"Dirty Dishrags"?


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Jan 28, 2012
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"Women, did you have sex before marriage? Paul Chappell thinks you’re a “dirty dishrag.” (No mention at all of what men are like)

It’s worth noting that West Coast Baptist College has jumped on the TRACS bandwagon. One wonders whether pursuing accreditation will soften their tone in the same way it has at BJU and PCC."


What a horrible thing to say - especially from the pulpit.
Before, during and after.  :-*

And Paul Chappell is a male chauvinist pig-dog. His opinion is worth less to me than that of my dirty dish rag.

TRACS accreditation is better than nothing... but not much better.
Izdaari said:
Before, during and after.  :-*

And Paul Chappell is a male chauvinist pig-dog. His opinion is worth less to me than that of my dirty dish rag.

TRACS accreditation is better than nothing... but not much better.

Oh, you are absolutely right his words are horrible at anytime. Instead of spewing his venom from his living room recliner (like Archie Bunker) he is doing so in front of ~3000 people - including many young, impressionable ones.

No one walked out?

No deacon called him out for it?

There is so much wrong with this.
AmazedbyGrace said:
Izdaari said:
Before, during and after.  :-*

And Paul Chappell is a male chauvinist pig-dog. His opinion is worth less to me than that of my dirty dish rag.

TRACS accreditation is better than nothing... but not much better.

Oh, you are absolutely right his words are horrible at anytime. Instead of spewing his venom from his living room recliner (like Archie Bunker) he is doing so in front of ~3000 people - including many young, impressionable ones.

No one walked out?

No deacon called him out for it?

There is so much wrong with this.

Seems to me that the word "Lemmings" ought to used for this thread too!
Granted, I didn't click the links, but if Paul Chappell didn't call the men that engaged in sex with those unmarried "dirty dishrag" women "the pots that made the dishrags dirty", he is nothing more than the common Baptist misogynist.  If true, shame on him, because he is perpetuating the age-old double standard.
PC: Certain sins make you as a dirty dishrags.

Scripture: All your righteousnesses are as filthy rags (dirty dishrags?)

Note how Scripture calls our best work, not our sins dirty dishrags...

Note how Scripture calls our best work dirty dishrags, not the people.

I'll take the Scripture.
Immediately following the dishrag comment he explicitly says "I speak no ill against someone who's had difficulty with sin in their past, but from this day forward...."

He clearly is expressing his own opinions, not God's.

The Bible obviously contradicts the very substance of his arguments.

He is most definitely not a Bible preacher when making these statements.

I wonder if his dad and brother might have more influence in his thinking than he realizes.

He lived in the house of a man thoroughly disqualified from ever filling the part of a pastor.
Immediately following the dishrag comment he explicitly says "I speak no ill against someone who's had difficulty with sin in their past, but from this day forward...."

What is your problem!?
Just declare yourself righteously indignant and move on..... :)
Immediately following the dishrag comment he explicitly says "I speak no ill against someone who's had difficulty with sin in their past, but from this day forward...."

I have no problem with exhorting people to live holy lives, pleasing to God.

But by calling people (people, mind you, not sins) "dirty dishrags", he is saying that they are worthless, and something he would not have in his house.
Some get it right:

from "What's So Amazing About Grace?" - Philip Yancey

Chapter One

The Last Best Word

I told a story in my book The Jesus I Never Knew, a true story that long afterward continued to haunt me. I heard it from a friend who works with the down-and-out in Chicago:

A prostitute came to me in wretched straits, homeless, sick, unable to buy food for her two-year-old daughter. Through sobs and tears, she told me she had been renting out her daughter -- two years old! -- to men interested in kinky sex. She made more renting out her daughter for an hour than she could earn on her own in a night. She had to do it, she said, to support her own drug habit. I could hardly bear hearing her sordid story. For one thing, it made me legally liable -- I'm required to report cases of child abuse. I had no idea what to say to this woman.
At last I asked if she had ever thought of going to a church for help. I will never forget the look of pure, naive shock that crossed her face. "Church!" she cried. "Why would I ever go there? I was already feeling terrible about myself. They'd just make me feel worse."

What struck me about my friend's story is that women much like this prostitute fled toward Jesus, not away from him. The worse a person felt about herself, the more likely she saw Jesus as a refuge. Has the church lost that gift? Evidently the down-and-out, who flocked to Jesus when he lived on earth, no longer feel welcome among his followers. What has happened?

(emphasis mine)


So sad that the OP passes for gospel preaching. "Come to me all you who are heavy laden and I will have my ministers pile more burdens upon you" is not how my bible reads.

No, a gospel preacher would say something like "I don't know what your sins are. I don't need to know nor make judgement on them. What I do know is that if you have found yourself here and feel like you are no more value than a dirt dishrag, Jesus has an answer for that burden. Let me tell you about (pick one of any number of interactions between Jesus and sinners but the woman at the well and the woman caught in adultery come to immediate mind considering the subject matter of the OP) and show you how He came to cleanse you."

