live stream of ukraine cities under attack by russia....


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2013
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island of oahu - somewhere in the jungle
real time tracking of russian movements toward ukraine..... below is a situation room
type set of live video feeds of various important places in the ukraine... of course
they will probably be jammed.. blocked .. or scrambled if the russians actually do

begin their invasion.... .but for now........ (in case anyone is interested.)...
when... and if... russia begins an attack the first thing that will happen is
power failures in the areas shown live.... and that;s why they watch...

ok.... different channel now.... the original got booted off youtube and it;s owner aparently banned
not sure why.... the chatter on his channel as well as his own narrative was becoming way too
political and one sided for a guy who had streamers in ukraine trying to remain safe and neutral
in what could easily become a deadly situation for them..... . so..... this new set of videos has no

commentary from an owner..... appears a lot less volatile........

the gray square in the bottom right corner is tracking information on forte'11 which is a usaf global hawk
drone flying over ukrainian air space and monitoring the situation..... at 01:00 am ukraine time nato
launched a second global hawk drone which has joined forte11.. flown by usaf ... the map itself comes
from flightradar24com... which is public and free to access.... covers all flights worldwide.....

by the way.... just so you know.... the music he keeps playing on the live feed is the ukrainian national anthem.... it;s not russian... ...
he says he plays it so ukrainians watching it won;t think he supports russias invasion.... but otherwise it is a non-political video feed...
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real time tracking of russian movements toward ukraine..... below is a situation room
type set of live video feeds of various important places in the ukraine... of course
they will probably be jammed.. blocked .. or scrambled if the russians actually do

begin their invasion.... .but for now........ (in case anyone is interested.)...
when... and if... russia begins an attack the first thing that will happen is
power failures in the areas shown live.... and that;s why they watch...


the gray square in the bottom right corner is tracking information on forte'11 which is a usaf global hawk
drone flying over ukrainian air space and monitoring the situation..... at 01:00 am ukraine time nato
launched a second global hawk drone which has joined forte11.. flown by usaf ...
Unbelievable link. Thank you, aleshanee
if you go to and scroll over to the area of ukraine... you can zoom in and find forte11 .. or ... forte12... they will be all by itself with nobody else in the air..... and if you click on it then leave the cursor over it a red line will appear showing it;s flight path in the past hour or so.... ....the russians know it;s there watching them... don;t know what they will do about it if they go into ukraine.... hopefully they won;t pull an iran and shoot it down....

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don;t know if this means anything..... but at the moment a flight of u.s. v-22 ospreys just flew in from a poland base and landed in poland just outisde the ukraine border..... and a pair of u.s. c-130 hercules aircraft are circling that area.... .. plus forte11.. (the u.s. global hawk drone).. turned off it;s civilian transponder.... .. gauranteed russia can still see it...and satellites can see it...... but the rest of us in the lower class civilian masses can;t....:confused: ... i;ve been watching it on .... the c-130s are marked as raggy81 and 125759 in case anyone is interested..... ... the ospreys haven;t come back up on radar yet.... don;t know what;s happening... but some of our guys are very busy out there.....

edit..... there is also a u.s. c17 a globemaster 3 headed for that area...... marked rch877.... ..... intersting at the least.....

(and .... last edit on 02/22/2022..... i was told last night the activities i was watching above were probably a pick up and evacuation of americans, and other foreigners, at risk of being stranded in ukraine, but who had crossed the border from ukraine into poland ..... the v-22 osprey landed marines to provide security.... the ac-130s circled to provide cover... and the c-17 globemaster picked them up and evacuated them from the area... was pretty awesome to see it all happen in real time.... )..
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so....been watching this all day.... and about 3 hours prior to this post... russian military vehicles were seen in ukraine in luhansk. .and donetsk... cameras and live feeds from both areas went dark.... and reports came in from the ground of artillery shelling and fighting in both areas.... true to form, biden and main stream news sources were still talking about an impending attack and meanwhile it was already underway..... as of this moment the only u.s. aircraft in the area with a transponder turned on is a U.S. RC-135 marked as homer21....;s flying over the black sea probably monitoring russian naval ships...... .... all other flights have gone dark......

