The Old Paths


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Jan 25, 2012
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The Old-Paths

The Bible says in the book of Jeremiah 6:16, ?Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, we will not walk therein.? Now some of you read the title and read this verse and have already labeled me as hermeneutically dishonest. But can we agree that in Jeremiah 6 we find Jeremiah encouraged and challenged to follow the right way that is to follow the well-established and time tested old-paths? Can we agree that in the Christian life there is a right path and a wrong path? After all the Scripture says,

?Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.? ? Psalm 119:105

?Thou wilt shew me the path of life.? Psalms 16:11

?Make me to go in the paths of thy commandments, for therein do I delight.? ? Psalms 119:35

We are all walking down a path in our lives and in our ministries. We must all give account of our decisions and how as pastors we have lead the ministries to which we have been entrusted. The Scripture says in Hebrews 9:27, ?It is appointed unto man once to die and after this the judgment.? In these areas of discussion and controversy someone is right and someone is wrong. There is not two sides to truth. There may be perspective and there may be interpretation but ultimately truth is truth.

There has been a lot of discussion in fundamentalism over many decades about the ?Old-paths.? Some have embraced what they believe are the old-paths with passion and vigor while others have run from it not wanting to be associated with these old-paths. Many of these decisions have been made from watching moral collapse, experiencing mistreatment or simply misunderstanding or disagreeing with a position. I have had discussions with many over the last year about the old-paths and I believe from my conversation that there are varying definitions of what the old-paths really are. I will attempt to define what I believe is and isn?t Scriptural old-paths.

I am thankful for anyone who shares the life changing gospel of Jesus Christ. I may disagree with your methods of discipleship, with your administration of the church or your interpretation of Biblical principles but if you are reaching people for Christ, YOU are NOT my enemy. If your church has a good day, our team wins.

With that being said, when a church, a pastor and a Christian are following paths that are unscriptural we must be willing, in love and with care, to tell the truth, to state the case and share with an individual who has gone astray a pathway to restoration.

My question for you is simple?What are the old-paths? Are the old-paths relevant to millennials? Are the old-paths rooted in 20th century Christianity?

?Old Paths defined. (From my perspective)

As I think about the old-paths and as I have observed my brethren and even self-examined my ministry I believe the old-paths have been defined by three distinct characteristics:

1. A Style ? The old-paths is defined as a style of preaching, a method of evangelism or a focus of ministry. There is a unique look to the old-paths preachers, old-paths churches and to old-paths conferences.
2. A Principle ? The old-paths are defined by doctrine that is taught and how Biblical principles are applied to the people of God.
3. A Movement ? The old-paths as a movement is simply the circle of men and ministries that ascribe themselves to similar methods and practices that are consistent with the principles and styles of the old-paths movement.

I believe the old-paths are simply the implementation of Biblical principles in our modern day. I am reminded however that style is not as important as substance and truth should not be compromised for political correctness or cultural relevance. After all, Paul told Timothy to be ?instant in season and out of season.? What is right and wrong does NOT change with culture and with societal changes, even if these changes happen within the church. Sadly we are seeing a shift in fundamental churches. This is shift toward ecumenicalism and in some ways embracing the emergent church movement.

The Old-paths was not founded by Jack Hyles or his contemporaries. The Old-paths are not defined by men who wear plaid suits or bell-bottom pants. The old-paths are following a set of practices grounded in the Scripture in our modern day.

1.The Old-Paths are paths that identify the Scripture as the exclusive authority for our faith and practice.

2.The Old-Paths are paths that result in an awareness of souls. This awareness causes us to run buses, establish Sunday Schools and send out and support missionaries.

3.The Old-Paths are paths that lead to holy living. We recognize the importance of being different than the world.

4.The Old-Paths are paths that recognize the influences around us.

5.The Old-Paths are paths that walk in humility and integrity.

6.The Old-Paths are paths that recognize our responsibilities to the institutions God has ordained.

