The Super Bowl and Sunday evening services

Web said:
Many pastors of any ilk attend Sunday evening services for decades, but still fall into sin, sexual and otherwise.  Attending a Sunday night service is not the end all to protect from that.

We agree!
Web said:
Many pastors of any ilk attend Sunday evening services for decades, but still fall into sin, sexual and otherwise.  Attending a Sunday night service is not the end all to protect from that.

Many pastors of any ilk read their Bible for decades, but still fall into sin, sexual or otherwise. Reading a Bible is not the end all to protect from that.


IOW, what in the world does that have to do with the validity of a Sunday night service? C'mon now... If you want to make an argument for why something is outdated, no longer relevant, or unnecessary you are going to have to work harder than you have so far.