The Presidential Vote Update

With the Presidential election around the corner, for whom will you vote?

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2013
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We ran this thread several months ago.  With the election quickly approaching, for whom will you cast your vote?
The fly gets my vote for knowing dung when it smells it.
Currently we have 2 votes for Trump and 2 for other (which is on paper a vote for Hillary).
I am still considering who I will vote for. Neither Hillary nor Trump will get my vote.

In my mind, there is one Republican primary candidate which I might write in or possibly a third party. I will decide this week as I have to do early voting this year.

What's funny is my Liberal friends tell me all the time that a vote for a third party candidate is a vote for Trump.

I guess that means if I vote for neither, I am actually voting for both!

Smellin Coffee said:
I am still considering who I will vote for. Neither Hillary nor Trump will get my vote.

In my mind, there is one Republican primary candidate which I might write in or possibly a third party. I will decide this week as I have to do early voting this year.

What's funny is my Liberal friends tell me all the time that a vote for a third party candidate is a vote for Trump.

I guess that means if I vote for neither, I am actually voting for both!

What was it Jackie-boy would say?

"Get in or get out, get hot or get cold, get on of get off but get out of the middle of the road because all I see in the middle of the road are shunks & yellow lines."
fishinnut said:
Smellin Coffee said:
I am still considering who I will vote for. Neither Hillary nor Trump will get my vote.

In my mind, there is one Republican primary candidate which I might write in or possibly a third party. I will decide this week as I have to do early voting this year.

What's funny is my Liberal friends tell me all the time that a vote for a third party candidate is a vote for Trump.

I guess that means if I vote for neither, I am actually voting for both!

What was it Jackie-boy would say?

"Get in or get out, get hot or get cold, get on of get off but get out of the middle of the road because all I see in the middle of the road are shunks & yellow lines."

:D Yep! I'm a stinkin' compromiser! After all, I graduated from HB!
Smellin Coffee said:
fishinnut said:
Smellin Coffee said:
I am still considering who I will vote for. Neither Hillary nor Trump will get my vote.
In my mind, there is one Republican primary candidate which I might write in or possibly a third party. I will decide this week as I have to do early voting this year.
What's funny is my Liberal friends tell me all the time that a vote for a third party candidate is a vote for Trump.
I guess that means if I vote for neither, I am actually voting for both!
What was it Jackie-boy would say?
"Get in or get out, get hot or get cold, get on of get off but get out of the middle of the road because all I see in the middle of the road are shunks & yellow lines."
:D Yep! I'm a stinkin' compromiser! After all, I graduated from HB!
Hey, let's cut Smellin Coffee some slack. I consider him voting for neither to be progress. If it wasn't for that troublesome abortion issue I would have him pegged as a dyed in the wool left wing liberal Democrat.
Smellin Coffee said:
fishinnut said:
Smellin Coffee said:
I am still considering who I will vote for. Neither Hillary nor Trump will get my vote.

In my mind, there is one Republican primary candidate which I might write in or possibly a third party. I will decide this week as I have to do early voting this year.

What's funny is my Liberal friends tell me all the time that a vote for a third party candidate is a vote for Trump.

I guess that means if I vote for neither, I am actually voting for both!

What was it Jackie-boy would say?

"Get in or get out, get hot or get cold, get on of get off but get out of the middle of the road because all I see in the middle of the road are shunks & yellow lines."

:D Yep! I'm a stinkin' compromiser! After all, I graduated from HB!
Checkout the following:
Trump is Nimrod (who if you recall built a tower and wanted the people to be Great, without God) and Hillary is the Witch of Endor (King Saul's Foreign Affairs Advisor, HRC admittedly conducted s?ances in the WH to contact the spirits of Ghandi, Eleanor Roosevelt, and others.)
Trump............................10 votes(55.6%)

Clinton............................1 vote (5.6%)

Other...............................5 votes (27.8%)

Will not vote.................2 votes (11.1%)

The way I see it this translates to 10 believers for Trump & 8 for Clinton.

If Trump's Campaign is already on it's deathbed as the media claims, why are they still trying so hard to murder it?
fishinnut said:
Smellin Coffee said:
fishinnut said:
Smellin Coffee said:
I am still considering who I will vote for. Neither Hillary nor Trump will get my vote.