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here is another website free for public use ... similar to the live flight tracker above.... only this one is a live tracker of ships and other maritime traffic..... just like the flight tracker it can only show ships with active transponders that are pinging.... . so you will only see military ships if they have that transponder turned on.... . but you can still tell where the military ships are sometimes,.. because you will see the commercial and civilian traffic avoiding those areas or moving out of their way to get around them.... other words..... it;s a matter of figuring out where the bad guys are by seeing where the good guys are not..... ..

the black sea area off shore of ukraine has some pretty significant holes in it right now that are usually filled with commercial traffic.... and when the U.S.Global Hawks and RC-135s have their transponders on you can see on the flight tracker that;s usually where they are flying around doing surveillance.... i would love to see what they are looking at... but unfortunately... i;m not on that need to know list..:confused:.. (in fact i;m not on any need to know list...just my own non-essential wants to know list .:cautious:)

btw... we use this website a lot to figure out where the fishing boats we buy fish from are located at any given moment... and also to see when they are headed back to port.... .. that;s how we are always able to be waiting for them at the dock to get first pick of the fish in their hold... ...i can also see where they were fishing and have a general idea of what to expect them to have.....
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while biden sleeps tonight..... putin makes attacks on ukraines defenses....

would this have happened if trump were still president?..... probably not....
president trump said it would be a good thing to get along with russia.... the
demonrats slammed him for it.... now putin shows us why trump was right...

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for well over a year now we have been told ukrainans would fight the russians
with everything they had if putin invaded ukraine.... and all this past month
there have been tons of videos online showing ukrainian civilians being taught
combat tactics and preparing them for war... there were even american veterans
and mercenaries shown in those videos training them.... i did not post any of those
videos here... ....but you can find many of the at the youtube channel linked below

the ukraine military and trained militias are indeed fighting with all they have....
but at the moment the only thing the vast majority of ukranian civilians are fighting
is traffic... as they scramble to get out of town...



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an unverified report said ukraine government ordered that all persons between the age of 18 and 60
be prevented from exiting the country... so.... if it;s true.. then somebody wants to force them
into the fight even if they don;t want to be there themselves... 🤨

it;s not the massive civilian uprising against russian invaders many predicted....... but the
ukraine military is standing strong..... and putting up a stronger fight than putin predicted...

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and today the area where no aircraft are flying is bigger than just ukraine..... it includes belarus.. crimea
moldovia... half of poland and most of western russia.... . our global hawk surveliiance drone forte12
is still there.. .. but it;s all by itself over the black sea now.... staying over international water but watching
ukraine from a distance...... and at an elevaton of 54,000 feet.... .. the link s below.... if you can get on
check it out.... empty hole like that in a nations airspace has not happened since 9/12/2001...

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sorry... i keep having to reload the live stream for some reason.... . but it;s back up again now.....
i;m not sure how many here are keeping up with it... . we are watching it pretty close as well as
watching many other live feeds from ukraine not on that situation room set......

but here;s a video i found fascinating... .. unless you are a food enthusiast like me then you might
not... .. but have you ever wondered what those ukrainian soldiers now fighting invaders of their
own country are eating while they were out there?..... i actually think about those kinds of things
a lot... ...this is a long video but complete.... this guy does evaluations on all kind of mre packs
and military issued survival kits..... if you watch it or even if you just scroll through a lot of it
you can see armed forces have come a long way from c-rations of canned spam and crackers....

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early saturday morning a missle that most likely went off track hit a residential
building in kyiv.... miraculously no one was killed...

but after all men between 18 and 60 were ordered to stay, and still others were
blocked at
the border and prevented from leaving the country.. most ukrainians
have now d
ecided to take up arms and fight... and most with no training at all..

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What is Putin's end game? Some "experts" were asked and this is how they view it...

What is Putin's end game? Some "experts" were asked and this is how they view it...


i;m glad you put "experts" in quotation marks....;).... because i don;t consider any of those former members of the bush and obama administrations to be "experts" in anything other than how to gradute college with a political science degree... . which is only slightly better than a liberal arts degree... which is just a hair above basket weaving 101.... ..those are the same idiots who helped get the united states into the mess it;s in now where russia and the rest of the world is concerned....

but at least politico did actually name it;s panel of "experts".... which doesn;t necessarily make them more honest than opinionated publications who don;t.... but it might actually make them less intelligent than those other rags, by reason of being too stupid to hide the names of people the rest of the world will recongize as idiots, rather than just leaving them as mysterious and anonymous "experts"......

