Kitschy Sayings

I was just reminded of a funny ALAYBOY story relating to "Jesus gets us". When ALAYBOY got his very first "date" (or whatever they're called these days, lol) me and ALAYWIFE grilled him 😁 after about a week of "dating" (she's a teacher in the same school that ALAYBOY has always went to, and knew the girl he "liked") and asked him why he thought she was dateworthy. After a long pause he just said "she just gets me dad", to which I roared a hearty belly-laugh (like an 8th grader "gets" ANYTHING!). Within a week the love affair was off, so I asked him why would he abandon a relationship so soon when the other person "gets you", and he quietly said "she talks way too much" 🤣 (which ALAYWIFE had already told me about the future MRS ALAYBOYWIFE). ☺️
More on the kitschy "He Gets Us" ad campaign - sounds like a big waste of money to me:

"Michael Cooper, an author and missiologist, agrees. While Cooper is a fan of the ads, saying they powerfully communicate the human side of Jesus, they leave out his divinity. 'I began to wonder, is this the Jesus I know?' he said. . . . Seth Andrews, a podcaster, author and secular activist based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, said the campaign seems to be marketing a version of Jesus that’s more in touch with modern American culture than earlier, more dogmatic versions. 'They are latching on to this touchy-feely, conveniently vague, designer Jesus,' he said."

I'm not going to declare what God can and cannot use to draw sinners unto Himself. I can see a sinner who is led by the Spirit finding salvation through this ad campaign but I think more will find a "deigner" Jesus that will give them just enough religion to feel comfortable yet not do anything about their sin.
I'm not going to declare what God can and cannot use to draw sinners unto Himself. I can see a sinner who is led by the Spirit finding salvation through this ad campaign but I think more will find a "deigner" Jesus that will give them just enough religion to feel comfortable yet not do anything about their sin.

Like you said about their observable theological platform (via their website, lacking much about the gospel) that makes me a little leery of a social gospel perspective, but I figure (in a long-suffering way, until I know more about them and their motives) that they probably are trying to appear contextually relevant to the unchurched in a similar way to the 80s style Willow Creek Seeker Sensitive model.
Like you said about their observable theological platform (via their website, lacking much about the gospel) that makes me a little leery of a social gospel perspective, but I figure (in a long-suffering way, until I know more about them and their motives) that they probably are trying to appear contextually relevant to the unchurched in a similar way to the 80s style Willow Creek Seeker Sensitive model.
This takes the "Seeker Sensitive" model another step further down the slope it was erected on.
This takes the "Seeker Sensitive" model another step further down the slope it was erected on

I'm no expert on that model, but as memory serves correctly, they wanted to adapt "the world's" music and style in their worship experience (took community polls soliciting input for that purpose) for relevancy and this modern "Jesus gets me" approach is to portray that earthy dumbed down side of Christianity. Where do you perceive it to be "next level" philosophically?
Clearly you never changed a rambunctious baby's diaper. LOL
Wrong. Being a former foster parent, I've changed many, as well as the diapers of many of my nephews and nieces, as well as some of my brothers and sisters......Try again! LOL
I'm no expert on that model, but as memory serves correctly, they wanted to adapt "the world's" music and style in their worship experience (took community polls soliciting input for that purpose) for relevancy and this modern "Jesus gets me" approach is to portray that earthy dumbed down side of Christianity. Where do you perceive it to be "next level" philosophically?
Always towards apostasy. Not all at once. At first, it was, as you said, a move toward "relevance". Now, step two, watering down the message. A logical progression downward. I shudder to think what successive steps will be.
"You're gonna split hell wide open and FRY LIKE A SAUSAGE!"
"Too blessed to be stressed." Whoever said that obviously never ran a non-profit...
By conscientious convictional choice, conviction, or other reason?
It started with "other reason", basically being my Baptist church shunned me after my first
wife divorced me.
Over time, the Methodist theology began to grow on me. In the classic Facebook
euphemism, "it's complicated." With the current UMC shenanigans, I was ready this past Sunday to say
"I'm outta here" even though our particular church isn't crazy-cakes. I can't remember what
it was the pastor said in his sermon, but it seemed like God was impressing on me that I needed
to stay on and contend for the faith.
TL; DR: Started as "other reason", ended as "conviction".