The church has it all backwards. We judge the world around us when specifically told not to and often ignore the sin right in front of us in our own camp.
Just a dirty dishrag? We are ALL used feminine napkins.

Chappel should have quoted the Apostle and claimed to be the biggest!

BTW: Purity covenants have the wrong emphasis.
Immediately following the dishrag comment he explicitly says "I speak no ill against someone who's had difficulty with sin in their past, but from this day forward...."

But a bride has clearly made the decision to get married and not continue to engage in pre-marital sex. So why is she being referred to as a filthy dishrag? The comment itself shows his little disclaimer was dishonest. He is slamming women who had "difficulty with sin in their past", either their own or someone elses. No provision made for victims in his statement either.

So, based on his weak disclaimer, who exactly do you think he was he describing to this Sunday night crowd?

Virgin brides - clearly not
Non-virgin brides, regardless of how they got that status - definitely

And zero references to men as being filthy on their wedding day...only shame heaped upon women.

AmazedbyGrace said:
Immediately following the dishrag comment he explicitly says "I speak no ill against someone who's had difficulty with sin in their past, but from this day forward...."

But a bride has clearly made the decision to get married and not continue to engage in pre-marital sex. So why is she being referred to as a filthy dishrag? The comment itself shows his little disclaimer was dishonest. He is slamming women who had "difficulty with sin in their past", either their own or someone elses. No provision made for victims in his statement either.

So, based on his weak disclaimer, who exactly do you think he was he describing to this Sunday night crowd?

Virgin brides - clearly not
Non-virgin brides, regardless of how they got that status - definitely

And zero references to men as being filthy on their wedding day...only shame heaped upon women.

Right. Like I said, he's a male chauvinist pig-dog, and a filthy misogynist.

And since I got married when I was 18 and hadn't been a virgin since I was 15, I do take it personally.
It is these types of shock jock, unloving, hateful statements that made me flee from the IFB mentality to the loving arms of a REAL church! My new pastor would never spew such junk. He loves his people.
This approach in "preeeeeching" is abusive and unneeded....especially from someone who should push back from the table instead of becoming a big fat pig!

Oops, I am sure someone will think that's inappropriate...I agree...to bad that sad excuse for a preeeeecher doesn't!
aleshanee said:
subllibrm said:
Some get it right:

from "What's So Amazing About Grace?" - Philip Yancey

Chapter One

The Last Best Word

I told a story in my book The Jesus I Never Knew, a true story that long afterward continued to haunt me. I heard it from a friend who works with the down-and-out in Chicago:

A prostitute came to me in wretched straits, homeless, sick, unable to buy food for her two-year-old daughter. Through sobs and tears, she told me she had been renting out her daughter -- two years old! -- to men interested in kinky sex. She made more renting out her daughter for an hour than she could earn on her own in a night. She had to do it, she said, to support her own drug habit. I could hardly bear hearing her sordid story. For one thing, it made me legally liable -- I'm required to report cases of child abuse. I had no idea what to say to this woman.
At last I asked if she had ever thought of going to a church for help. I will never forget the look of pure, naive shock that crossed her face. "Church!" she cried. "Why would I ever go there? I was already feeling terrible about myself. They'd just make me feel worse."

What struck me about my friend's story is that women much like this prostitute fled toward Jesus, not away from him. The worse a person felt about herself, the more likely she saw Jesus as a refuge. Has the church lost that gift? Evidently the down-and-out, who flocked to Jesus when he lived on earth, no longer feel welcome among his followers. What has happened?

(emphasis mine)


So sad that the OP passes for gospel preaching. "Come to me all you who are heavy laden and I will have my ministers pile more burdens upon you" is not how my bible reads.

No, a gospel preacher would say something like "I don't know what your sins are. I don't need to know nor make judgement on them. What I do know is that if you have found yourself here and feel like you are no more value than a dirt dishrag, Jesus has an answer for that burden. Let me tell you about (pick one of any number of interactions between Jesus and sinners but the woman at the well and the woman caught in adultery come to immediate mind considering the subject matter of the OP) and show you how He came to cleanse you."

The church has it all backwards. We judge the world around us when specifically told not to and often ignore the sin right in front of us in our own camp.

it happens more often than decent people realize....... i was rented out by my mother from the age of 5.........but my mom was one person.....and like you say women like her is all modern christians and even the world seems to focus on...... but her customers and clientel were many...... more than i could ever count or remember....... only a few were ever prosecuted with her....... the rest are still out there..... i don;t know who they were....... but i do know that when she danced on stage at the night clubs many of the customers there included police officers.... public officials... and other business men with families at home who thought they were working late at the office that night...and it was not uncommon for night club customers to come home with her and become private customers even before she started making me art of her business...... figure how many women in your community do things like this to their daughters then multiply that by at least a few dozen....... and you might get an idea of how many perverted and predatory men there are in your community walking around undetected and unknown...... possibly even sitting in church with you or wearing a badge and gun patrolling your neighborhood.......

Yes that man was wrong, dead wrong. I can only imagine his motives knowing his father and brother.