Sunday School - Would you do it again?


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Jul 21, 2013
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Pastoring in the Western US
Looking back, if you had the chance to do it over again, would you put your kids in Sunday School or if you don't have kids would you put them in if you did?
North said:
Looking back, if you had the chance to do it over again, would you put your kids in Sunday School or if you don't have kids would you put them in if you did?
This has everything to do with the particular Sunday School.

Pretty much, yes, S.S. was the best part of church for me, and my kids seemed to benefit from it as well.

Yes, I would still send my kids to Sunday School. As Adults and older teens they still attend. I think like Awanas it builds the foundation.
North said:
Looking back, if you had the chance to do it over again, would you put your kids in Sunday School or if you don't have kids would you put them in if you did?


But hindsight is always 20/20. I mean, how was I to know that a harmless Bible story about Daniel in the lion's den would set off a chain reaction of events that ended with the universe exploding?
Ransom said:
North said:
Looking back, if you had the chance to do it over again, would you put your kids in Sunday School or if you don't have kids would you put them in if you did?


But hindsight is always 20/20. I mean, how was I to know that a harmless Bible story about Daniel in the lion's den would set off a chain reaction of events that ended with the universe exploding?

...saves me the trouble of typing it
Sunday school is nothing more than a local church effort to make up for lazy parenting.

Who ever decides to trust their children's spirtual education to a local school sunday teacher is down right naive and lazy. Take the time to teach your own children. Its your responsibility and not another.

Prin.Ciples said:
Sunday school is nothing more than a local church effort to make up for lazy parenting.

Who ever decides to trust their children's spirtual education to a local school sunday teacher is down right naive and lazy. Take the time to teach your own children. Its your responsibility and not another.

I totally disagree! And I am very involved in my children's lives!  And since my son's Sunday School teacher is actually the Pastor I think he is in good hands.
kaba said:
Prin.Ciples said:
Sunday school is nothing more than a local church effort to make up for lazy parenting.

Who ever decides to trust their children's spirtual education to a local school sunday teacher is down right naive and lazy. Take the time to teach your own children. Its your responsibility and not another.

I totally disagree! And I am very involved in my children's lives!  And since my son's Sunday School teacher is actually the Pastor I think he is in good hands.

Your children aren't your "Pastor's" responsibilty. Nor does the Scriptures command that "Pastors" teach other people's children about God. I know you've probabily been accustom to living within this apostate church age, but you should really give more creedance to the Scripture than apostate tradition.

Eph 6:4  Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

For far too long, children have been raising children. Its time every man learn enough to teach his own children the instructions of the Lord. Your children might just love you more for it and not build unhealthy relationships with "pastors" in which they think they can do no wrong...... and the "pastor" knows everything. Relationships were beliefs isn't founded in the Scriptures but "pastoral tradition". Relationships in which you're alway having to ask "what does the pastor have to say about that"?

I'm glad I went to Sunday School. It was there, at age 12, that I learned about Jesus, repented of my sins and followed Him. I strayed all through my teens, but He found me and brought me back.

Would I send my (hypothetical) kids to Sunday School? I would, if and only if it was a good one.
Prin.Ciples said:
kaba said:
Prin.Ciples said:
Sunday school is nothing more than a local church effort to make up for lazy parenting.

Who ever decides to trust their children's spirtual education to a local school sunday teacher is down right naive and lazy. Take the time to teach your own children. Its your responsibility and not another.

I totally disagree! And I am very involved in my children's lives!  And since my son's Sunday School teacher is actually the Pastor I think he is in good hands.

Your children aren't your "Pastor's" responsibilty. Nor does the Scriptures command that "Pastors" teach other people's children about God. I know you've probabily been accustom to living within this apostate church age, but you should really give more creedance to the Scripture than apostate tradition.

Eph 6:4  Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

For far too long, children have been raising children. Its time every man learn enough to teach his own children the instructions of the Lord. Your children might just love you more for it and not build unhealthy relationships with "pastors" in which they think they can do no wrong...... and the "pastor" knows everything. Relationships were beliefs isn't founded in the Scriptures but "pastoral tradition". Relationships in which you're alway having to ask "what does the pastor have to say about that"?

Sorry you have such a hateful attitude toward church and the leadership. Not everyone leads their life by what the Pastor would say.  I actually spend a lot of time with my children. All four of my children were lead to the Lord as I was teaching them.  Just because you send your children to Sunday School does not mean you have not taught them at home as well.

From the examples you gave sounds like a person problem to me.
kaba said:
Prin.Ciples said:
kaba said:
Prin.Ciples said:
Sunday school is nothing more than a local church effort to make up for lazy parenting.

Who ever decides to trust their children's spirtual education to a local school sunday teacher is down right naive and lazy. Take the time to teach your own children. Its your responsibility and not another.

I totally disagree! And I am very involved in my children's lives!  And since my son's Sunday School teacher is actually the Pastor I think he is in good hands.