In my mind, there is one Republican primary candidate which I might write in or possibly a third party. I will decide this week as I have to do early voting this year.

What's funny is my Liberal friends tell me all the time that a vote for a third party candidate is a vote for Trump.

I guess that means if I vote for neither, I am actually voting for both!

What was it Jackie-boy would say?

"Get in or get out, get hot or get cold, get on of get off but get out of the middle of the road because all I see in the middle of the road are shunks & yellow lines."

:D Yep! I'm a stinkin' compromiser! After all, I graduated from HB!
Checkout the following:

Thanks for posting an alternative viewpoint. I disagree with much of what he has to say.

I am simply stating that in this specific office, as President, he has gone to great lengths to demonstrate that he will protect and champion the rights of the American evangelical if he were to be elected, even if he does not personally embrace those values.

What makes the American evangelical the god that needs to be served? Should he not be as agreeable with immigrants, Muslim-Americans, women and POC? Will he protect and champion the rights of the disabled? No. He will championing for one cause: himself and his ilk. He doesn't care about evangelicals; he's just using them. If he were to champion them, he would be championing the marginalized.

PLEASE stop saying that failing to vote for Trump is not a vote for Hillary?it is. I am truly not trying to insult your intelligence here. I simply fear you may be over thinking things. No matter how much you attempt to pad your argument with mathematical or philosophical meanderings, the simple truth is that a third party NEVER has and CANNOT win the presidency, at least not in this election cycle?s 2 party system, broken as it may be.

This is a cute sentiment but where is the contrast? How do you know that a "no-vote" or a third-party vote isn't a vote for Trump?

Some of you have answered this argument by claiming that, ?A vote for no one is a vote for no one,? or, ?by this logic, a failure to vote for Hillary would be a vote for Trump,? and thus, will choose to forgo the vote entirely. I would answer this contention by pointing out that a failure to proactively cast your vote against Hillary means that she is one vote closer to winning the election. Your vote does matter. You are either helping to push her one step forward, or one step backwards by your failure to act. You choose.

Since when has voting become about NOT electing an individual, voting not to elect the best candidate of choice, but to eliminate the one who is not deemed the best choice? That is just dumb. Voting should be about electing the candidate with the most principles to which the voter stands, regardless of party affiliation. If the voter doesn't vote, it in itself IS a vote that none are worthy of consideration in the voter's mind. The author should stop demeaning the choices of those who disagree with his favorite candidate.

If abstaining from the vote entirely were a viable option in this election, then perhaps your well intentioned claim would hold its ground. As I have already demonstrated above, by not voting for one ?evil? you ARE, like it or not, casting your vote for the other. Even if I accept your terms and define Hillary as the ?big? evil and Trump as the ?little? evil, you are going to be endorsing an ?evil? no matter WHAT you do on Election Day. The difference is that one ?evil? has promised to do his best to protect your right to worship freely, and one has promised to do everything within her power to suppress them. You may argue that Trump will turn tail and act against Christians once elected. You are absolutely right. He could. We can be CERTAIN, however, that Hillary will do her best to destroy what little sense of decency we have left.

First of all, please show me where Clinton has said she has "promised to do everything within her power to suppress" the right to worship freely. It is TRUMP who has stated that Muslims should be exported or monitored. Second, this country is about the freedom to practice one's religion, even if it isn't mine. The Muslim has as much right to worship as any evangelical. When did Jesus tell His followers to respect only worshipers? I believe He was more concerned with our respect for the marginalized in society. And whether it is true or not, Clinton (of the two) has stated her support for equality among ALL Americans, not just evangelicals.

This isn?t about your personal likes or dislikes. This is about the future of your children. If you aren?t willing to overcome your personal chagrin that an outsider could come in and do your job for you, then you have no one to blame but yourself when Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton is elected.

Yes, it IS about personal choice. Yes, that includes the future of our children (if you believed that, what is Trump doing about environmental issues?).

You will have lost the right to act as a martyr when she comes after your right to speak freely about issues such as homosexuality and the exclusivity of the Gospel because you had your chance to do something about it and you did NOTHING.