?Christian liberty

?Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.? ? Galatians 5:1

?But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak.? ? I Corinthians 8:9

Liberty is a wonderful thing. We have been freed from the bondage of sin. We have washed, justified and sanctified! But our liberty is not a license to sin nor is it a license to do whatever we wish. We are to acknowledge Him and HE will direct our paths. Our Christian liberty ends where Christ?s commands begin.

?Ecclesiastical Separation

?Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate?"-2 Corinthians 6:17

?Can two walk together except they be agreed?? ? Amos 3:3

We all believe is separation. Separation is appropriate, necessary and wise. I do not believe it is wise to subject ourselves and our congregations to men who teach false doctrine. Standards are not irrelevant nor are they to be pushed aside as unimportant. There is validity to the difficulty of multi-layered degrees of separation. My policy is simple. I want to associate with men and ministry who are like-minded in doctrine and practice. This does not mean that I do not appreciate men with whom I differ.

?The Battleground.

I believe the true battleground in the fundamental movement is the application of Scripture in the areas of music, modesty, methods, manuscripts, and movies. Every Independent Baptist no matter what camp or set of standards believes in reaching people for Christ. We all believe in the fundamentals of the faith. We can gloss over standards but truly isn?t standards the ?elephant in the room?? Let me say...

Every Independent Baptist is obsessed with the gospel.

Every Independent Baptist is committed to preaching the Word.

We want to be unified but the issue is that old-paths preachers believe that compromise has crept in and standards have been dropped. Is it fair to expect us to drop our standards which we believe are biblical to unify? Why are we the ones expected to change?

Denominational politics are unavoidable. It happens no matter what camp you may be in or what field of vocation you pursue. There is a constant ebb and flow to the ministry. I have experienced this myself with individuals who have left our ministry who continue to interfere and sow discord. We would all help ourselves and improve our spirits if we looked forward and not backwards. I appreciate Dr. Hyles but I don?t need to hear another story about his failures.

Perhaps I am insolated but I believe every ministry should have an open book policy as it relates to its finances. Failure to do so creates distrust.

I believe we should be students of the Bible. I believe we should be well read. But what does ?well read? mean? Do I need to read books from men who have questionable doctrines and ministry philosophies contrary to my own? Why are we so desperate to do so? How does that help us in our ministries? If we can read a book from an ecumenical or evangelical source and ?eat the fish and spit out the bones? is that wise? I guess my follow up question would be to those who practice this philosophy, would you read books from men who follow what you deem to be the old-paths and do the same? Read?read?read but be careful what you recommend to younger men who may not be as ready or as mature as you. They may choke on the bones.

I believe these statements laid out by some who write about the shortcomings are in some cases valid ones but they ultimately are not what is causing the true division is fundamentalism. The truth is that the elephant in the room is standards. The issue is CCM, dress standards, door to door soul winning & Calvinistic leanings, the King James Bible, and movies and entertainment. In most cases you do not have an issue with one without having issues with many. They are inter-connected as a philosophy of ministry.

A. Music

Contemporary Christian music has infiltrated many Independent Baptist Churches and it has affected ministries and men of God in a negative way. The Biblical principles of music are important to the spirit of a service and the direction of a ministry. Isn?t the divide today that old-paths preachers believe that music should be Christ-honoring, spirit filled and Biblically distinct? When I was a teenager I fell into the CCM scene and was consumed by it until one day a co-worker heard me listening to a CCM song and asked me, ?What rock band are you listening too?? This was a catalyst for me to change my direction. Our music should have a different sound, a different message and a different feel than that which is in the world.

B. Modesty

If I had a dime for every time I have been called a legalist I could buy another bus for our bus ministry. I believe the Scripture is clear in relation to dress standards?modesty and distinction. Every preacher, every ministry and every Christian has some level of dress standards. So let?s not deceive ourselves regarding this topic. As old-paths preachers our first desire for men and women in our churches is that we have a heart for God and have a Christ-like spirit. Our yieldedness to the Lord in this area simply reveals our heart. Ask yourself this question, how is your spirit when you discuss the area of dress standards? Are you defensive or are you yielded to whatever the Lord would have you to do? Why should a ministry support and promote men who change in this area? And finally why would those who do not hold to these dress standards demand that we accept their decisions and extend to them the liberty to make such decisions but not respect our decision to keep our dress standards where they have always been. You simply can?t have it both ways.

