He is......the most interesting Hacker in the world!

When he left the SBC and become an IFB, the SBC started selling his books and promoting his church.
Paul Chappell and Jack Trieber send activity reports to HIM!
HE is on Crincy's Speed dial list...
Steve Anderson shuts up when HE tells him to...
All 27 of the Republican presidential candidates have asked for his support.
In his Q & A time he both asks and answers the questions.
His appearance check always took place before chapel.  If it had taken place after chapel he would have failed for having a full beard.
RAIDER said:
His appearance check always took place before chapel.  If it had taken place after chapel he would have failed for having a full beard.

I remember him!  He always had a bottle of Rogaine for Facial Hair in his briefcase.
He once started a Bible Club in an empty lot in Chicago.  It is now known as US Cellular Field.
Mrs. Bethel was HIS convert.
It is the tenor section of the choir that banters humor with him during the service.
Smellin Coffee said:
It is the tenor section of the choir that banters humor with him during the service.

Great one this late in the game!
Once the soprano section bantered him during a sermon.  He yelled out, "Let the women keep silence in the church".  The choir no longer has a soprano section.
Smellin Coffee said:
It is the tenor section of the choir that banters humor with him during the service.

That is a funny one. LOL
He once yelled, "Heeeeeyaaaa!" in a parking lot and it immediately became a best selling advertising slogan.
He once presented a McDonald's coupon in Liberty Square............and they accepted it.
His patent leather wingtips never scuff, even while soul-winning on the streets in the harsh Chicago winters.
