Satanic Teachings of Peter Ruckman

I don't even know what point you are trying to argue at this point. If God said a group of idolaters, who by the way were sacrificing their babies to Molech, needed to be wiped out to keep the Jewish nation pagan free, I'm not going to be the one to tell God He is wrong. However, murder is wrong unless in God's wisdom their is a specific purpose for it. I don't get to usurp God's power and decide this or that area would be better off with fewer babies.
sacrificing their babies to Molech
Wait where are you going now, was Israel sacrificing the babies they killed in that passage we were just talking about to Molech?
Wait where are you going now, was Israel sacrificing the babies they killed in that passage we were just talking about to Molech?
Are you having a stroke? Your words are jumbled and you seem confused?
Are you having a stroke?
I was think you were.

Jumping all over the Bible like a jittery little mole trying to connect your theory together.
Ruckman’s Views on the Image of God, Common Grace and Redemption for the Black Person

This best fits under the “Satanic” thread. Ruckman’s racism exposes his belief that people with black skin do not have the same Image of God and are incapable of redemption and are exempt from Common Grace.

Copied from tmjbog...
Ruckman's beliefs on race: (Not a guy I would want to defend)

If you notice that no matter how much integration is carried out, the IQ of blacks is ALWAYS lower than whites… (Ruckman, Peter. Discrimination: The Key to Sanity. 1994, p. 15)

…people who could not invent a calendar or even a wheel…If white Dutchmen had not come down there and showed "the first black man to use a white bathroom" how to farm, build, manufacture, mine, merchandise, sanitize, regulate, and organize a civilization, there would be no civilization there. It was the Shemites who built the Egyptian empire, and it is NOT in central Africa; it borders Asia and had access to all the wisdom and culture of the east (Mesopotamia, Syria, Persia, Chalead, and Israel) through the centuries. Eqypt is now the exception which the monkey men use to overthrow the rule. It is an old, old story. The rule is: unless "whitey" shows the black man how to play the piano, the tuba, the trombone, the banjo, the saxophone, the clarinet, and the trumpet, he stays squatted in front of a hollow log. (Ruckman, Peter. Discrimination: The Key to Sanity. 1994, p. 20)

We believe that history is absolute proof that “race-mixers” are mentally sick (Deut. 32:8). (Ruckman, Peter. Twenty-Two Years of the Bible Believers' Bulletin Volume #7 Strictly Personal. 2004, p. 112)

Negroes have to be carried. Where they are left to themselves they resort to mugging, rape, slavery, dope traffic, and eventually cannibalism. (Ruckman, Peter. History of the New Testament Church. Vol. 2, 1984, footnote 44.9, Chapter 11)
Ruckman’s Views on the Image of God, Common Grace and Redemption for the Black Person

This best fits under the “Satanic” thread. Ruckman’s racism exposes his belief that people with black skin do not have the same Image of God and are incapable of redemption and are exempt from Common Grace.

Copied from tmjbog...
Ruckman's beliefs on race: (Not a guy I would want to defend)

If you notice that no matter how much integration is carried out, the IQ of blacks is ALWAYS lower than whites… (Ruckman, Peter. Discrimination: The Key to Sanity. 1994, p. 15)

…people who could not invent a calendar or even a wheel…If white Dutchmen had not come down there and showed "the first black man to use a white bathroom" how to farm, build, manufacture, mine, merchandise, sanitize, regulate, and organize a civilization, there would be no civilization there. It was the Shemites who built the Egyptian empire, and it is NOT in central Africa; it borders Asia and had access to all the wisdom and culture of the east (Mesopotamia, Syria, Persia, Chalead, and Israel) through the centuries. Eqypt is now the exception which the monkey men use to overthrow the rule. It is an old, old story. The rule is: unless "whitey" shows the black man how to play the piano, the tuba, the trombone, the banjo, the saxophone, the clarinet, and the trumpet, he stays squatted in front of a hollow log. (Ruckman, Peter. Discrimination: The Key to Sanity. 1994, p. 20)

