Donald Trump

Well, we aren’t to the general yet so I will keep griping. ;)

Mr. Trump’s involvement devastated the 2022 election here in Michigan. His “chosen” candidates lost to all of the worst candidates on the Democratic side.
I agree with, and have posted about it here, your view of Trump.
But my question to you is, so what? (politically speaking)

IF the criteria for voting was that my candidate must be a man of high biblical and moral character, I’d seldom, if ever vote. And neither would you.
Stolen from the interwebs -

"The thing I’ve noticed about political tribalism is that people will find themselves drawn to a tribe over one or two issues that are important to them, then they must adopt and defend everything (or everyone) else the tribe stands for. Or else. Individual thought is only allowed within narrow limits. Go beyond that and you get drummed out."

Seems somehow fitting here.
What a crock.
Lets say we all agree with you SUB.
I don't agree. He's said a vile thing or two, but generally and comparatively, Trump is a good guy, and a smart guy as well as a businessman of integrity and cunning. We discovered in 2016 that he is also an able and intrepid statesman.
We'll just overlook the fact that he's turned on pretty much everyone who worked for his administration.

Loyalty to Trump is rarely reciprocated.
I cannot support the woke, pro abortion, pro transgender, pro illegal immigration, pro divorce, pro drugs, economy killing, pro socialist, anti God platform of the other party. If some choose to not vote as many christians have, I understand but not voting allows the worst of two evils win.

this is exactly why I vote the way I do

[Deleted comments that arise from the flesh and demonstrate why I need to limit my political commentary] refusing to vote for a candidate because he says ugly words so what's in office now? A senile old puppet who makes backroom business deals for his drug addicted son...
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We'll just overlook the fact that he's turned on pretty much everyone who worked for his administration.

Loyalty to Trump is rarely reciprocated.
As true as that may be, given all of the implications and responsibilities inherent to the privilege of voting it hardly rises to anything close for justification to not vote.
We'll just overlook the fact that he's turned on pretty much everyone who worked for his administration.

Loyalty to Trump is rarely reciprocated.
Kash Patel has an excellent book on why so many people "turn." Backroom deals/threats are causing people to flip. So, it may not be Trump's fault in alot of these cases.
We'll just overlook the fact that he's turned on pretty much everyone who worked for his administration.

Loyalty to Trump is rarely reciprocated.
It's the disloyalty that he reacts to so severely. Everyone is talking like he wasn't the most unjustly savaged and maligned individual in U.S. history.
As true as that may be, given all of the implications and responsibilities inherent to the privilege of voting it hardly rises to anything close for justification to not vote.

I didn't say it did.

On the other hand, a Hobson's choice between Trash(R) and Trash(D) is such a justification. Recognizing a rigged game and refusing to play is a valid decision.
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This thinking has morphed into acting according to their illusions of Christ, and not according to the truth of Christ.

Christ is the stench of death to the dying. And for the most part, the more Christlike you are, the more you'll them, the ones you think you're bound to make Christ smell good to.
Actually no. This wasn't the "love then into heaven" pablum that you might be thanking of. This was a challenge to not cry out at another man's sin while ignoring your own. If I am not going seek to live a life of personal holiness while demanding it from the lost destroys my usefulness as a witness to the saving grace of
Christ is lost. Or in the context of this thread, if I am going to excuse Mr. Trump I have no room to make claims against his political foes. Such hypocrisy is seen by everyone except him who practices it.
We'll just overlook the fact that he's turned on pretty much everyone who worked for his administration.

Loyalty to Trump is rarely reciprocated.
Thank you again.

Kash Patel has an excellent book on why so many people "turn." Backroom deals/threats are causing people to flip. So, it may not be Trump's fault in alot of these cases.
His white house staff was a clown show. But if you want to follow this narrative how did the master of 4d chess manage to recruit such a rotten disloyal band of cut throats? A great leader who built a staff of people who were dedicated to his ruin! Maybe it would be good to rethink how great his management acumen really is. :unsure: ;)
I didn't say it did.

On the other hand, a Hobson's choice between Trash(R) and Trash(D) is such a justification. Recognizing a rigged game and refusing to play is a valid decision.
I believe the it was Tozer who made the observation that the lesser of two evils is still evil.
Quoting liberals (The Atlantic) and applying it to conservatives is silly. Applying it to this conversation is absurd.
Actually, I stole it from Reason, not the Atlantic.
Kash Patel has an excellent book on why so many people "turn." Backroom deals/threats are causing people to flip. So, it may not be Trump's fault in alot of these cases.

It's less the reasons why his people turned as his reaction to it. He could have said, "Well, that's unfortunate," and moved on. Instead we get vituperative nicknames and "he was garbage, was never very good at his job anyway," and other sorts of sour grapes. Look, you hired them, buddy. You're almost 80 years old. Act your age.
It's the disloyalty that he reacts to so severely. Everyone is talking like he wasn't the most unjustly savaged and maligned individual in U.S. history.

And when I knew he was unjustly maligned, I've defended the truth (e.g. the 'very fine people" canard). I still use the phrase "Great American Temper Tantrum" in reference to the ongoing progressive wobbly following the 2016 election (2,639 days and counting!).

I'm not maligning Trump unjustly when I point out that he could have been regarded as a competent, if unremarkable, president. But thank to his own temper tantrums, he's going down in history as an angry and petulant man-child. Fine, that's his choice. Doesn't do much to make him a preferable alternative to Biden.
It's less the reasons why his people turned as his reaction to it. He could have said, "Well, that's unfortunate," and moved on. Instead we get vituperative nicknames and "he was garbage, was never very good at his job anyway," and other sorts of sour grapes. Look, you hired them, buddy. You're almost 80 years old. Act your age.
... and what has Trump accomplished? No one is defending his approach.

He certainly has proven that he more effective than any conservative in the past few decades.
clinton would not have been president if republicans and conservatives had not foolishly split their votes between bush and ross perot.... something a lot of those perot supporters i knew that were complaining about clinton were frequently reminded of

you;re right about the church spending too much time on politics.... and not enough on being the light of the world... . .. but focusing on the most important things does not mean we should leave the other matters unattended..... or abandon reponsibility altogether and toss our hands up begging God to fix a problem He gave us the power to fix ourselves.......... and while the reversal of row vrs wade did not end abortion it at least allowed individual states to ban it or pass stricter laws on it... and ended the federal mandate that abortion access be unlimited throughout the country...

i know the anti-trumpers hate to admit it but regardless of his personal sins and indescretions - as president donald trump was the best friend to christian causes than any president has been in the last 40 years..... even the instigators of current wars admit they would not have acted if trump had been president..... ...which in my opinion means those that enabled bidens election by whatever action or inaction they took (or are still taking) have blood on their hands........

Aleshanee, some people are so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good.
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His white house staff was a clown show. But if you want to follow this narrative how did the master of 4d chess manage to recruit such a rotten disloyal band of cut throats? A great leader who built a staff of people who were dedicated to his ruin! Maybe it would be good to rethink how great his management acumen really is. :unsure: ;)

Now you say his staff was a "clown show."

Praytell!!! Is ther ANY administration that you could vote for?