Open, close, or closed communion

Izdaari said:
I've never been in a church that attempted synchronization. That would be a novelty to me, and a very odd one at that.

We don't use the shot glasses, but a common cup filled with real wine. We don't drink from it (at least most of us don't - I think it's allowed), but rather dip the bread in it (intinction is the word). It's a substantial chunk, so that isn't hard to do. I'd guess the alcohol in the wine takes care of any sanitation issues.

Wow, that sounds like the ideal solution (no pun intended)! 

My old Greek church had one cup of wine and they distributed a tiny sip from a spoon to everyone.  That obviously has sanitation issues.  Dipping the bread sounds perfect.  I wish I lived close to your church. 
pastorryanhayden said:
Please state your position and biblical argument for it.

I grew up in an open/close communion environment.  The church I pastor is closed communion.  (Always has been, when they hired me I told them i was unsure of my position and we would stay closed until I came to a conviction on it and taught it to the church.)

I really think the bible seems to favor closed or at least strictly close communion.  When I get to a keyboard ill make my case for it.

I was taught closed communion in Bible College.

I believe the Bible position is open, based on 1 Corinthians 11:17-34. The focus of this passage is a rebuke to the church for causing division in the church with regards to their communion practice. Closed and close communion will cause division whereas open does not.

A man examining himself to see if he is in the faith is the only qualification for partaking which would support the open position.