We believe that history is absolute proof that “race-mixers” are mentally sick (Deut. 32:8). (Ruckman, Peter. Twenty-Two Years of the Bible Believers' Bulletin Volume #7 Strictly Personal. 2004, p. 112)

Negroes have to be carried. Where they are left to themselves they resort to mugging, rape, slavery, dope traffic, and eventually cannibalism. (Ruckman, Peter. History of the New Testament Church. Vol. 2, 1984, footnote 44.9, Chapter 11)
If you want to read something comical read Gene Kim's Ruckman Ruckus-particularly the parts where he defends Ruckman's racism. Here is a sampling.

"One must realize that there are innocent individuals who used words like “nigger” simply as a normal term without insult to black people. The word “nigger” was never a term used by Dr. Ruckman and other Americans as hatred towards every black man and woman in the world. They would innocently use the slang word, like many black people innocently use as well."
One must realize that there are individuals who use words like "gook" simply as a normal term without insult to Korean people. The word "gook" was never a term used by Ransom and other Americans as hatred towards every Korean man and woman in the world. They would innocently use the slang word, like many Korean people innocently use as well.
I thought that most of the rucky's made excuses or tried to talk around his racism, but Gene Kim seems to support segregation and the "no race mixing" doctrine. Apparently white women when put with white men are unable argue fiercely. Below are not Ruckman quotes but Gene Kim's words.

Another problem that integration can result in is trouble in a marriage life. I have seen Asians married to Caucasians, and they can argue fiercely.

The next part of Acts 17:26 mentions God setting bounds for the races. This is obviously a case for segregation. Therefore, Acts 17:26 reveals mankind as one blood but different as races. Social race-mixers and Christians will use Romans 10:12 and Galatians 3:28 to justify there are no differences among the races, because there is no difference between a Jew or Gentile. But to interpret those verses that way means you are also saying there is no difference between a male or a female (Gal. 3:28)!P92
Dr. Ruckman and Gene Kim slipped up big time in their comments on blacks and racism.

I think Gene Kim was just trying to defend Ruckman and doesn't really understand black culture. I actually attended a nearly all-black school at one point in my youth and have a lot of black friends from different states.

I've said it before, Ruckman is from "that" generation and spent a lot of time in "that" region of the US in "those years". My guess is that at one point, Ruckman got bullied or beat up by a couple of black dudes for being a nerdy white guy (I say that half jokingly and half as a serious guess), and this caused him to hold some bitterness, possibly a grudge against black people for not understanding him. On the other hand, it's possible that the black people in the areas he spent time in were not as well-educated yet during the years immediately following the open-discrimination culture against blacks in America. Speaking as someone who knows black people, I imagine there was some animosity (as we can clearly see there obviously still is today) from blacks towards what whites had done to them in the past that kept that circle of distrust going between the 2 cultures even after those years.

One of my black friends was a Chief in the Navy who I worked alongside every day in Afghanistan, and we talked about these issues from time to time. My black friends are very comfortable talking about topics of racism with me, as I'm half-Korean and tbh I have a decent amount of black culture in me since youth, and I actually identify with the importance of keeping it real, not being fake, which is the biggest aspect of what makes it easy for me to bond with black people imo. Speaking as a half-Korean who has had diverse cultural experiences living in different parts of the US, I can say that cultural norms are socially engineered into people from birth, it's a nature/nurture thing. So while the first step in not being racist is judging the individual, not their group, pressures to conform to your ethnic group's cultural norms are absolutely real. I have given some of my black friends crap from time to time because they can sometimes talk like black people are the only people who ever went through slavery and persecution in the world, when in fact Koreans were actually in slavery for longer than them and under 2 nations at different times: Japan and China, and only recently did Korea go from being a 3rd world country to a 1st world country. A few of them don't like when I say this, but they respect that I keep it 100 with them instead of just trying to pander to them just because they are black, plus they know I'm spittin' facts and just trying to help them see a different angle.