C. Methods

I have had numerous conversations on social media about door to door soul winning and tools of evangelism. And while we debate the JWs and Mormons are gleaning the harvest we should be reaping. I am concerned when churches close their bus ministries down and discontinue their Sunday Schools. I am concerned when churches cancel Sunday evening services. Sunday nights should be one of the most vibrant and spiritually challenging services as your church family gathers under the preaching of the word of God. At WBC, our Sunday night services are ?prime time? as dozens of workers who have been spread throughout the ministry join to worship the Lord together!

D. Manuscripts

The battle over the King James Bible has been well documented but sufficed to say this is an area in some circles with the new group of pastors coming on the scene. May we never compromise on the preserved, inspired Word of God.

E. Movies

Entertainment?well enough said.
?The moral failures in fundamentalism.

Our hearts should be broken when any man falls, when any marriage fails and when any ministry is torn apart by scandal. The moral failures of prominent fundamental leaders has devastated our generation. We simply cannot ignore or sweep under the rug these collapses of judgment, these character flaws and the air of enablement in our fundamental churches. We must as fundamental leaders in our churches set the example of morality, transparency and integrity.

The moral failures of men like Jack Schaap do not define our movement. They simply show how susceptible we are to destruction if we are not sober and vigilant. His collapse as a leader, as a husband and as a Christian should drive all of us to reflection. I was angry like many when the news of Jack Schaap was revealed. I was disgusted by his behavior and frankly he has reaped what he has sewn. But our desire should be restoration not ridicule.

Every pastor should be held accountable by his brethren. The warning signs with Jack Schaap were everywhere yet his staff and his closest friends did not challenge his direction. We cannot move forward with this mentality. We owe each other the truth. When our friends in the ministry are heading in an unhealthy direction ? say something. For the sake of a new generation of pastors, we must protect our marriages and ministries from moral failures.
?Respect for your heritage

Let us never forget those who have invested in us. I am concerned as we turn to a new chapter in fundamentalism that we will forget the men who have gone before us. We owe them a debt of gratitude. They do not deserve our ridicule they deserve our respect.
??New? is not always bad.

Independent Fundamental Baptist should be at the forefront of using tools and technology to reach the next generation for Christ. We should have dynamic websites, robust use of social media formats and effective tools. New is not bad but new must be filtered through Scripture and examined under the scrutiny of principle. There was a time when the bus ministry and Sunday School were new tools for the church to use. New methods should be used if they are effective and do not violate principles of Scripture. The reality is should the Lord tarry there may be ministry tools in the future that are not even developed in this generation. Let?s not be closed-minded to new!
??Old? is not irrelevant.

Just because it is old does not mean it is useless. Nor does it mean it is ineffective. The old is time tested. The old is well thought out. The old has wisdom. Let us not ignore the old.
? The Old & New should be the same!

The Old-Paths movement and the New Independent Baptist should be on the same path. Baby boomers to millennials have no reason to be in contradiction with one another. Principle is principle. Truth is truth. Error is error. Sure the new guys have IPads and the internet but ultimately we have the same doctrine.

I would like to conclude this article once again by saying that I have not intended disparage or attack anyone with my writing. I believe we are living in one of the greatest times in history. God could have chosen Moses, Peter or Paul for this generation but he has chosen you and I to lead for such a time as this. Let us contend for the faith with graciousness, with understanding, recognizing there may be times that we will not agree but will part as friends and pray for one another. I am thankful that a new generation of preachers are coming on the scene of fundamentalism and I believe there should be open dialogue. We should sharpen each other as we form our opinions and build our ministry philosophies. May each of us lead our ministries with our eyes focused on honoring our Saviour and reaching our communities with the glorious gospel!
Define OLD.

Unless your "path" goes back to Jeremiah then it is "newer" than the one he was talking about.
I personally think this is a lot of wishful thinking just like people today who want to define the term 'fundamentalist'. It is not usually historic fundamentalism but has evolved and become something different to each group that defines it.

