Letter From Jack

Josh R said:
So he's still a sociopath?

The D.O.C. 'll fix that, they fix everyone who ever enters there domain...

Still There said:
Techmedic said:
Sherry.... I believe he did hand write it.... He just sent it to someone (That publisher he is working for I assume) they typed it up and sent it.

I have an uncle that I write all the time in prison and all of his letters (envelops) have a stamp on them for the return address, not a nice little label, also the fact it was sent from San Antonio Tx and not from where he currently is.

Sherry, you're right.  He had to give a list of names and addresses he could write to.  He cannot do "chain" letters, so I have a hard time believing the story.  He can only send letters to his family, and I'm sure Cindy didn't do it, doubt Jacklynn & Todd wouldn't have done it, his parents - no way and maybe Kenny, but I truly doubt it.  Where's the post mark from?  That will tell you where it's from?  Or did your printer eat that too?  Oh, and Schaap can't use anything technical.

San Antonio Tx was the post mark.
I think the only people inmates can't write are their victims... Now emailing you have to be on approved list to do that they can snail mail anyone they want (at least in state prison, my uncle writes a friend of mine from Canada and she isn't on his visitors list).
Techmedic said:
Still There said:
Techmedic said:
Sherry.... I believe he did hand write it.... He just sent it to someone (That publisher he is working for I assume) they typed it up and sent it.

I have an uncle that I write all the time in prison and all of his letters (envelops) have a stamp on them for the return address, not a nice little label, also the fact it was sent from San Antonio Tx and not from where he currently is.

Sherry, you're right.  He had to give a list of names and addresses he could write to.  He cannot do "chain" letters, so I have a hard time believing the story.  He can only send letters to his family, and I'm sure Cindy didn't do it, doubt Jacklynn & Todd wouldn't have done it, his parents - no way and maybe Kenny, but I truly doubt it.  Where's the post mark from?  That will tell you where it's from?  Or did your printer eat that too?  Oh, and Schaap can't use anything technical.

San Antonio Tx was the post mark.
I think the only people inmates can't write are their victims... Now emailing you have to be on approved list to do that they can snail mail anyone they want (at least in state prison, my uncle writes a friend of mine from Canada and she isn't on his visitors list).

Evidently you sent a letter to Schaap.  What did you say in your letter?
What a scum bag - having his parents foot his legal bill.  If I remember reading in the newspaper, he was his own attorney.  Pretty different tale than what he's telling in that letter.  And, whoever he had write and send that letter to his followers was also a scum bag.  I wonder if the warden knows he's sending this letter to his followers.  What a pig! 
Still There said:
What a scum bag - having his parents foot his legal bill.  If I remember reading in the newspaper, he was his own attorney.  Pretty different tale than what he's telling in that letter.  And, whoever he had write and send that letter to his followers was also a scum bag.  I wonder if the warden knows he's sending this letter to his followers.  What a pig!

Quit beating around the bush and just tell us how you feel. ;D
Still There said:
What a scum bag - having his parents foot his legal bill.  If I remember reading in the newspaper, he was his own attorney.  Pretty different tale than what he's telling in that letter.  And, whoever he had write and send that letter to his followers was also a scum bag.  I wonder if the warden knows he's sending this letter to his followers.  What a pig!

You need to include his followers in you scum bag rant.
Okay, anyone who is donating any money to his cause is a scum bag!  There I said it!  I could rant and rant and rant, but I won't.  Don't you get me started.
Still There said:
What a scum bag - having his parents foot his legal bill.  If I remember reading in the newspaper, he was his own attorney.  Pretty different tale than what he's telling in that letter.  And, whoever he had write and send that letter to his followers was also a scum bag.  I wonder if the warden knows he's sending this letter to his followers.  What a pig!

I agree with Still There. JS is a self-centered, sociopathic scum-bag. How's that for alliteration.
I like his braggadocio on his kids...same as ever. Jaclynn mastered every instrument over the summer by taking a few lessons and is now qualified to teach all band instruments! Either the instruments are pretty easy to play or...jack of all trades master of none? That qualifies her to teach at the Christian School, now, doesn't it? (BTW, Wonder how SHE got hired at that school, eh?)

One can't help but notice how the word "pride" is used, as well. I am 'proud' of my parents for how they have stood by me...was that a quote? (don't feel like wading back through the letter)...that is an odd statement, to me.

oh, well.
Well today's Jack Schaap's birthday and here is my gift...my comments on some of the things JS wrote in his questionable letter. This one's for you JS...

The cooler evenings are especially nice for sleeping without air-conditioning. There is regular talk of our getting our unit air conditioned, but…well, this is the BOP...or as the inmates refer it, ‘Broken on Purpose.’ Life without a/c…how terrible…such a spoiled brat. You should be in a stinking hole. And the BOP screened this letter and allowed JS to make disparaging comments about them?

I accept the sentence as what the LORD want for me at this time. You’re blaming your prison sentence on the Lord now?

The little ones ask tough questions and don’t understand why grandpa can’t come over and play with them anymore. Life is fraught with many ‘unexplainable’. Grandpa can’t come over and play because he’s a pervert.

It is awkward to come to terms with the relative unimportance one feels while incarcerated. The real JS just came out…no cheering, fawning, drooling sycophants anymore…poor baby, you’re such a narcissist.

Our value appears to rise or fall mostly as we perceive how we are viewed by those on the outside. You got that right…and your stock has gone way down.

My thoughts at this time are to focus on finding the contentment that the Apostle Paul spoke of. Hey pal, you’re not a political prisoner like Nelson Mandela, and you’re not a religious prisoner like Paul or John Bunyan. You’re a convicted sex offender who has ruined a young woman and her family’s life.

We hired a trainer, a fellow inmate – to help us in weight-lifting. Hired a trainer? What is this Club Med…or Club Fed? Let me suggest a work-out regimen…what about breaking rocks or working on a chain gang.
I wonder if his prostatitis has cleared up (because he didn't mention it in the letter).
Norefund said:
I wonder if his prostatitis has cleared up (because he didn't mention it in the letter).
The prosecutor cured him, when he just flat out said "you are only suffering from lust and hubris".
Has anyone found the Jackie-boy "mantle" that he passed to JS?

I noticed that JS failed to mention taking it to prison in his letter.
Techmedic said:
So I was completely shocked I got a letter from him yesterday.... I almost threw it away without reading it... But then curiosity got me. If you guys want I'll type up a transcript of it. To me it looks like a mass mailing, as it was sent from San Antonio Texas, no signature, and nicely printed from a printer, along with labels for both sending and receiving parties.

The scans are no longer available... can you repost them?
Holy resurrection of old threads.
I had to do some digging but I found them. I have to find where I can upload them and have them host for free. 
Techmedic said:
Holy resurrection of old threads.
I had to do some digging but I found them. I have to find where I can upload them and have them host for free.
prophet said:
Josh R said:
So he's still a sociopath?

The D.O.C. 'll fix that, they fix everyone who ever enters there domain...

Hey...don't go there. Be careful about calling him a sociopath, you're talking about someone's wife. 8)