White culture, not individuals which we judge first but the culture, has its own issues. There is more social engineering from youth to behave in a political manner and speak in a politically correct way, with less emphasis on keeping it 100. There can also tend to be a feigned way of presenting yourself as more intelligent than you are in an attempt to distance yourself from black culture (as the 2 predominant cultures in America are black and white: the others, Asians, Indians, Hispanics have less of a distinct culture in America, which is why they tend to either adopt the cultural styles in dress, speech, behavior, etc, of either black culture or white culture, or they remain what we call FOB's, Fresh Off The Boat, and start their own little Chinas or little Koreas and isolate themselves from assimilating at all into American culture). But the feigned intellect whites culture, not the individual but the cultural norm, often employs can many times be a subtle form of racism in and of itself because it's not being honest but is attempting to cheat an appearance of higher-class intelligence over the black culture here (and stands out like a sore thumb to ethnicities that factually have higher average IQ: like Koreans, who factually according to multiple statistics do very well in school compared to most ethnicities, which is one reason we went from 3rd world country to 1st world so fast), and brings me back to what my friend the Chief said: Racism still exists in America, but for the most part it is just more subtle than before, and involves more politics and tact.

Whatever the reason, Ruckman clearly did not understand black culture yet attempted to speak about it as if he knew about it. This is my problem with Ruckman: he did the same thing with music and composers. He was a good drawer/painter, but I'm certain I would swipe the floor with him in the composing department. The cultural influence / social engineering of the Baptists was evident in his writings there too, as he took a very illogical position on what "godly music" is. I made an entire video refuting all of the Baptist's silly claims about music and really they all need to get over themselves on this point because I am right as a professional-level composer and they are wrong.

However, it is a fact that Ruckman's understanding of the Bible was bar-none far beyond most people in the world's who have published any Christian literature themselves. Despite his flaws, he was still very high IQ. He also kept it real. Meaning he kept it real between him and God in his prayers asking God to reveal the truth of the Bible to him, he didn't just play politics with his seminary under the stronghold that classy scholars of the past like John Calvin must have been right. To be honest, he even kept it real with his ignorant form of racism, something all pastors today would be terrified to do. I know for a fact watching many pastors who do that feigning the higher class things while throwing blacks under the bus in subtle ways are racist by their actions, they don't just come out and say it. At least Ruckman did even though he was dead wrong. But you gotta respect the man was real and transparent, he didn't hide is opinions and put up a fake image pretending to think something he really didn't. On the other hand, famous pastors out there who pretend to be intelligent have said things like "what, you think there's going to be a ghetto in heaven?" to defend the self-righteous heresy of Lordship Salvation, to which the entire room laughed. That, right there, is subtle racism, and it is far more cowardly than anything Ruckman ever did.

Ruckman disavowed...
Image of God in black people
Common Grace for black people
Redemption for black people

... and UGC admits “Dr. Ruckman and Gene Kim slipped up big time in their comments on blacks and racism.”

... and yet concludes “However, it is a fact that Ruckman's understanding of the Bible was bar-none far beyond most people in the world's who have published any Christian literature themselves. Despite his flaws, he was still very high IQ.”

A person, who graduated from Bob Jones University with a PhD in religion gets quite a bit of latitude from UGC.
A person, who graduated from Bob Jones University with a PhD in religion gets quite a bit of latitude from UGC.
I suppose we're supposed to give this Wonder Twin a pass, too, because of his "black friends."
“However, it is a fact that Ruckman's understanding of the Bible was bar-none far beyond most people in the world's who have published any Christian literature themselves. Despite his flaws, he was still very high IQ.”

A person, who graduated from Bob Jones University with a PhD in religion gets quite a bit of latitude from UGC.


Let's say you're in a math class (I know you didn't attend many of these FSSL, but follow me here),

The teacher writes a problem on the board and asks everyone to solve it. The problem's difficulty surpasses what was taught so far in the class, so most students get it wrong, despite being "nice guys" and "SJW girls".