Same with 'old paths'. The modern 'old path' adherent usually only goes back to the 1950's even though they give lip service to Spurgeon, Calvin, Whitfield, etc.
BALAAM said:
I personally think this is a lot of wishful thinking just like people today who want to define the term 'fundamentalist'. It is not usually historic fundamentalism but has evolved and become something different to each group that defines it.

Same with 'old paths'. The modern 'old path' adherent usually only goes back to the 1050's even though they give lip service to Spurgeon, Calvin, Whitfield, etc.

The 1050's.  Not read much about that time period.
Maybe his thinking about the Great Schism in 1054.
bgwilkinson said:
Maybe his thinking about the Great Schism in 1054.

Oh....*THAT* schism.  Big mess.
I believe that you cherry picked a phrase from Scripture and apart from any of the "old paths" of the traditionally received principles of exegesis, imposed a meaning upon the text that quite simply is not there.
Mr. White said:
I believe that you cherry picked a phrase from Scripture and apart from any of the "old paths" of the traditionally received principles of exegesis, imposed a meaning upon the text that quite simply is not there.

Perry, is that you?
I am starting to think that legalism is the wrong term.

Idolatry makes more sense.
So much subjectivity in this doesn't deserve a detailed response, wouldn't have any impact on someone who thinks this way.
Martin Luther was criticized back in circa 1600 for taking hymns and putting worldly tunes to the music. If you are really 'old paths' you need to ditch your hymn books.

Geneva Bible is older than King James Bible and the Puritans at first refused to use it because it was written by Anglicans. If you are really 'old paths' you need to ditch the KJV.

Modern corporate America has dictated and set the standard for what preachers are supposed to wear in the pulpit. I don't think Paul, Spurgeon, Whitfield, etc. wore suits and ties. We need to ditch this stuff if we are going to be truly 'old paths'.

Altar calls: Do we need to go here? A modern invention that the average 'old paths' preacher  would die without. That is his scorecard like you have in golf.

All of us who are older see changes in society, church, politics, etc. that we are extremely uncomfortable with. Some are downright wrong and some are just changes. I have come to detest the term 'old paths and old-fashioned' by preachers because I think most of it is nostalgia and not really a desire for 'old paths'. It is mostly a desire to return to the 'good old days' of  my childhood.  IMO
BALAAM said:
<snip>... It is mostly a desire to return to the 'good old days' of  my childhood.  IMO

subllibrm said:
I am starting to think that legalism is the wrong term.
Idolatry makes more sense.
I do think God want us to live a holy & set apart lives. There are many verses in the bible that state this. I also think some preachers make up rules & standards that can not be shown to be from the Bible. They do not preach those rule have anything to do with my salvation.

Why do the free birds insist on using the term legalist or legalism for man made standards.. There should be a term for requiring people to live by a set of man made standards in order to please God. When people use the term legilist, the OLD Path folks just bring up the traditional definition of legalism & state they are not legalist. The term should be "Man Made Standards"

Legalism has always meant requirements beyond repentance of sin & faith in God for salvation. It never refers to Gods acceptance.

Wiki definition:
Legalism (or nomism), in Christian theology, is the act of putting law above gospel by establishing requirements for salvation beyond repentance and faith in Jesus Christ and reducing the broad, inclusive and general precepts of the Bible to narrow and rigid moral codes.[1] It is an over-emphasis of discipline of conduct, or legal ideas, usually implying an allegation of misguided rigour, pride, superficiality, the neglect of mercy, and ignorance of the grace of God or emphasizing the letter of law at the expense of the spirit. Legalism is alleged against any view that obedience to law, not faith in God's grace, is the pre-eminent principle of redemption.
Let's start with these old paths ... "thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself." and "For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me."
Or ... maybe we should focus on this old path ... "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

How many Churches today have a discipleship program? How many sit down and take a newly repented soul and teach them like a school child?

Too many focus on the "go" as if we are already apostles or something.
sword said:
subllibrm said:
I am starting to think that legalism is the wrong term.
Idolatry makes more sense.
I do think God want us to live a holy & set apart lives. There are many verses in the bible that state this. I also think some preachers make up rules & standards that can not be shown to be from the Bible. They do not preach those rule have anything to do with my salvation.

