Time For a New Forum?

Outside temperature is just above freezing, skies are overcast. Typical November weather.
our novembers are usually known for heavy rain..... but that hasn;t happened yet...
..the thing november is best known for here is the arrival of humpback whales........
and the first one to be officially seen this year.. so far - was just the other day off maui....

It's currently 18 degrees in Crown Point, In.
Really? I’ll have to double check that later today. I thought that was part of Carter’s “fireside chats” or whatever it was called.

Update: we’re both correct. Thanks for the info, didn’t know Nixon had also gone that route. https://www.foxweather.com/lifestyle/when-the-president-controlled-the-thermostat.amp
I remember Nixon doing it. I also remember Carter encouraging people to keep the temps down in the winter and higher in the summer. Allegedly we were going to run out of power....Gee...hasn't happened yet!
It's currently 18 degrees in Crown Point, In.
With a breeze coming off the lake, I'll bet...

20° in Lewiston and Clarkston this morning, but for a change, the skies are clear with the exception of patchy fog. The sun is out, warming up the house.
I know you are being sarcastic, but remember that sarcasm is “often hostility disguised as humor.” Let’s get a little bit into the psychology of this issue (and thankfully, we have a couple of our own resident psychology experts who might be willing to chime in and help explain to us morons where the article has erred—J/K, I’m being “sarcastic” 😉) https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/and-running/202012/behind-the-scenes-sarcasm?amp
Sarcasm is my spiritual gift.