Just in case.

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Tarheel Baptist

Well-known member
Jan 27, 2012
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This morning I sprayed Afrin in my shoes and put an odor-eater in my hat!  :D
If the thread gets locked, I'll understand but my point is repeated:
This place needs to be taken for what it is...a diversion....a place to have some fun and sometimes to argue points of disagreement on politics, philospophy and theology.

But, don't get too excited when everyone...no one...here changes their mind to agree with you. Many times, I have been amazed at how some take the dumbest view of things. Dumb meaning they don't agree with me.

Sometimes we do cross the line...and the line here is hard to cross because we have much wiggle room. But, for what it's worth, I'm happy with the way the place is moderated. My concern with the fff is those who take things way too seriously. Not singling out Alesh or anyone else here, just a general statement. I have been caught up in the heat of the moment a few times myself.

But the forum is what it is....
Tarheel Baptist said:
This morning I sprayed Afrin in my shoes and put an odor-eater in my hat!  :D

You boys are past puberty. You know how the anatomy works.

FSSL is just a blow hard that can't take criticism.

praise_yeshua said:
Tarheel Baptist said:
This morning I sprayed Afrin in my shoes and put an odor-eater in my hat!  :D

You boys are past puberty. You know how the antimony works.

FSSL is just a blow hard that can't take criticism.

Antimony the chemical element?
Spray some Afrin in your shoes, put an odor eater in your hat and take a chill pill. There are many things you may complain about, but the word play in question ain't one of them.
Good to see you posting though....
You know, I was just thinking, "Gee, today isn't quite humorless enough."  Thanks for saving the day, Yeezy!

praise_yeshua said:
You boys are past puberty. You know how the antimony works.

Yeah, I've loved heavy metal--well, not since puberty, but pretty close.
Tarheel Baptist said:
praise_yeshua said:
Tarheel Baptist said:
This morning I sprayed Afrin in my shoes and put an odor-eater in my hat!  :D

You boys are past puberty. You know how the antimony works.

FSSL is just a blow hard that can't take criticism.

Antimony the chemical element?
Spray some Afrin in your shoes, put an odor eater in your hat and take a chill pill. There are many things you may complain about, but the word play in question ain't one of them.
Good to see you posting though....

I fixed it. Sorry for the confusion.

I only wanted to weigh in on the stupidity on display in locking Aleshanee's thread.

Whatever you think about the subject or her objection to the innuendos in the comment..... She didn't deserve to be treated that way.

You can overlook it if you want. I'm tired of it.
Ransom said:
You know, I was just thinking, "Gee, today isn't quite humorless enough."  Thanks for saving the day, Yeezy!

praise_yeshua said:
You boys are past puberty. You know how the antimony works.

Yeah, I've loved heavy metal--well, not since puberty, but pretty close.

Spell checker got me.... again. I didn't notice it. Easy mistake. I'm glad your laughing you grumpy grammarphobe.....

I'm still waiting for someone to explain the innuendo. I teach high school and am pretty good at catching these things. But in this case, I am lost...
redhead said:
I'm still waiting for someone to explain the innuendo. I teach high school and am pretty good at catching these things. But in this case, I am lost...

I'll be glad too.....

Is there anything in the anatomy of a women that can look like a nose?

You people are really something "else".
praise_yeshua said:
Is there anything in the anatomy of a women that can look like a nose?


FSSL said:
praise_yeshua said:
Is there anything in the anatomy of a women that can look like a nose?



That's not the only thing.... I would give you an anatomy lesson but I'm fearful of the consequences....
praise_yeshua said:
FSSL said:
praise_yeshua said:
FSSL said:
good morning, pumpkin!

I know you like pumpkin but you can't eat me....

I will carve your eyes and nose out!!!

My name's not Jack.... but it reminds me a descriptive noun that might describe you... ;)

Just call me Jackman...

praise_yeshua said:
That's not the only thing.... I would give you an anatomy lesson but I'm fearful of the consequences....

Then I guess we'll just have to make do with your innuendo.

Geez, I have no idea how the forum survived this past week without the flying monkey crap.
Alayman called me a jackass. Yes, one of the acceptable terms on the FFF.
Ransom said:
praise_yeshua said:
That's not the only thing.... I would give you an anatomy lesson but I'm fearful of the consequences....

Then I guess we'll just have to make do with your innuendo.

Geez, I have no idea how the forum survived this past week without the flying monkey crap.

Just lock her down. That's your "MO" lately!!!

Just to be clear. There is a "private" female body part that can look like a nose. If you're an adult, hopefully married...... you should know this. Even 4th and 5th graders are being taught this "stuff" now.

Get with the program...
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