Should a Christian Drink Alcohol

Biker said:
Recovering IFB said:
Actually one of the key things with marijuana, beside the pain killing and nausea reducing affect is the stimulant of appetite, you know, "getting the munchies"?
People smoking it are able to digest food, hence, able to get nutrients in to body to fight their ailments.
God made the plant and called it very good. Their Is some good use for it.
Well said ^^

Sure its a good plant to use for medical purposes. It also works pretty good for "rope". However, the recreational use of marijuana is entirely ridiculous. I imagine it could fall under "Christian Liberty".... but there really no comparison to the moderate use of alcohol and the moderate use of "pot".

praise_yeshua said:
Sure its a good plant to use for medical purposes. It also works pretty good for "rope". However, the recreational use of marijuana is entirely ridiculous. I imagine it could fall under "Christian Liberty".... but there really no comparison to the moderate use of alcohol and the moderate use of "pot".
I completely agree with what I bolded ^^^ but much more ridiculous is the recreational use of alcohol.
The few people who feel differently are generally older people since they lack the personal experience to know the truth about each drug.
The destruction it causes families.
The correct choice is to say no to ALL recreational drugs, not chose the lesser of the two evils.

FTR, there are people I know who are self medicating. They seem to need their drug so I don't consider that recreational drug use.

Biker said:
I completely agree with what I bolded ^^^ but much more ridiculous is the recreational use of alcohol.
The few people who feel differently are generally older people since they lack the personal experience to know the truth about each drug.
The destruction it causes families.
The correct choice is to say no to ALL recreational drugs, not chose the lesser of the two evils.
The issue is potency. One "draw/hit" of pot and you're almost immediately into "overwhelmed" land. The same can't be sad with a glass of wine, a single beer or a shot of hard liquor sipped over a extended period of time.

There really is no such thing as the "moderate affect" of pot use. This isn't issue when used for medical reasons. The same reason given by the writer of proverbs who talked about giving alcohol to those who are dying..... so that they may forget their pain.
praise_yeshua said:
The issue is potency. One "draw/hit" of pot and you're almost immediately into "overwhelmed" land. The same can't be sad with a glass of wine, a single beer or a shot of hard liquor sipped over a extended period of time.

There really is no such thing as the "moderate affect" of pot use. This isn't issue when used for medical reasons. The same reason given by the writer of proverbs who talked about giving alcohol to those who are dying..... so that they may forget their pain.

I wouldn't know, since I haven't touched it since my college days back when dinosaurs roamed the earth.  Back then, however, I tried it at least 8 times, and it never had any affect on me.  It was a total disappointment at the time, since everyone else seemed to enjoy it.  I have no burning desire to try it again, but if it was legal here, I would, just to see if I've outgrown my resistance to it.

I know someone who just recently visited to Colorado and tried it.  She said it was very pleasant until she tried the pot-infused gummy bears, which made the effect too strong.  She seems to have survived the experience, though. 

The Rogue Tomato said:
praise_yeshua said:
The issue is potency. One "draw/hit" of pot and you're almost immediately into "overwhelmed" land. The same can't be sad with a glass of wine, a single beer or a shot of hard liquor sipped over a extended period of time.

There really is no such thing as the "moderate affect" of pot use. This isn't issue when used for medical reasons. The same reason given by the writer of proverbs who talked about giving alcohol to those who are dying..... so that they may forget their pain.

I wouldn't know, since I haven't touched it since my college days back when dinosaurs roamed the earth.  Back then, however, I tried it at least 8 times, and it never had any affect on me.  It was a total disappointment at the time, since everyone else seemed to enjoy it.  I have no burning desire to try it again, but if it was legal here, I would, just to see if I've outgrown my resistance to it.

I know someone who just recently visited to Colorado and tried it.  She said it was very pleasant until she tried the pot-infused gummy bears, which made the effect too strong.  She seems to have survived the experience, though.

I haven't used it in almost 30 years. Even then, they had "skunk" weed that would mess you completely up... in 1 or 2 hits. I mean... messed up. Now, they say its even more potent. They generally classify pot into two categories...Indica and Sativa. I don't think I believe the hype about Sativa.
Fact: unlike many things claimed these days, suceptibility for alcoholism has a strong genetic component.

Fact: There are many types of alcohol, some are even solid at room temperature, but the only type that is sold specifically for human consumption is ethanol. Ethanol has been extensively studied and you know exactly what you get when you buy it.

Fact: everybody who eats fruit consumes alcohol. It is an unavoidable part of many other foods as well. The quantities can be surprisingly high in food. I have a friend who lacks alcohol dehydrogenase, a fairly common condition in the Chinese population, so her body turns any alcohol into formaldehyde. She can NOT get drunk, she goes straight to very sick (as many chinese, and she's not chinese, but she has their problem with alcohol). She can not eat many fully ripe fruit because there is so much alcohol in the, Just smell a very ripe banana and you will realise this fact.

Fact: until about 15 years or so ago, MANY pediatric medications contained 10 to 20% alcohol (that's 40 proof). Most of the world was feeding infants and toddlers lots of alcohol and the kids did just fine.

