Pastor Wilkerson apologizes.

Were you ever on staff at HAC? Just curious. By the way, spell check is helpful.
I was never on staff at Hac or First Baptist.

I often post on my phone and yes spell check is your friend.

I wish we could spell check within the FFF application
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I am very disappointed in Bro. Wilkerson never helped Joy Evans . Never met with the lady who came to speak with him about her abuse from Let us prey. I deleted all my contacts
It is embarrassing how they treated her. In my opinion, it was not Christian. It was to protect the cult.
It is embarrassing how they treated her. In my opinion, it was not Christian. It was to protect the cult.
I would guess, while under a lawsuit, all staff members were advised by legal counsel not to make any public statements on the matter and not to meet with anyone involved with the litigation. I would assume your lawyer would blow a gasket if you met with the person who is accusing you of racketeering and organized crime.

What would the purpose of meeting with Joy after 50 years has gone by? If what she claims is true, and I assume it is, the police should have been called years ago. Dave Hyles should have been convicted and put in jail in the 1970’s not 2023.

The reason for statutory rape laws is to force victims to come forward when there is still evidence and witnesses, and the defendant has an opportunity to properly defend themselves. Every year innocent people are exonerated and released from prison. This is often due to DNA evidence that later proves they were innocent. After 50 years there is not a lot of evidence of any type. The solution is to get victims to come forward to the police (not their pastor or teacher) in a timely matter. I understand this is exceedingly difficult, but it is essential this happens. We must create an environment that encourages victims to speak out immediately and we must act on it when they do. Having a tough conversation with your children about predators & about protecting themselves from abuse is not optional. This must happen in every household. We must make them understand they can always come to you not matter what happens.
I would guess, while under a lawsuit, all staff members were advised by legal counsel not to make any public statements on the matter and not to meet with anyone involved with the litigation. I would assume your lawyer would blow a gasket if you met with the person who is accusing you of racketeering and organized crime.

What would the purpose of meeting with Joy after 50 years has gone by? If what she claims is true, and I assume it is, the police should have been called years ago. Dave Hyles should have been convicted and put in jail in the 1970’s not 2023.

The reason for statutory rape laws is to force victims to come forward when there is still evidence and witnesses, and the defendant has an opportunity to properly defend themselves. Every year innocent people are exonerated and released from prison. This is often due to DNA evidence that later proves they were innocent. After 50 years there is not a lot of evidence of any type. The solution is to get victims to come forward to the police (not their pastor or teacher) in a timely matter. I understand this is exceedingly difficult, but it is essential this happens. We must create an environment that encourages victims to speak out immediately and we must act on it when they do. Having a tough conversation with your children about predators & about protecting themselves from abuse is not optional. This must happen in every household. We must make them understand they can always come to you not matter what happens.
Statutory Rape Laws do not control the Church of Jesus Christ.

The purpose would be to acknowledge her rightness and DH and others guilt in the sight of Believers.
I would guess, while under a lawsuit, all staff members were advised by legal counsel not to make any public statements on the matter and not to meet with anyone involved with the litigation. I would assume your lawyer would blow a gasket if you met with the person who is accusing you of racketeering and organized crime.

What would the purpose of meeting with Joy after 50 years has gone by? If what she claims is true, and I assume it is, the police should have been called years ago. Dave Hyles should have been convicted and put in jail in the 1970’s not 2023.

The reason for statutory rape laws is to force victims to come forward when there is still evidence and witnesses, and the defendant has an opportunity to properly defend themselves. Every year innocent people are exonerated and released from prison. This is often due to DNA evidence that later proves they were innocent. After 50 years there is not a lot of evidence of any type. The solution is to get victims to come forward to the police (not their pastor or teacher) in a timely matter. I understand this is exceedingly difficult, but it is essential this happens. We must create an environment that encourages victims to speak out immediately and we must act on it when they do. Having a tough conversation with your children about predators & about protecting themselves from abuse is not optional. This must happen in every household. We must make them understand they can always come to you not matter what happens.
sword, I'm on my way to work I'll try and answer you tonight when I get home.
I am very disappointed in Bro. Wilkerson never helped Joy Evans . Never met with the lady who came to speak with him about her abuse from Let us prey. I deleted all my contacts
I was surprised that there was no mention of Joy in "Let Us Prey," or did I miss it?
I was surprised that there was no mention of Joy in "Let Us Prey," or did I miss it?
It looks like the reporters / producers wanted solid cases with convictions so viewers could not dismiss the stories. People usually do not do jail time unless there is clear evidence they committed the crime. No one could say any of these stories were not true.

Though Joy's case is very believable and extremely likely to have happened, they did not have unmistakable evidence or a conviction in her case. The featured cases were also all recent history, not decades (half a century) ago and all the featured stories ended with the defendants in cuffs.
It looks like the reporters / producers wanted solid cases with convictions so viewers could not dismiss the stories. People usually do not do jail time unless there is clear evidence they committed the crime. No one could say any of these stories were not true.

Though Joy's case is very believable and extremely likely to have happened, they did not have unmistakable evidence or a conviction in her case. The featured cases were also all recent history, not decades (half a century) ago and all the featured stories ended with the defendants in cuffs.
Did we watch the same show? Did you not see the older woman who was raped at age 14?
This is what I know.

I was in college when Joy was in high school. After church one Sunday night, I took the bus to the dorms, which was the normal routine.

I ended up sitting in front of Joy. I HEARD HER tell the girl next to her, "He took me to a hotel." She spoke quietly to her friend. I was so sick of rumors, and I didn't want to hear the conversation that was not meant for me to hear.

But if I could go back in time, I would grab Joy and say, "LET'S GO TO THE POLICE - NOW!!"

My hope is that the young girls and women of today's generation would do that very thing!
This is what I know.

I was in college when Joy was in high school. After church one Sunday night, I took the bus to the dorms, which was the normal routine.

I ended up sitting in front of Joy. I HEARD HER tell the girl next to her, "He took me to a hotel." She spoke quietly to her friend. I was so sick of rumors, and I didn't want to hear the conversation that was not meant for me to hear.

But if I could go back in time, I would grab Joy and say, "LET'S GO TO THE POLICE - NOW!!"

My hope is that the young girls and women of today's generation would do that very thing!
That's the thing. These predators take advantage of teen women who have been taught purity and to submit to men and they are so afraid they don't go to the police. Still happens. Emilie Paige Dye is a recent example, with a school teacher/elder at Doug Wilson's Christ Church/Logos school in Idaho.

My heart breaks for Joy.
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