Fear-mongering. For the last 7+ years, Republicans have decried Obama is doing everything he can to come after our guns. Guess what? He hasn't even tried. This is the staple of Republican politics: create fear, ostracize then politicize. It is scapegoating those with whom disagree with their politics.

If we do not vote for Trump and therefore vote for Hillary, we will have lost our right to complain about the escalating murders of third trimester, unborn lives in America and the increasing span of The Parental Rights Organization, because we had our chance to do something and we did nothing.

Is Trump willing to do all he can to help those same individuals once they pass through the womb? I DESPISE abortion. But being pro-life means doing more than saving the life. And what if the baby grows up to be different than what we deem appropriate? John Pavlovitz puts it like this:

I can tell by how often your heavy burden for the sanctity of life evaporates upon delivery. In so many cases this compassion really has a nine-month expiration date, as if life begins at conception but ends upon leaving the birth canal. The completion of that third trimester is actually the shelf life of your passionate regard for much of the living.

Because if that life you say you so treasure, one day converts to Islam, you label it dangerous, you see it as a threat, you applaud suggestions of its expulsion, you deny it open worship.

If that life eventually comes out as LGBTQ, you condemn its soul, harass it in your workplace and church, try to prevent its marriage, tell it where and when it can use a public bathroom. You bully it and drive it to suicide.

If that life has brown skin and wears baggy pants and gets gunned down during a traffic stop, you not only have little grief over its loss, but readily blame it for its own execution.

If that life is strapped to a prison gurney and pumped full of drugs that will cease its lungs from expanding while its terrified mind comprehends it all, you celebrate the occasion as justice being served?after a last meal you resent having to pay for.

If that life has to endure its formative years in overcrowded, grossly underfunded public schools, you tell it to ?pull itself up by its own bootstraps?, while nestled in the cloistered, privileged gated community of a Suburbia where bootstraps come with a birth certificate.

If that life has working parents who can?t make a living wage, you label it a lazy, unproductive drain on society always looking for handouts and trying to work the system to its advantage.

If that life needs healthcare because its undeveloped heart can barely beat on its own, you?re suddenly empty of empathy and low on generosity?unless it can pull its own weight and pay the premiums.

If that life doesn?t eat enough fruits and vegetables because it lives in urban areas where such things are scarce and financially prohibitive, you ridicule its obesity and sickness as signs of cultural overindulgence and gluttony.

If that life is sexually assaulted you want to blame it for its promiscuity and immodesty, and wonder why it didn?t just keep its legs closed and why it can?t just move on and why it is so easily offended by ?locker room banter.?

If that life is one day sent overseas to defend liberties here; separated from spouses, children, and parents and placed directly in harm?s way, you?re far more cavalier exposing its vulnerability and far less concerned about whether or not it is sacred.

If that life doesn?t reside in the continental US or speak English and comes here fleeing oppression, poverty, and war you?ll never understand, you ask it to go back and ?go through the proper channels?, instead of the barely sea-worthy makeshift raft or the stinking, stifling storage container it nearly died in trying to get here.
One more quote from the article to which I will respond with an image from my Twitter feed:

I am arguing that in the words of Christ Himself, God can use an individual that is ?not one of us? to further His purposes and protect His people.

I am arguing that in this time, and in this particular circumstance as the only nominee for Republican Party, Trump is the RIGHT man to serve as President of the United States.

Once again we have been disappointed by graphic words spoken years ago by the  Republican nominee for President of the United
States.  Once  again our loyalties are being tested and we are re-examining  our consciences about voting for the man who has captured
the minds and loyalties of so many of us.  And so  I say to all of you who once again may be having second  thoughts:


And so  for the first time in my voting career, I will not be voting  for a person.


