Donald Trump

Tell us where, in the Bible, we are supposed to vote for only righteous people.

The slogan on the religious right during the Clinton administration was "character matters." I don't think that ought to have changed in 20-odd years, whether it's "our" guy doing the groping or the other guy.
The TDS charge is kind of amusing when juxtaposed against the gamut of abhorrent behavior that folks are willing to overlook. TDS is rife on both “sides”.
I don’t know that such a person could ever be nominated by either party. Look at how Mike Pence was treated for his desire to be faithful to his wife. Maybe I missed it but I don’t recall the Republican Party standing up for him. That includes the evangelical world. No, they chose to get behind a man who displays zero character qualities worthy of emulation.

Lower taxes are not worth the cost to the reputation of the Bride of Christ.
mike pence was too worried over his own sanctimonious image to be concerned with what happened to the country.... he had his chances to show who he is and he showed he;s all talk and no action... many fundamentalists like him because his talk pleases them.... but what did he ever do other than run a few successful political campaings?... i would rather see someone who didn;t care about his image but who did right by country in the white house than someone like that.......

and if lower taxes was the only effect you think trump had on the nation as president then you might not be worth arguing with.... does putting people on the supreme court that brought and end to row vrs wade matter to you?..... does our country being energy independent - our military being respected again and preventing wars matter?...stopping the invasion of our country by criminals and terrorists through a non existent southern border?..... . and those are only a few things... .. i said before guys like you deserve what biden brought us.... so enjoy your next 5 years of depraved democrats having contol of the country... because after that it will probably be china or some islamic jihadist group in charge....
The slogan on the religious right during the Clinton administration was "character matters." I don't think that ought to have changed in 20-odd years, whether it's "our" guy doing the groping or the other guy.
Thank you.

Nothing that the Republicans Party offers is worth selling ones soul as it were.
The TDS charge is kind of amusing when juxtaposed against the gamut of abhorrent behavior that folks are willing to overlook. TDS is rife on both “sides”.
what;s amusing is how you don;t know the difference between a pastor and a president.... but don;t worry it;s common among fundamentalists...... that;s why they use to defend jack hyles by pointing to the sins of king david of ancient israel.... .
mike pence was too worried over his own sanctimonious image to be concerned with what happened to the country.... he had his chances to show who he is and he showed he;s all talk and no action... many fundamentalists like him because his talk pleases them.... but what did he ever do other than run a few successful political campaings?... i would rather see someone who didn;t care about his image but who did right by country in the white house than someone like that.......

and if lower taxes was the only effect you think trump had on the nation as president then you might not be worth arguing with.... does putting people on the supreme court that brought and end to row vrs wade matter to you?..... does our country being energy independent - our military being respected again and preventing wars matter?...stopping the invasion of our country by criminals and terrorists through a non existent southern border?..... . and those are only a few things... .. i said before guys like you deserve what biden brought us.... so enjoy your next 5 years of depraved democrats having contol of the country... because after that it will probably be china or some islamic jihadist group in charge....
Roe v Wade being overturned did not end abortion. In fact the country has become exactly what we should have expected considering how the church spent more time, treasure and talent on politics than being the light of the world.
The slogan on the religious right during the Clinton administration was "character matters." I don't think that ought to have changed in 20-odd years, whether it's "our" guy doing the groping or the other guy.
clinton would not have been president if republicans and conservatives had not foolishly split their votes between bush and ross perot.... something a lot of those perot supporters i knew that were complaining about clinton were frequently reminded of
Roe v Wade being overturned did not end abortion. In fact the country has become exactly what we should have expected considering how the church spent more time, treasure and talent on politics than being the light of the world.
you;re right about the church spending too much time on politics.... and not enough on being the light of the world... . .. but focusing on the most important things does not mean we should leave the other matters unattended..... or abandon reponsibility altogether and toss our hands up begging God to fix a problem He gave us the power to fix ourselves.......... and while the reversal of row vrs wade did not end abortion it at least allowed individual states to ban it or pass stricter laws on it... and ended the federal mandate that abortion access be unlimited throughout the country...

i know the anti-trumpers hate to admit it but regardless of his personal sins and indescretions - as president donald trump was the best friend to christian causes than any president has been in the last 40 years..... even the instigators of current wars admit they would not have acted if trump had been president..... ...which in my opinion means those that enabled bidens election by whatever action or inaction they took (or are still taking) have blood on their hands........
Whether Trump or Biden occupy the White House, it should be perfectly clear to any believer that our nation is under divine judgment and things are about to get bad.