nobody really knows what putin wants in the end... or how far he intends to go after ukraine is under his control... ... but it;s possible he simply wants the same thing the russian people want... which is to feel a sense of dignity restored after 20 years of humiliation by leaders of the "free world" ... who saw a russian population breaking away from communism and eager to join the west... but rather than help them learn how to do it only wanted to rub the failures of the former soviet union in their faces.... .... a soviet union the russian people had willingly rejected by the way... . .... ..

so when putin came into power and offered them a pathway back to respect.. it didn;t bother them as much, that it took them back through some of that soviet past, as it should have... and probably would not have, if the west had made them partners of democracy after the fall of the u.s.s.r. rather than the laughing stocks of it.... ..but i guess now we will never know....
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war brings nothing but death and destruction.... and last night it destroyed what had
been the largest aircraft still flying... and which had also been the last of it;s kind...
ukraines mighty antonov 225 mriya was destroyed in it;s hanger during a russian
attack on the airfield where it was stored......

now the u.s. C5-M galaxy is the largest aircraft flying.... and in fact a C5-M just

took off from hickham afb last night and headed west....

i;m glad you put "experts" in quotation marks....;).... because i don;t consider any of those former members of the bush and obama administrations to be "experts" in anything other than how to gradute college with a political science degree... . which is only slightly better than a liberal arts degree... which is just a hair above basket weaving 101.... ..those are the same idiots who helped get the united states into the mess it;s in now where russia and the rest of the world is concerned....

but at least politico did actually name it;s panel of "experts".... which doesn;t necessarily make them more honest than opinionated publications who don;t.... but it might actually make them less intelligent than those other rags, by reason of being too stupid to hide the names of people the rest of the world will recongize as idiots, rather than just leaving them as mysterious and anonymous "experts"......

nobody really knows what putin wants in the end... or how far he intends to go after ukraine is under his control... ... but it;s possible he simply wants the same thing the russian people want... which is to feel a sense of dignity restored after 20 years of humiliation by leaders of the "free world" ... who saw a russian population breaking away from communism and eager to join the west... but rather than help them learn how to do it only wanted to rub the failures of the former soviet union in their faces.... .... a soviet union the russian people had willingly rejected by the way... . .... ..

so when putin came into power and offered them a pathway back to respect.. it didn;t bother them as much, that it took them back through some of that soviet past, as it should have... and probably would have, if the west had made them partners of democracy after the fall of the u.s.s.r. rather than the laughing stocks of it.... ..but i guess now we will never know....
It seems something like a 50/50 split when it comes to those Nations that were of the former Soviet Union. If the coverage of the current situation is any indication of any sort of semblance of truth then it appears that the Ukrainians don't want that former glory of Putin's version restored to them and obviously want to remain independent. Of course there are those in the eastern part of the country who have already cast their lot with Putin and if he had just laid claim to that area I think that he would not have as much pushback as he's currently experiencing from world Nations and councils. Let's hope his recent barking of nuclear escalation is merely a tactic to gain leverage at the table with the ukrainians. I fear that his goal is far more wide-reaching than that though, especially in light of his cozy friendship with China.
It seems something like a 50/50 split when it comes to those Nations that were of the former Soviet Union. If the coverage of the current situation is any indication of any sort of semblance of truth then it appears that the Ukrainians don't want that former glory of Putin's version restored to them and obviously want to remain independent. Of course there are those in the eastern part of the country who have already cast their lot with Putin and if he had just laid claim to that area I think that he would not have as much pushback as he's currently experiencing from world Nations and councils. Let's hope his recent barking of nuclear escalation is merely a tactic to gain leverage at the table with the ukrainians. I fear that his goal is far more wide-reaching than that though, especially in light of his cozy friendship with China.
but that;s the big question isn;t it?..... is the media coverage of the situation in ukraine any semblance of truth?..... CNNs coverage of ukraine suddenly truthful when it hasn;t been anything but political propaganda everywhere else in the world?..... and especially right here in our own country?....... ....

