Stuff Fundies Like is right on this one (and I hate to admit it)

Recovering IFB said:
Wrong again, maybe it's my inadequate education that I don't properly interpret my self though my post, but I don't hate anybody, I really don't. It's actually  sympathy, that people get caught up in their own righteousness that put Christ second, I have reached out to more people In my old church than have reached to me
I don't hate you bro, nor frag nor Ozzy not anyone else, I'd offer my home to you I'd you were near by to hang out and talk, anyone in the western Chicago suburbs or traveling this way, let me know, I'll have a cold one waiting for you, pop or whatever you want
Mi casa Su casa

I did not mean to say you personally hated anyone....I have the same communication and education hindrance you referred to..... :)

I meant the Xer, judgemental, critical attitude that is hated by some.
I know from our PM communication where your heart is and can respect your basic position. Our disagreement here is just that disagreement and not personal.