Judgment must first begin with the House of God and we know that God often uses his enemies as his hand of judgment against his erring people before judging and destroying them. We see this quite clearly with how God used Assyria and Babylon in his judgment and exile of Israel and Judah.

I was just speaking with one of our elders about this yesterday saying I would rather have a Republican candidate other than Trump that would have the exact same policies that Trump had during his presidency. I was saying the exact same thing in 2016 when I was actively campaigning against Trump. I voted for Ted Cruz in the Texas primary.

With all that said, I would much rather have Trump than Biden.
I don’t know that such a person could ever be nominated by either party. Look at how Mike Pence was treated for his desire to be faithful to his wife. Maybe I missed it but I don’t recall the Republican Party standing up for him. That includes the evangelical world. No, they chose to get behind a man who displays zero character qualities worthy of emulation.

Lower taxes are not worth the cost to the reputation of the Bride of Christ.
Well then, I suppose your only option is to quit voting and just live with whoever the heathens around you choose. Just don't let me hear you complain.
The slogan on the religious right during the Clinton administration was "character matters." I don't think that ought to have changed in 20-odd years, whether it's "our" guy doing the groping or the other guy.
It would be nice to have a candidate that was high in character and had the ability to appoint Supreme Court justices who overturned Rowe v Wade and stop the onslaught of other various cultural evils. We have had many conservatives in politics for 50 years and not one of them worked to get rid of Roe v Wade.

The Moral Majority pushed for GHW Bush. Remember, he had 8 women accuse him of sexual harassment. It's been the Democrat Playbook for decades. Are we to just believe that Trump sexually assaulted this woman? She didn't remember the year, the dress she was wearing and a significant number of other details. Is it possible that there is corruption in our judicial system?

It comes down to two choices. Vote Trump or Biden. It's not time to worry about platitudes that lead to ineffectiveness and losing our country to communism.

God never told us, "Do not vote for a person with character flaws."
Roe v Wade being overturned did not end abortion. In fact the country has become exactly what we should have expected considering how the church spent more time, treasure and talent on politics than being the light of the world.
No. It sent the decisions back to each stated and GREATLY diminished the number of abortions... Now, we have the ability to work more effectively to get rid of abortion... or move to a state that we are more in line with.

Unfortunately, Roe-v-Wade has been misunderstood by many pro-lifers. It had to be dismantled first. Certainly you must be in approval of that!
No. It sent the decisions back to each stated and GREATLY diminished the number of abortions... Now, we have the ability to work more effectively to get rid of abortion... or move to a state that we are more in line with.

Unfortunately, Roe-v-Wade has been misunderstood by many pro-lifers. It had to be dismantled first. Certainly you must be in approval of that!
The blowback here in Michigan was to enshrine Roe and then some (they made “gender affirming” medial care sacrosanct) info the state constitution.

I had always expected exactly what we got. My position was and is that it should have been “fixed” via the amendment process.
All y’all going to attend your gay nephews wedding? Will you dance with the “bride” when the next door neighbors “trans” daughters gets married?
The blowback here in Michigan was to enshrine Roe and then some (they made “gender affirming” medial care sacrosanct) info the state constitution.

I had always expected exactly what we got. My position was and is that it should have been “fixed” via the amendment process.
It can be fixed in Michigan FAR easier than at the Federal level.

If our poiticians would have fought hard decades ago, todays culture of abortion would not have been as established.
It can be fixed in Michigan FAR easier than at the Federal level.

If our poiticians would have fought hard decades ago, todays culture of abortion would not have been as established.
We amended the constitution! How is it going to be easy?
Easier than dealing with it at the Federal level.
We never even tried. The Republicans have been leading us with the Roe v Wade carrot for decades. They are not friends of the gospel.

BTW it was amended here by a huge majority so there will be nothing easy about overturning it with a new amendment.
Whether Trump or Biden occupy the White House, it should be perfectly clear to any believer that our nation is under divine judgment and things are about to get bad.

Judgment must first begin with the House of God and we know that God often uses his enemies as his hand of judgment against his erring people before judging and destroying them. We see this quite clearly with how God used Assyria and Babylon in his judgment and exile of Israel and Judah.

I was just speaking with one of our elders about this yesterday saying I would rather have a Republican candidate other than Trump that would have the exact same policies that Trump had during his presidency. I was saying the exact same thing in 2016 when I was actively campaigning against Trump. I voted for Ted Cruz in the Texas primary.

With all that said, I would much rather have Trump than Biden.
The church is going to have to repent of her idolatry in worshiping the political process. The answer has never been to fix the country with policies and regulations. Our generation has played the political game while shirking our responsibilities to change the world by way of the gospel.

Judgement is coming and the church cannot deny her negligence.