The only person in the entire class who the teachers turns to and says, "you got it right," just happens to be a student who has a very high IQ but unfortunately holds a few racist views, as everyone else in the class knows.

At the end of all of this, the teacher tells everyone in the class to come up to the white board and write the answer. If they write the correct answer, they pass the class. If they write the wrong one, they fail and can never retake it again.

80% of the class writes the wrong answer on purpose because, emotionally, they feel like writing the answer that the racist guy came up with would make them racist too (even though the math problem has nothing to do with race, but calculated fact, numbers which don't lie). They willingly flunk the class on purpose because they feel emotionally reassured that most of the class shares their sentiment that has nothing to do with math class.

20% of the class writes the right answer and immediately passes. Then they go give the racist guy crap for being a racist and tell him, "If only you weren't a racist, everyone would have agreed with you... Douche.................. but nice job solving that problem man we all passed!"
Yep. Ruckman's virulent racist streak has nothing to do with his being racist.

I have black friends, so my opinions are beyond criticism.
Dr. Ruckman and Gene Kim slipped up big time in their comments on blacks and racism.

I think Gene Kim was just trying to defend Ruckman and doesn't really understand black culture. I actually attended a nearly all-black school at one point in my youth and have a lot of black friends from different states.

I've said it before, Ruckman is from "that" generation and spent a lot of time in "that" region of the US in "those years". My guess is that at one point, Ruckman got bullied or beat up by a couple of black dudes for being a nerdy white guy (I say that half jokingly and half as a serious guess), and this caused him to hold some bitterness, possibly a grudge against black people for not understanding him. On the other hand, it's possible that the black people in the areas he spent time in were not as well-educated yet during the years immediately following the open-discrimination culture against blacks in America. Speaking as someone who knows black people, I imagine there was some animosity (as we can clearly see there obviously still is today) from blacks towards what whites had done to them in the past that kept that circle of distrust going between the 2 cultures even after those years.

One of my black friends was a Chief in the Navy who I worked alongside every day in Afghanistan, and we talked about these issues from time to time. My black friends are very comfortable talking about topics of racism with me, as I'm half-Korean and tbh I have a decent amount of black culture in me since youth, and I actually identify with the importance of keeping it real, not being fake, which is the biggest aspect of what makes it easy for me to bond with black people imo. Speaking as a half-Korean who has had diverse cultural experiences living in different parts of the US, I can say that cultural norms are socially engineered into people from birth, it's a nature/nurture thing. So while the first step in not being racist is judging the individual, not their group, pressures to conform to your ethnic group's cultural norms are absolutely real. I have given some of my black friends crap from time to time because they can sometimes talk like black people are the only people who ever went through slavery and persecution in the world, when in fact Koreans were actually in slavery for longer than them and under 2 nations at different times: Japan and China, and only recently did Korea go from being a 3rd world country to a 1st world country. A few of them don't like when I say this, but they respect that I keep it 100 with them instead of just trying to pander to them just because they are black, plus they know I'm spittin' facts and just trying to help them see a different angle.

White culture, not individuals which we judge first but the culture, has its own issues. There is more social engineering from youth to behave in a political manner and speak in a politically correct way, with less emphasis on keeping it 100. There can also tend to be a feigned way of presenting yourself as more intelligent than you are in an attempt to distance yourself from black culture (as the 2 predominant cultures in America are black and white: the others, Asians, Indians, Hispanics have less of a distinct culture in America, which is why they tend to either adopt the cultural styles in dress, speech, behavior, etc, of either black culture or white culture, or they remain what we call FOB's, Fresh Off The Boat, and start their own little Chinas or little Koreas and isolate themselves from assimilating at all into American culture). But the feigned intellect whites culture, not the individual but the cultural norm, often employs can many times be a subtle form of racism in and of itself because it's not being honest but is attempting to cheat an appearance of higher-class intelligence over the black culture here (and stands out like a sore thumb to ethnicities that factually have higher average IQ: like Koreans, who factually according to multiple statistics do very well in school compared to most ethnicities, which is one reason we went from 3rd world country to 1st world so fast), and brings me back to what my friend the Chief said: Racism still exists in America, but for the most part it is just more subtle than before, and involves more politics and tact.

