back and forth.
Then the scandal broke.
We said 'told ya so', and he has periodically reposted his "has P.C. been indicted yet?", in an attempt to portray those who warned about P.C.'s double standard as conspiracy theory nuts who think that P.C. had that staffer "hit".
No one said that.
No one thought that,  I'm pretty sure.
But TB still hasn't admitted that his homeboy is full of it.

So, PC may have lied (I say "may" because I do not know) about the guys position in his company.  Why is that criminal?
Bruh said:
prophet said:
Bruh said:
Why would Chappell be indicted?
He prolly won't,  and no one here thinks he will.
Tardheel is a starry-eyed Chappell groupie.  So when Chappell wrote a book last year, telling all of us IFB how forthcoming , open, and honest we should be, TB was all up in his fan club.
Problem was, within weeks of the release of the book, one of his former staffers comitted murder/suicide or something.  There was an immediate denial in the press, that that staffer had ever been Pastoral Staff.
'Course, the truth is that he had been Pastoral staff for years.
In the meantime,  after the book release, and prior to that scandal (and the next one, involving Mike Zachary), several of us here were LOLing at P.C. trying to tell anyone else about being forthcoming.
Tardheel was sarcastic and defensive of his fav ifb dude.
We went back and forth.
Then the scandal broke.
We said 'told ya so', and he has periodically reposted his "has P.C. been indicted yet?", in an attempt to portray those who warned about P.C.'s double standard as conspiracy theory nuts who think that P.C. had that staffer "hit".
No one said that.
No one thought that,  I'm pretty sure.
But TB still hasn't admitted that his homeboy is full of it.

So, PC may have lied (I say "may" because I do not know) about the guys position in his company.  Why is that criminal?
My second line includes me.
Which is another way of saying, noone here thinks he was criminal.
Tarheel was saying that as a joke.

What we were countering him about, was the finger pointing book he released, telling all the IFB to be more transparent, simultaneous to his own lying to the press.

At one point, 4 days after Binaca Chugger, Amazed by grace, and myself, all said "whatever" to his newly released book, the story broke and his knee-jerk reaction was to lie to play down the role of the murderer, so as to distance the church ministry from perceived involvement.

Part of the story was that this staffer had been a whistleblower who was ignored, or mistreated, so he fell out of church eventually, and ended up on drugs.

Either way, PC has been covergirl for a long time, and it seemed like God stepped in and showed what we were trying to expose anout him to be true, while we were in the middle of talking about it.
prophet said:
Bruh said:
prophet said:
Bruh said:
Why would Chappell be indicted?
He prolly won't,  and no one here thinks he will.
Tardheel is a starry-eyed Chappell groupie.  So when Chappell wrote a book last year, telling all of us IFB how forthcoming , open, and honest we should be, TB was all up in his fan club.
Problem was, within weeks of the release of the book, one of his former staffers comitted murder/suicide or something.  There was an immediate denial in the press, that that staffer had ever been Pastoral Staff.
'Course, the truth is that he had been Pastoral staff for years.
In the meantime,  after the book release, and prior to that scandal (and the next one, involving Mike Zachary), several of us here were LOLing at P.C. trying to tell anyone else about being forthcoming.
Tardheel was sarcastic and defensive of his fav ifb dude.
We went back and forth.
Then the scandal broke.
We said 'told ya so', and he has periodically reposted his "has P.C. been indicted yet?", in an attempt to portray those who warned about P.C.'s double standard as conspiracy theory nuts who think that P.C. had that staffer "hit".
No one said that.
No one thought that,  I'm pretty sure.
But TB still hasn't admitted that his homeboy is full of it.

So, PC may have lied (I say "may" because I do not know) about the guys position in his company.  Why is that criminal?
My second line includes me.
Which is another way of saying, noone here thinks he was criminal.
Tarheel was saying that as a joke.

What we were countering him about, was the finger pointing book he released, telling all the IFB to be more transparent, simultaneous to his own lying to the press.

At one point, 4 days after Binaca Chugger, Amazed by grace, and myself, all said "whatever" to his newly released book, the story broke and his knee-jerk reaction was to lie to play down the role of the murderer, so as to distance the church ministry from perceived involvement.

Part of the story was that this staffer had been a whistleblower who was ignored, or mistreated, so he fell out of church eventually, and ended up on drugs.

Either way, PC has been covergirl for a long time, and it seemed like God stepped in and showed what we were trying to expose anout him to be true, while we were in the middle of talking about it.


So, Tardheel is a cool-aid drinker, J/K  ;D
Bruh said:
prophet said:
Bruh said:
prophet said:
Bruh said:
Why would Chappell be indicted?
He prolly won't,  and no one here thinks he will.
Tardheel is a starry-eyed Chappell groupie.  So when Chappell wrote a book last year, telling all of us IFB how forthcoming , open, and honest we should be, TB was all up in his fan club.
Problem was, within weeks of the release of the book, one of his former staffers comitted murder/suicide or something.  There was an immediate denial in the press, that that staffer had ever been Pastoral Staff.
'Course, the truth is that he had been Pastoral staff for years.
In the meantime,  after the book release, and prior to that scandal (and the next one, involving Mike Zachary), several of us here were LOLing at P.C. trying to tell anyone else about being forthcoming.
Tardheel was sarcastic and defensive of his fav ifb dude.
We went back and forth.
Then the scandal broke.
We said 'told ya so', and he has periodically reposted his "has P.C. been indicted yet?", in an attempt to portray those who warned about P.C.'s double standard as conspiracy theory nuts who think that P.C. had that staffer "hit".
No one said that.
No one thought that,  I'm pretty sure.
But TB still hasn't admitted that his homeboy is full of it.

So, PC may have lied (I say "may" because I do not know) about the guys position in his company.  Why is that criminal?
My second line includes me.
Which is another way of saying, noone here thinks he was criminal.
Tarheel was saying that as a joke.

What we were countering him about, was the finger pointing book he released, telling all the IFB to be more transparent, simultaneous to his own lying to the press.

At one point, 4 days after Binaca Chugger, Amazed by grace, and myself, all said "whatever" to his newly released book, the story broke and his knee-jerk reaction was to lie to play down the role of the murderer, so as to distance the church ministry from perceived involvement.

Part of the story was that this staffer had been a whistleblower who was ignored, or mistreated, so he fell out of church eventually, and ended up on drugs.

Either way, PC has been covergirl for a long time, and it seemed like God stepped in and showed what we were trying to expose anout him to be true, while we were in the middle of talking about it.


So, Tardheel is a cool-aid drinker, J/K  ;D
I enjoy the back n forth with him on it.
I understand stufffundieslike is considering filing civil charges against him...
Tarheel Baptist said:
I understand stufffundieslike is considering filing civil charges against him...

Not sure if I believe this.  Especially the first two words.  ;D