it;s hard to say how many people were pro russian rule vrs pro ukraines government prior to this past week... ... but one thing was obvious.... american advisors were trying to get the ukrainan president zelensky to flee the country... ...and according to some who have lived and worked there.. many people in ukraine didn;t trust zelensky because in the past they saw him as an obama/biden puppet.... and unfortunately their view of americans has been tainted by their first hand witness of how obama basically overthrew their former elected president and then installed his own...which led to the current one.... who then played right into bidens corruption and criminal dealings. ... .... and so when they thought their new "leader" was running from the russians they were ready to run too...

but then this past week something happened... .. the ukrainian president..zelensky... refused american advice and chose to stay..... even told people he would be there to fight beside them.... and that has made all the difference in the past few days.... it;s why we see civilians actually taking up arms against the russian army like some tried to suggest they would do even without their president standing with them in months past....... so now whether he actually stands and fights or hides in a bunker while they do all the fighting it doesn;t matter at this point... . he has already been seen and documented right there on the streets of kiyv with the army, appearing as if he is ready to fight beside them.... and to the civlians of ukraine that appears to be enough... ..... they are starting to see him as their own president standing for them instead of bowing to americans and nato... or as an obama/biden puppet running to safety from the russians... and that;s what they wanted to see in a president all along..... someone that would actually stand for ukraine and not serve some other countries interest..... and be truly independent ... not simply wearing the label of independence while bending to all the other world nations and councils west of the baltic...

that is something putin indicated in the past that he could live with... an independent, non-nato, country on his door step that did not cater to either side.... but as some have said it might have developed too late... and be seen as too little.. ....and with nato posturing itself for war while looking over their shoulder to make sure america is behind them...... and with the UN wondering if they should send in the smurfs.... it can easily make zelenskys stand look like nothing but theater.... the best thing he could do right now would be to come out openly and make a statement rejecting any offer to join nato and declaring himself.... as ukraines president... that ukraine will never be a part of nato on his watch.... and it might be enough to satisfy putin if putin decides he can trust him.... but then it again it might be that once the war dogs have been set loose from the leash it won;t be that easy to get them back... .
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but that;s the big question isn;t it?..... is the media coverage of the situation in ukraine any semblance of truth?..... CNNs coverage of ukraine suddenly truthful when it hasn;t been anything but political propaganda everywhere else in the world?..... and especially right here in our own country?....... ....

it;s hard to say how many people were pro russian rule vrs pro ukraines government prior to this past week... ... but one thing was obvious.... american advisors were trying to get the ukrainan president zelensky to flee the country... ...and according to some who have lived and worked there.. many people in ukraine didn;t trust zelensky because in the past they saw him as an obama/biden puppet.... and unfortunately their view of americans has been tainted by their first hand witness of how obama basically overthrew their former elected president and then installed their own...which led to the current one.... who then played right into bidens corruption and criminal dealings. ... .... and so when they thought their new "leader" was running from the russians they were ready to run too...

but then this past week something happened... .. the ukrainian president..zelensky... refused american advice and chose to stay..... even told people he would be there to fight beside them.... and that has made all the difference in the past few days.... it;s why we see civilians actually taking up arms against the russian army like some tried to suggest they would do even without their president standing with them in months past....... so now whether he actually stands and fights or hides in a bunker while they do all the fighting it doesn;t matter at this point... . he has already been seen and documented right there on the streets of kiyv with the army, appearing as if he is ready to fight beside them.... and to the civlians of ukraine that appears to be enough... ..... they are starting to see him as their own president standing for them instead of bowing to americans and nato... or as an obama/biden puppet running to safety from the russians... and that;s what they wanted to see in a president all along..... someone that would actually stand for ukraine and not serve some other countries interest..... and be truly independent ... not simply wearing the label of independence while bending to all the other world nations and councils west of the baltic...

that is something putin indicated in the past that he could live with... an independent, non-nato, country on his door step that did not cater to either side.... but as some have said it might have developed too late... and be seen as too little.. ....and with nato posturing itself for war while looking over their shoulder to make sure america is behind them...... and with the UN wondering if they should send in the smurfs.... it can easily make zelenskys stand look like nothing but theater.... the best thing he could do right now would be to come out openly and make a statement rejecting any offer to join nato and declaring himself.... as ukraines president... that ukraine will never be a part of nato on his watch.... and it might be enough to satisfy putin if putin decides he can trust him.... but then it again it might be that once the war dogs have been set loose from the leash it won;t be that easy to get them back... .
I know, I know....wrong thread ;)
