Rafael Cruz makes campaign speech for Ted Cruz at FBCH

Is anyone else wondering if this could be considered an "endorsement" or "contribution" to the Cruz Campaign... since the Trump Campaign was not invited as well?
Isn't Rafael Cruz a charismatic? Is FBCH still a "separatist" church?
Well it is a fact that we have hard-core Dominionist Charismatics give their "testimonies" complete with a "word of knowledge" all with the blessing and prayers of our pastor.
Pastor Marty said:
bgwilkinson said:
I about feel off my chair when a famous twice divorced Charismatic gave a campaign speech, thinly veiled as a personal testimony, at FBCH Sunday night.

See what you think.


A simple internet search will tell you all you need to know about this guy, scary.
There is so much documented info on him it would take you months to review it all.


Donald Trump has an ego. But every candidate for the Presidency has an ego. To look at the problems of a nation of nearly 300 million people and say, "I have the answer" - no matter how humbly they put it - that person has an ego.

Ted Cruz has a Messiah complex. Based on his theological exposure to and upbringing in Dominionism - Cruz honestly believes Christ cannot return UNTIL Christians control all aspects of society like Government and Money. Yes, Trump is arrogant about all "he" built and achieved. But how arrogant do you have to be to believe Jesus needs you in order to come back?

Finally, his dad said told the people of FBCH to check the candidate's record. Ted worked for George HW Bush and helped design his free trade policies that helped tank our economy.
It is so frustrating to watch otherwise smart people fall head over heels for Cruz.

He is a slimy lawyer, a part of the same society as Obama , Bush and Clinton.
He is a freemason.
His Theology is nonsense.
He is socially inept.
He constantly manipulates facts, to evoke an emotional response in people to a fiction that he can later explain wasn't actually stated.
Fe: "Trump=Hillary" on illegal's citizenship

Trump clearly stated, and was attacked by the left, that we should
1 build the wall
2 deport all illegals past said wall
3 make them get in line like every one else.

This is a far cry from amnesty, as those who would screen their applications for citizenship would be under no obligation to admit them.
Especially during a Trump admin, where likely the heads of these agencies would be Trump appointees and strongly nationalistic.

This is the kind of disgusting guile that Cruz is full of.

He was the chair if the Fed trade commission, under Bush, git his wife a fat payoff job at Goldman Sachs, and is rolling in low interest loans and bailout benefits, like the porkiest pig in the pen.

How do so many believers fall for this??

No wonder we are infamous in the  American church, for our charlatans.

earnestly contend

At this point we could say he is a "false prophet".
False prophet?  Perhaps. More likely just another lying "man of God ".
So John Wilkerson was not aware of these "facts" about Rafael Cruz? Doesn't the doctrine of separation includes who preaches at the pulpit? Rafael Cruz gave a testimony/sermonette.
Jrock said:
Doesn't the doctrine of separation includes who preaches at the pulpit?

Obviously not.

The "doctrine" of teaching the Bible at HAC doesn't apply either.