A  promise to protect our Supreme Court with Justices who carry  out the laws and uphold the Constitution
A  promise to defend the second amendment
A  promise to secure our borders
A  promise to change immigration currently in jeopardy for the  safety of this  country

A  promise to renegotiate trade agreements that have cost  America and Americans work and industry
A  promise to replace our health care system with something  equitable and suitable for the nation's needs
A  promise to restore the VA health care system with something  befitting the care and maintenance of our national heroes
A  promise to rebuild our military
A  promise to restore America to the stature that it has not  had in years
A  promise to end sanctuary cities and deport criminal  illegals
A  promise to support our people in blue
A  promise to give dignity to the lives of those who continue  to live sub-standard lives and end the enslavement of a
program of generations on welfare
A  promise to reestablish the energy industry to make America  self sufficient
A  promise to restore the rights of the citizens that are being  eaten away by a intrusive government
A  promise to make sense of the tax code for all Americans

If all  of these promises which will save our country and make us  the dominant power once again on the world stage are not  enough to mitigate the unfortunate errors spoken without  thought, then I imagine we will be faced with the continued  downward spiral of our nation and our world.

God  save us all and God Bless America.
  II Chron. 7:14

Copied.....& good.
fishinnut said:
Once again we have been disappointed by graphic words spoken years ago by the  Republican nominee for President of the United
States.  Once  again our loyalties are being tested and we are re-examining  our consciences about voting for the man who has captured
the minds and loyalties of so many of us.  And so  I say to all of you who once again may be having second  thoughts:


And so  for the first time in my voting career, I will not be voting  for a person.


A  promise to protect our Supreme Court with Justices who carry  out the laws and uphold the Constitution
A  promise to defend the second amendment
A  promise to secure our borders
A  promise to change immigration currently in jeopardy for the  safety of this  country

A  promise to renegotiate trade agreements that have cost  America and Americans work and industry
A  promise to replace our health care system with something  equitable and suitable for the nation's needs
A  promise to restore the VA health care system with something  befitting the care and maintenance of our national heroes
A  promise to rebuild our military
A  promise to restore America to the stature that it has not  had in years
A  promise to end sanctuary cities and deport criminal  illegals
A  promise to support our people in blue
A  promise to give dignity to the lives of those who continue  to live sub-standard lives and end the enslavement of a
program of generations on welfare
A  promise to reestablish the energy industry to make America  self sufficient
A  promise to restore the rights of the citizens that are being  eaten away by a intrusive government
A  promise to make sense of the tax code for all Americans

If all  of these promises which will save our country and make us  the dominant power once again on the world stage are not  enough to mitigate the unfortunate errors spoken without  thought, then I imagine we will be faced with the continued  downward spiral of our nation and our world.
God  save us all and God Bless America.
  II Chron. 7:14

Copied.....& good.
I'm with Fishinut
Smellin Coffee said:
One more quote from the article to which I will respond with an image from my Twitter feed:
I am arguing that in the words of Christ Himself, God can use an individual that is ?not one of us? to further His purposes and protect His people.
I am arguing that in this time, and in this particular circumstance as the only nominee for Republican Party, Trump is the RIGHT man to serve as President of the United States.
I'm not sure we are talking about the same God.

They said God is not glorified by preventing refugees from escaping.

This may be true, but God made it clear Israel should not mix its culture with those who believe so differently from them. I am all for setting up refugee camps and supporting the refugees but I am not for bringing a million refugees here. We can barely support the poor and needy we have now and we do not have jobs for our citizens why would we bring in a million more poor people. Why would we want to bring millions of people from a region of the world that teaches hatred for our country, our God, our values and our laws from the time they are young children. No I do not think God would tell us to bring them to our soil, but he would say to feed them and care for them.
They said God is not glorified with deporting Illegal immigrants who cheat and come here illegally.

God is a God of laws, he is a God of justice, he is a God of order and yes he is a God of mercy. If you mean illegal immigrants who cheated, broke the law and cut in line ahead of all those good folks who are trying to come here legally then no God would not say that was OK. To be fair those who are waiting legally should come first. 

They said God is not glorified by Xenophobia.

That depends on your definition of Xenophobia & Islamophobia.  Remember the bible says in Malachi 3:6
For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.  & James 1:17 With him "there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning".  If you mean God would like us to throw out bible principals & bible morality, kill unborn babies and wants us to embrace the culture of those who call Christians infidels and embrace sharia law then I say you are wrong. If you mean God wants us to be progressive and embrace modern values & scrap or Christian heritage then you are wrong.  In the situation I outlined I believe God would want us to be Xenophobia.

They said God is not glorified by sexism.