Your children aren't your "Pastor's" responsibilty. Nor does the Scriptures command that "Pastors" teach other people's children about God. I know you've probabily been accustom to living within this apostate church age, but you should really give more creedance to the Scripture than apostate tradition.

Eph 6:4  Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

For far too long, children have been raising children. Its time every man learn enough to teach his own children the instructions of the Lord. Your children might just love you more for it and not build unhealthy relationships with "pastors" in which they think they can do no wrong...... and the "pastor" knows everything. Relationships were beliefs isn't founded in the Scriptures but "pastoral tradition". Relationships in which you're alway having to ask "what does the pastor have to say about that"?

Sorry you have such a hateful attitude toward church and the leadership. Not everyone leads their life by what the Pastor would say.  I actually spend a lot of time with my children. All four of my children were lead to the Lord as I was teaching them.  Just because you send your children to Sunday School does not mean you have not taught them at home as well.

From the examples you gave sounds like a person problem to me.

Just being pratical and following the Scriptures.

Does what you teach your children always match perfectly with what your "pastor" teaches them? If it doesn't, then how do you handle this issue? Does you child accept what the pastor teachings and reject what you teach?

You have to admit. Many, if not most, just send their kids to "church class" and forget about it. Much like most parents send their kids to "school" and forget about it. I happen to believe its not "schools" responsibility to teach my children. Its mine. When you do such things, your children turn out just those teaching them. My children are suppose reflect my teaching. There was a time this was clear. Now, much of what we have is a bunch of lazy parents that send their kids to "church school" and forget about them.
aleshanee said:
i don;t have children and never will.... but i loved going to sunday school when i was little .... it was one of the few things at that time in my life i could actually look forward to.... what few times i was actually allowed to go........ and if i did have children then of course i would enroll them in sunday school........ but i would check it out first and make sure it was a good one .....and i would probably go with them on the first day... and maybe even others if they wanted me to......  :)

I enjoyed it myself. I had some great times and made some cool friends. Well, what I thought were friends at the time.

I've changed my mind about a lot of things over the years since I became a parent. I've reflected on what the Scriptures teach and what I experienced and what others have experienced. I've come to the conclusion that I believe my children are better off with me during SS. I don't necessarily have anything against the message being "taylored" to those of a certain age, I just believe the message is the message. The Gospel is the Gospel. I do believe we expect too much out our children in SS.... just like we expect too much out of our children in most public school systems. Children are children. This competiton when put them in various "schools" is depriving them of knowing what it is to be a child. That goes for "church" as well.
I think sending my children to Sunday School is obeying the Scriptures.  I attend the church I do because it believes the same way I do. I know the people that teach my children's (teen and young adults now) class.

Sunday School is also awesome to those children whose parents dont attend church or arent christians. Great way to receive the Gospel. But it is also awesome to children whose parents do attend church, it just reinforces what they are taught at home.
kaba said:
I think sending my children to Sunday School is obeying the Scriptures.  I attend the church I do because it believes the same way I do. I know the people that teach my children's (teen and young adults now) class.

Sunday School is also awesome to those children whose parents dont attend church or arent christians. Great way to receive the Gospel. But it is also awesome to children whose parents do attend church, it just reinforces what they are taught at home.

I had no dounts whatsoever.... that you actually had beliefs that might differ from those you trust to teach your children. Then again, I have very little doubt that you believe what you believe based soley on what your pastor believes it.

That not being informed. Not in the least.

If every father and mother commited to actually lives the lives God intended them to live and teach their children to do the same, I have very little dound "Sunday School" would be necessary. You could actually take the time to rest your body and clear your mind. I've known a few SS teachers that would have been better off staying at home.
You must home church, and anything I might say about why I love attending the church I do will fall on deaf ears. So..................................... :) But I follow God not a man!
kaba said:
You must home church, and anything I might say about why I love attending the church I do will fall on deaf ears. So..................................... :) But I follow God not a man!

I don't home church. I just don't buy into all the tradtion. I hope the Lord blesses you in your efforts. No hard feelings from me. :)
Prin.Ciples said:
kaba said:
You must home church, and anything I might say about why I love attending the church I do will fall on deaf ears. So..................................... :) But I follow God not a man!

I don't home church. I just don't buy into all the tradtion. I hope the Lord blesses you in your efforts. No hard feelings from me. :)
A graded curriculum and comradery the kids enjoys with friends their age, in church, does fulfill the purpose of the church.

Older teaching the younger...
FSSL said:
A graded curriculum and comradery the kids enjoys with friends their age, in church, does fulfill the purpose of the church.

Older teaching the younger...

Chapter and verse on the older teaching the younger? Do you mind if we look at the context of what you're claiming proves such?
I don't think my kids learned much in Sunday school, but it was somewhere for them to be while I went to adult Sunday school (which was more like a Bible study, and was infinitely more interesting and more productive than the service). 