Iain Paisley, R.I.P.

Izdaari said:
I'm shedding no tears over Paisley. From where I sit, he was just another angry nutjob who fomented hatred and violence. Good riddance!

OTOH, his trademark fashion design was kinda cool for its time.


Ian Paisley was a Bible believing preacher who stood for righteousness and for the word of God. He fought hard against the Romish whore and Papacy. And one thing I really liked about him is that he preached against the ever growing apostasy in his day and time. We need more preachers like him.

Must also say though that brother Paisley was quite a unique and rare individual in that while he was a high ranking politician, he still did not allow politics to swerve him away from serving God. And for standing for the truth. And one of the pivotal points in his life as both a Christian man and a Politician of Northern Ireland was when he publicly denounced the Pope as antichrist at the European Parliament in 1988. And here is a brief clip to this event:


Brother Paisley was bold and courageous indeed.

Could you imagine a politician in America today doing that?? I know I couldn't because most if not nearly all the politicians in America are spineless when it comes to taking a bold stand against the Pope. And it is no wonder, since they are already in bed with Rome as it is.
aleshanee said:
imagine what?........ a politician encouraging his followers to become haters of catholics?..... and encouraging those who already hate catholics to bomb schools and kill catholic children?........ yes.... unfortunately..... thanks to people like you..... i can imagine such a thing happening in america........and i can imagine people like you not only cheering it on...... but taking it further....

in the early 19th century christian johann heinrich heine wrote ... "where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings".........
more than once since that time book burning tyrants and their followers have proven it true..... i doubt a country patterned after your
imagination would be any different..........

Brother Ian R.K. Paisley did not hate Catholics. What he hated was the popery/papacy. He hated the false religion of Roman Catholicism which has damned billions of souls to the burning hell. And by the way; the Catholic Death cult is still being used today by Satan to damn many souls to Hell Fire.

The strong stand which brother Paisley took against the pope was a much needed stand.
Paisley is still dead, right?

Because this thread was, until Bibleburner decided to bring it back from the dead with another of his "Is too!" posts, two weeks later for no reason.
Brother Ian R.K. Paisley did not hate Catholics. What he hated was the popery/papacy. He hated the false religion of Roman Catholicism which has damned billions of souls to the burning hell. And by the way; the Catholic Death cult is still being used today by Satan to damn many souls to Hell Fire.

The strong stand which brother Paisley took against the pope was a much needed stand.

Paisley supported the British. That's all that matters. For a thousand years the British have engaged in a campaign of genocide against the Irish. They entered Ireland uninvited and proceeded to murder, starve and enslave the Irish people. The Irish, being the stubborn people that they are, never knew when they were whipped. They kept beating their heads against a wall until that wall fell down. I don't care if they're Catholic, Moonies or druids, I want to see the British pushed into the Irish Sea.