Whatever the reason, Ruckman clearly did not understand black culture yet attempted to speak about it as if he knew about it. This is my problem with Ruckman: he did the same thing with music and composers. He was a good drawer/painter, but I'm certain I would swipe the floor with him in the composing department. The cultural influence / social engineering of the Baptists was evident in his writings there too, as he took a very illogical position on what "godly music" is. I made an entire video refuting all of the Baptist's silly claims about music and really they all need to get over themselves on this point because I am right as a professional-level composer and they are wrong.

However, it is a fact that Ruckman's understanding of the Bible was bar-none far beyond most people in the world's who have published any Christian literature themselves. Despite his flaws, he was still very high IQ. He also kept it real. Meaning he kept it real between him and God in his prayers asking God to reveal the truth of the Bible to him, he didn't just play politics with his seminary under the stronghold that classy scholars of the past like John Calvin must have been right. To be honest, he even kept it real with his ignorant form of racism, something all pastors today would be terrified to do. I know for a fact watching many pastors who do that feigning the higher class things while throwing blacks under the bus in subtle ways are racist by their actions, they don't just come out and say it. At least Ruckman did even though he was dead wrong. But you gotta respect the man was real and transparent, he didn't hide is opinions and put up a fake image pretending to think something he really didn't. On the other hand, famous pastors out there who pretend to be intelligent have said things like "what, you think there's going to be a ghetto in heaven?" to defend the self-righteous heresy of Lordship Salvation, to which the entire room laughed. That, right there, is subtle racism, and it is far more cowardly than anything Ruckman ever did.

I started off my career in factories, machine shops, and the navy. Most people I worked with in those settings did not try to feign some intelligence or superiority over black folks. The last 20 years I've worked in more professional settings, Non-profits, fortune 500 companies, CPA firms. I've not seen it in any of those settings with one exception involving one person. Overall I think racism is not nearly the issue it was 40 or even 25 years ago. Of course their will always be a handful (like Ruckman). Interestingly some of the most blatant racism I've seen has been in the Asian community. The issue with Ruckman is it bled into his doctrine with how he identified Cain. What he believed God could do in the life of a black man. That's not a picture of someone acing the exam. That's a picture of someone in need of remedial education.
So you're racist against Asians now?
tmjbog: I've met a lot of racist Asians.
UGC Wonder Twin #1: So you're racist against Asians?

It'd be jusifiable, if they were all as dumb (and apparently proud of it) as you are.
By the way, I'm half-Korean, but I'm also half-Irish. So as close as family, I know both the White and Asian cultures very well. In fact because I'm not only 1 ethnicity, and have grown up within 2 ethnic groups, I don't have a skewed, racist view on Asians and Whites like tmjbog does.

Among the various white cultures, Irish culture is among those who can also better relate with blacks in addition to Koreans, though Koreans certainly have a closer history to Blacks in terms of understanding their persecution.
No, my Asian wife says I have to tolerate them.
:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: The partial Arminian turned full Arminian FWB non-IFB IFB Catholic tmjbog now adopts an Asian wife to save himself from the racist slip he just made!

I guess when you're on the internet using a name like "tmjbog" (did you just have your cat walk on your keyboard to create that username?), you can be whatever you want.
:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: The partial Arminian turned full Arminian FWB non-IFB IFB Catholic tmjbog now adopts an Asian wife to save himself from the racist slip he just made!

I guess when you're on the internet using a name like "tmjbog" (cryptic), you can be whatever you want.
Boy, if you just try to keep up-your way behind here. A few days ago I expressed my wife's opinion of the Catholics because of some of the atrocities they committed in her home country. I mentioned it was a mostly Catholic Asian country. Asians typically come from Asian countries.