If Batman were a HACker

baptisthac said:
Smellin Coffee said:

Hmmm. I wonder which bathroom I will use at Target!

When a rash of car break-ins happened in the college parking lot, Batman came up with the best solution.
Smellin Coffee said:

"Batman, he was driving a 1976 Gremlin with a 'Pray for Power' bumper sticker."
Smellin Coffee said:

'Robin, we must try to be inconspicuous.  When the teacher walks in the door just start clapping" 

"Robin. Put this on and it will give you a haircut so you won't have to pay the guy over at Captain's Quarters."

Proof of the legendary existence of the HAC Lake Monster.

"The Pastor's Study prayer line should open up any minute now."

"And this is how you can keep awake on the Night Bus!"

"Let's see...ten percent of the value of a Snickers Bar, a pen given to me to sign a Bible, a toaster for opening an account at Hoosier State Bank..."

"With these bat-specs, I'm able to watch Sheffey in 3-D!"

The California Boys argue as to who will next play The Ush in ping pong.

Non-calendar celebrated events:

Preacher's birthday
Start of Christmas vacation
Anniversary of the day Batman moved to Hammond

"What do you mean they dropped the 'Liberty' and turned it into 'The Square'?"

For Homiletics, Bruce preached 'in the bars' even though it wasn't exactly the bar that was expected.
Genius! Smellin'... Even us nonHACkers laugh, even while I am sure we don't get the full context.

In an effort to save money on rodent extermination, our Heroes play the flute in an effort to lead the blind(ly loyal) mice out of the tunnels and back into the fields.

Every year, the Dynamic Duo gathers the most flowers from the Thanksgiving Service and delivers them to the shut-ins and the hospitalized.

"Batman, do you think we can make a pocket in my uniform to hold my 3x5 cards?"

"Robin, that is quite 'an idea'. Maybe you could put tracts in it as well."