Why do the free birds insist on using the term legalist or legalism for man made standards.. There should be a term for requiring people to live by a set of man made standards in order to please God. When people use the term legilist, the OLD Path folks just bring up the traditional definition of legalism & state they are not legalist. The term should be "Man Made Standards"

Legalism has always meant requirements beyond repentance of sin & faith in God for salvation. It never refers to Gods acceptance.

Wiki definition:
Legalism (or nomism), in Christian theology, is the act of putting law above gospel by establishing requirements for salvation beyond repentance and faith in Jesus Christ and reducing the broad, inclusive and general precepts of the Bible to narrow and rigid moral codes.[1] It is an over-emphasis of discipline of conduct, or legal ideas, usually implying an allegation of misguided rigour, pride, superficiality, the neglect of mercy, and ignorance of the grace of God or emphasizing the letter of law at the expense of the spirit. Legalism is alleged against any view that obedience to law, not faith in God's grace, is the pre-eminent principle of redemption.

So idolatry is a good option then.

If imposed by one believer onto another believer it would be legalism. If imposed onto oneself to get "closer" to God it would be idolatry.
wtyson said:
The Old-Paths

The Bible says in the book of Jeremiah 6:16, ?Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, we will not walk therein.? Now some of you read the title and read this verse and have already labeled me as hermeneutically dishonest. But can we agree that in Jeremiah 6 we find Jeremiah encouraged and challenged to follow the right way that is to follow the well-established and time tested old-paths? Can we agree that in the Christian life there is a right path and a wrong path?

Well, technically, there would be ONE right path and many wrong paths.
wtyson said:
The Old-Paths

We are all walking down a path in our lives and in our ministries. We must all give account of our decisions and how as pastors we have lead the ministries to which we have been entrusted. The Scripture says in Hebrews 9:27, ?It is appointed unto man once to die and after this the judgment.? In these areas of discussion and controversy someone is right and someone is wrong.

Not necessarily.  Both of the "someones" may be wrong.  Often, when I listen to people discuss something, they are not even discussing the same issue, but are on different tangents to the main issue.  What I'm trying to say is that one may be wrong, one may have partial understanding of the truth, and a third may have a larger understanding of truth.  Not one of these would be entirely espousing the truth, but the third is closer that the other two.

So far, I'm enjoying the post...

wtyson said:
The Old-Paths

Denominational politics are unavoidable. It happens no matter what camp you may be in or what field of vocation you pursue. There is a constant ebb and flow to the ministry. I have experienced this myself with individuals who have left our ministry who continue to interfere and sow discord. We would all help ourselves and improve our spirits if we looked forward and not backwards. I appreciate Dr. Hyles but I don?t need to hear another story about his failures.

I can be thankful for souls truly regenerated under his ministry, and the people who received something good in the way of training from him, or from his schools.

But, I have serious reservations with those who quote him without providing warnings or those who exalt him.
wtyson said:
The Old-Paths

Perhaps I am insolated but I believe every ministry should have an open book policy as it relates to its finances. Failure to do so creates distrust.

This is so true!!!!!!!

I would like very much to see this expounded. What is mean by an open-book policy?  Do you mean that any busybody off the streets can wander in and demand to see the books?

I've heard a pastor claim that they had an open-book policy, but only for church members. When I actually took them up on this, you should have seen the looks I received!  Trying to do an audit was impossible because of the poor way that they books were kept.  Monies were transferred to and fro without any itemization.  A deposit would be made, but one could not tell how much was a transfer from another account, and how much was offering, and how much was something else.

It turned out that their "accounts" were actually used as a smokescreen. The leadership refused access to all accounts except the General Account. This allowed them to play games with the finances; they didn't reveal the true salaries, for example, because the pastor & staff were being paid from other accounts that were sealed to everyone.

I know of churches were people have left over the methods used in the handling of the finances.

In my opinion, the pastor should never be the one signing checks unless the church is too new or too small - but it should be a priority for him and the church to find one or more people to handle the finances.