Fact: it is relatively easy to know if someone is susceptible to alcoholism. There are various ways, one is that the true alcoholic almost always prefers bitter drinks and not sweet. They will swill rum if they have to, but there is a definite preference away from sweet drinks. I personally gave wiskey to all my children as toddlers to see if any had the gene predisposing to alcoholism that a few of my family display. Only one liked it. She is now 24 and understands she has a lifelong predisposition to alcoholism. Thus she is very careful how much she drinks, and her soon to be husband has been enlisted in helping her to not become drunk, which she has only twice, and mildly.

Fact: as alluded to above, marijuana is not one drug, but a range of "cannabinoids". These different chemicals act differently depending on many factors, including potency. Many of the effects of these chemicals are not well understood as most research focuses only on tetrahydrocannabinoid (THC). Unlike with alcohol, unless you are very knowlegeable and careful, you have no idea what you are getting into with marijuana. Today's weed is not your grandmother's weed.

Fact: the #1 addiction in the world by far is caffeine. That is using the term addiction in it's clear pharmacological sense. I am not against caffeine, but let's understand that addiction does not necessarily mean destruction. However, alcohol addiction, like heroin, cocaine, amphetamine and some others is particularly destructive, more so than pot.

Opinion: I am mildly in favor of legalizing pot (I have never used it in any way), but have no strong opinions. Alcohol criminalization was tried and failed. If you can handle them, then go for it, just be careful.

I hope y'all find this informative.

praise_yeshua said:
The issue is potency. One "draw/hit" of pot and you're almost immediately into "overwhelmed" land. The same can't be sad with a glass of wine, a single beer or a shot of hard liquor sipped over a extended period of time.
Excellent point. I forgot about that. ^^
I guess I assumed people would buy it legally from a pot shop and they'd direct them to the lesser potent stuff. Not buy it off the street.
There really is no such thing as the "moderate affect" of pot use. This isn't issue when used for medical reasons. The same reason given by the writer of proverbs who talked about giving alcohol to those who are dying..... so that they may forget their pain.
Yeah you could get lucky but being "out there"on weed isn't that bad of a sin. There is no hangover or anything and it really doesn't have ill effects except the sin of intoxication
And even if you get the potent weed (skunk), it doesn't result in violence or sex.
Or alter someone's life forever. The worst situation is the munchies or spacing out, laughing too much maybe.

Where I graduated high school, there was a pot pharmacy so if I was driving by, I'd stop in and say hello to people I went to school with.
Kinda like a high school reunion. But I never asked what happened in there. I'd call the guys outside to chat. There were doctor visits and people brought prescriptions so there were some limited regulations. Alcohol has no regulations but it has it's medicinal benefits also. And I'd hate it if they regulated it, the price would go way up.

I've only seen one person drink and not get violent, a good friend I had for years who promised to never do that around me. But years later he did and it was alright. He never got mean or anything, or gossipy, or hit on me so apparently it is possible to drink and not get all crazy. It was only a concept before...


cubanito said:
Fact: it is relatively easy to know if someone is susceptible to alcoholism. There are various ways, one is that the true alcoholic almost always prefers bitter drinks and not sweet.
The problem with alcohol is, you must get drunk in order to know how much you can tolerate.
One drink for me is WAY WAY too much, yet it is common for people to order that. So with that, I'd much rather not risk becoming violent or provocative, or plain stupid. Or get arrested. It surprises me that it has such a following despite the knowledge we have regarding the destruction it leaves in its path.

They will swill rum if they have to, but there is a definite preference away from sweet drinks. I personally gave wiskey to all my children as toddlers to see if any had the gene predisposing to alcoholism that a few of my family display. Only one liked it. She is now 24 and understands she has a lifelong predisposition to alcoholism. Thus she is very careful how much she drinks, and her soon to be husband has been enlisted in helping her to not become drunk, which she has only twice, and mildly.
That may be a farce...

Fact: as alluded to above, marijuana is not one drug, but a range of "cannabinoids". These different chemicals act differently depending on many factors, including potency. Many of the effects of these chemicals are not well understood as most research focuses only on tetrahydrocannabinoid (THC). Unlike with alcohol, unless you are very knowlegeable and careful, you have no idea what you are getting into with marijuana. Today's weed is not your grandmother's weed.

Fact: the #1 addiction in the world by far is caffeine. That is using the term addiction in it's clear pharmacological sense. I am not against caffeine, but let's understand that addiction does not necessarily mean destruction. However, alcohol addiction, like heroin, cocaine, amphetamine and some others is particularly destructive, more so than pot.

Opinion: I am mildly in favor of legalizing pot (I have never used it in any way), but have no strong opinions. Alcohol criminalization was tried and failed. If you can handle them, then go for it, just be careful.

I hope y'all find this informative.

The Rogue Tomato said:
I thought the #1 addition was sugar.
That is true.
I think he meant the #1 drug addiction is caffeine. Sounds about right.
My money is on food. My mother in law complains about my dog eating a lot and saying that she is "addicted to food". My answer is "Aren't we all?"