Not So Famous Quotes

Sacrilege I know, but never was a big fan of LZ.
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!.....Bonnie and Clyde as they were being blown away! ;)
I didn't do that!....My Nephew when he was caught trying to hide a broken plate.
“It takes all types to make the world go round”—ALAYMAN’s mama
“That’s just silly, and they could just as well not invite me to their home” (said regarding people who insist you take your shoes off when coming into their home)— also ALAYMAN’s mama😁
We're having hot dogs for lunch, hot dogs for supper, and then hot dogs for breakfast! Your mother forgot to bring the chicken!-My great uncle after we got to the campground in 1974.
“That’s just silly, and they could just as well not invite me to their home” (said regarding people who insist you take your shoes off when coming into their home)— also ALAYMAN’s mama😁
Yet those people have an indoor/outdoor dog.
we do that.... i would think anyone who lives in an urban jungle like we do.. and saw what people do on the sidewalks here... would have the same policy at their own houses too - and require all shoes be removed at the door. ....i don;t want that stuff tracked into my house.... :confused:

and no.... we don;t have any kind of dog - indoor or outdoor either one.... and no cats either....

but the dogs and cats out there shouldn;t take that personally - for many years no human of the male gender was allowed to come into our house either.... the only exception was our dad..... and now a second exception has been made for my sisters husband after she moved her office back here during the pandemic and new york riots - and he got his assignment changed to pearl harbor so they could continue being married... (yes he lives here with her... but no he doesn;t run the house)... . but that;s it.... no other men allowed here - regardless of their footwear status or lack thereof... 😎
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Truths that look contradictory to us are not so in the light of Heaven.--Alistair Begg
Get your sleepy behind back to bed. Uncle Harold...wish I could hear him say it just one more time.
“A godly man doesn’t plagiarize.”—Janet Mefferd on Mark Driscoll
Bill Grady as my college professor to and about HAC preacher boys:

"If you think you will charge hell with a squirt gun, the devil gonna stand there and pee on you."
“I forbid you to talk to that enchantress. She's the devil!” - Mama, from The Waterboy 1697851188636.gif
"I think senility is going to be a fairly smooth transition for me."

"In everything you do, give 100%. Unless you're donating blood."

Optometrist's marquee in Lewiston.