He is......the most interesting Hacker in the world!

If you were to hit his bus head on because he was speeding and ran a stop light, you would be at fault.
His wife had her toes surgically webbed to avoid the appearance of toe cleavage.
rsc2a said:
His wife had her toes surgically webbed to avoid the appearance of toe cleavage.

Wow!  I am impressed.  I believe this is twice you have showed a touch of a sense of humor.  I bet you smiled when you thought of this post.  Did your face bleed.  :)
He is the marketing manager for Wal-Mart:

As a boy he walked to HB every day.......... and it was downhill both ways.
Willie Mays owns his rookie card.
"I don't always sign Bibles, but when I do it's the KJV."
His bus route became so large that it was given its own zip code.
If he were to stop calling on a bus kid they would still ride his bus.
Jesus asked him the sign His bible.
His values adjust themselves.
His top bus promotion consists of "Tomorrow you can ride my bus".
Teri in NC said:
He texts someone from the FFF when they are not online to share a good post.
I think that means You Might Be A Forum Addict, and, yes, there is such a thread.