How did the Body of Christ come to be comprised of 25-40% unbelievers?

you have a reading comprehension problem

Perhaps. Do you believe the church is suppose to be made up of 100% believers?
Patebald said:
you have a reading comprehension problem

Perhaps. Do you believe the church is suppose to be made up of 100% believers?

If you are not a believer you are not part of "the church".  There are many church rolls that need to be cleaned up.   
Patebald said:
you have a reading comprehension problem

Perhaps. Do you believe the church is suppose to be made up of 100% believers?

That is the definition of the church.  However, I posed the question only as a way to discover why persistent unbelievers attend church services.  If you knew how to get them to leave, that might lead to understanding why they come. 
Castor Muscular said:
Patebald said:
you have a reading comprehension problem

Perhaps. Do you believe the church is suppose to be made up of 100% believers?

That is the definition of the church.  However, I posed the question only as a way to discover why persistent unbelievers attend church services.  If you knew how to get them to leave, that might lead to understanding why they come.

I believe if the pastor would preach a strong gospel, that may take care of the problem.
That is the definition of the church.

Well, yes, I suppose, if your referring to the ecclesia as in the called out body. However, in the context of your questions it seems to me that you are referring to the weekly gatherings. To which of the 2 are you referring?
Patebald said:
That is the definition of the church.

Well, yes, I suppose, if your referring to the ecclesia as in the called out body. However, in the context of your questions it seems to me that you are referring to the weekly gatherings. To which of the 2 are you referring?

I refer to both.  I try to differentiate between them various ways so as not to be confusing, but I'm sure I've missed a spot here or there.  I haven't adopted a consistent style, but I generally say "church" or "church service" when referring to a building.  I try to say "Body of Christ" when referring to the called out -- with the obvious exception of the title of this thread.  As I said at the beginning of this thread,

The subject line is meant to ask:  How did the church, which was originally the Body of Christ, turn into the "church", which is now comprised of 25-40% unbelievers? 

You know, Christ said he would separate the goats from the sheep, so I'm not certain what you are trying to accomplish. I guess I'm confused as to your real question here.
Excelsior said:
You know, Christ said he would separate the goats from the sheep, so I'm not certain what you are trying to accomplish. I guess I'm confused as to your real question here.

Obviously, I'm being too obtuse for you.

I refer to both.

Well... you shouldn't... at least not in the same context. They are two different things. If you're referring to the ecclesia then your question is invalid because there is no such thing as an unbeliever being a part of that group.... it's 100% believers, regardless. If you're referring to the weekly gatherings then your questions is flawed because no where in scripture does the Bible tell us that those gatherings are suppose to be made of 100% believers.

Perhaps you should take this one back to the drawing board.

Patebald said:
I refer to both.

Well... you shouldn't... at least not in the same context. They are two different things. If you're referring to the ecclesia then your question is invalid because there is no such thing as an unbeliever being a part of that group.... it's 100% believers, regardless. If you're referring to the weekly gatherings then your questions is flawed because no where in scripture does the Bible tell us that those gatherings are suppose to be made of 100% believers.

Perhaps you should take this one back to the drawing board.

I think not.  I think this is pretty clear:

The subject line is meant to ask:  How did the church, which was originally the Body of Christ, turn into the "church", which is now comprised of 25-40% unbelievers?
Frankly, I couldn't care less about how many are unsaved in any service.  I'm just glad they chose to come.  Years ago, we had a certain family in our church.  Mother and children were saved.  Dad was not.  He was quite honest about it.  But he always came with his family.  They were faithful attenders.  The church as a whole prayed for him. 

You cannot imagine the celebration we had when he came to accept Christ!  What made the difference for him?  I have no idea, but on that one certain day, it all fell into place.  And God got the increase. 