If you mean God does not have specific, important but different, primary roles for women and men then you are incorrect. If you mean God does not want us to recognize the difference between the genders and wants us all to look, dress and act the same then you are wrong. If you think it?s sexist to protect and care for women then I believe that?s what God wants us to be.

They said God is not glorified by fear, hate, shame, & pride.

My bible tells me to fear the Lord  (Proverbs 1:7 & Joshua 24:14-24) and to hate evil (Psalm 97:10, Romans 12:9, & Proverbs 8:13). It was through shame and conviction of sin that I received eternal life and I am godly proud when my children live right and I know it is by the grace of God and his mercy that my children serve the lord.

sword said:
They said God is not glorified by preventing refugees from escaping.

This may be true, but God made it clear Israel should not mix its culture with those who believe so differently from them. I am all for setting up refugee camps and supporting the refugees but I am not for bringing a million refugees here. We can barely support the poor and needy we have now and we do not have jobs for our citizens why would we bring in a million more poor people. Why would we want to bring millions of people from a region of the world that teaches hatred for our country, our God, our values and our laws from the time they are young children. No I do not think God would tell us to bring them to our soil, but he would say to feed them and care for them.

So you oppose interracial marriage? Did my son and his wife commit sin because he is white and she is Navajo in which English is her second tongue?

sword said:
They said God is not glorified with deporting Illegal immigrants who cheat and come here illegally.

God is a God of laws, he is a God of justice, he is a God of order and yes he is a God of mercy. If you mean illegal immigrants who cheated, broke the law and cut in line ahead of all those good folks who are trying to come here legally then no God would not say that was OK. To be fair those who are waiting legally should come first. 

So once they hit our soil regardless of the process, how do we handle? Round them up like cattle and ship them off? Separate families? Send illegal Mexican teens back into the gang culture from which they were trying to escape?

In essence, God is sending the mission field to America and we are rejecting them.

sword said:
They said God is not glorified by Xenophobia.

That depends on your definition of Xenophobia & Islamophobia.  Remember the bible says in Malachi 3:6
For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.  & James 1:17 With him "there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning".  If you mean God would like us to throw out bible principals & bible morality, kill unborn babies and wants us to embrace the culture of those who call Christians infidels and embrace sharia law then I say you are wrong. If you mean God wants us to be progressive and embrace modern values & scrap or Christian heritage then you are wrong.  In the situation I outlined I believe God would want us to be Xenophobia.

Wait. God doesn't change. He COMMANDED the killing of babies, according to the OT. (Hos. 13:16, I Sam. 15:3, Ps. 137:8-9). In "biblical morality", it was expected for a man to have sex with his brother's widow. Polygamy was considered "God's blessing." Execute adulterers, gay people and even rebellious children. If God doesn't ever change, then perhaps he wants these things to happen today. Or perhaps we ALL pick and choose which of the "biblical morality" principles we will live by and claim it God's will so as to be right. Maybe it is about our own personal pride.

FYI, He had laws about how to treat the immigrants (sojourners) in Israel and how they were to be taken care of.

sword said:
They said God is not glorified by sexism.

If you mean God does not have specific, important but different, primary roles for women and men then you are incorrect. If you mean God does not want us to recognize the difference between the genders and wants us all to look, dress and act the same then you are wrong. If you think it?s sexist to protect and care for women then I believe that?s what God wants us to be.

I believe it is sexist to objectify women and treat them as inferior. I also believe it is wrong to sexually assault a married woman and then brag about it later. But then again, that isn't from "biblical morality" taboo list I guess.

sword said:
They said God is not glorified by fear, hate, shame, & pride.

My bible tells me to fear the Lord  (Proverbs 1:7 & Joshua 24:14-24) and to hate evil (Psalm 97:10, Romans 12:9, & Proverbs 8:13). It was through shame and conviction of sin that I received eternal life and I am godly proud when my children live right and I know it is by the grace of God and his mercy that my children serve the lord.

I think "fearing the Lord" is a totally different animal altogether. The point is telling people to fear one another. Fearing one another promotes discord, marginalization and leads to hatred and sometimes racism.
Let them all move to Charlotte NC.

SC will take care of them.