Not So Famous Quotes

“You can’t put an adult’s head on a kid’s shoulders”—ALAYMAN’s Grandma

(said often when youngins did something stupid😁)
Everyone has the right to be respected! Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot
“We have to decide if we’re gonna treat each other as allies or adversaries. Are we gonna keep bickering over secondary issues, or are we gonna keep the main thing the main thing?”—Rick Warren (on why he doesn’t believe having women pastors is wrong)
“We have to decide if we’re gonna treat each other as allies or adversaries. Are we gonna keep bickering over secondary issues, or are we gonna keep the main thing the main thing?”—Rick Warren (on why he doesn’t believe having women pastors is wrong)
So glad to have men like that who put the Word of God in its proper secondary place...
So glad to have men like that who put the Word of God in its proper secondary place...
haha, i’m gonna take the devils advocate track in answering😁

Just like we reasonable conservative evangelicals and fundamentalists can take a look at some of the absurd standards of the IFBxers and call them out for things like secondary separation or legalists, I see folks like Warren employing similar rationale. In his mind, he does not see quibbling over complementarian issues as primary or explicitly spelled out in scriptures, but rather secondary to the spread of the gospel. I’m sure that he would argue that the female pastor concept is not equivalent to denying one of the fundamentals of the faith, thereby justifying his left-leaning interpretive framework and practices.
haha, i’m gonna take the devils advocate track in answering😁

Just like we reasonable conservative evangelicals and fundamentalists can take a look at some of the absurd standards of the IFBxers and call them out for things like secondary separation or legalists, I see folks like Warren employing similar rationale. In his mind, he does not see quibbling over complementarian issues as primary or explicitly spelled out in scriptures, but rather secondary to the spread of the gospel. I’m sure that he would argue that the female pastor concept is not equivalent to denying one of the fundamentals of the faith, thereby justifying his left-leaning interpretive framework and practices.
While I wouldn't declare his position to be absolute heresy, I nonetheless find that those who stray on this principle as outlined in the Scriptures also treat other Scriptures with equal carelessness. For example, a church I was looking at joining once practiced the ordination of female pastors. When I questioned the pastor on this, he began reminding me of the cultural differences between Paul's day and ours. He then went on to tell me, by way of example, the principles of Matthew 18 concerning church discipline are no longer applicable to today.

One needs only to look at Amee Semple McPherson or Katherine Kuhlman to see how disregarding one part of Scripture leads to disregarding others.
While I wouldn't declare his position to be absolute heresy, I nonetheless find that those who stray on this principle as outlined in the Scriptures also treat other Scriptures with equal carelessness. For example, a church I was looking at joining once practiced the ordination of female pastors. When I questioned the pastor on this, he began reminding me of the cultural differences between Paul's day and ours. He then went on to tell me, by way of example, the principles of Matthew 18 concerning church discipline are no longer applicable to today.

One needs only to look at Amee Semple McPherson or Katherine Kuhlman to see how disregarding one part of Scripture leads to disregarding others.
Well, that was enough devils advocate play for me😁.

Yes, those who tend to rationalize and relativize Scripture often, intentionally or not, inappropriately invalidate legitimate application of much of biblical Christianity. That excessively pragmatic approach is susceptible to the whims of woke culture, and I think Saddleback is a perfect embodiment of that.
To live above with the saints we love;
Oh, that will be glory!
But to live below with the saints we know;
Brother, that's another story!
“Pull my finger”—Every.Single.Solitary.Man.Alive
Always use more than one sheet of toilet paper....Someone in response to Sheryl Crow's statement on using one sheet of TP! LOL
Ring-ding-did-a-little-la-di-oh, ring-di-diddly-eye-oh—Bryan Bowers
"You're really groovy, Felicity." Austin Powers
"She's a witch! Burn her already!"--Monty Python