Speaking of church, what ministry(s) do you serve in?

So many good thoughts now coming in, and very much appreciated.  ALAYBOY has an ear infection and I'm home watching him, so not as much time right now, but later I'll get back to this and give some input.

Praise God for how He moves in our lives, and how He allows us to partner in ministry to be His ambassadors in the gospel!
I'm not currently serving in any formal ministry other than being a regular member of my Episcopalutheran church. I was, for a couple years, a moderator on the Christian Forums website, which I viewed as a ministry of sorts, until I lost confidence in the management and resigned. I still post there occasionally, and I'm involved with several Christian groups on Facebook.
We've served in a few different capacity's through the years.

Bus Ministry
Children's Ministry
College and Career Sunday School

As of right now, we are not serving in any particular ministry.  We have just switched our membership from an IFB church (we have been IFB all of our lives) to a SBC.  We gave to Thanksgiving baskets to be made buying turkeys and other things. 

We are praying now for the Lord to leads us to a particular ministry within the church now.   
aleshanee said:
....... i don;t do what i do for rewards......


That's why the haters attacked Al................cause rewards are their reason..

Bruh said:
We've served in a few different capacity's through the years.

Bus Ministry
Children's Ministry
College and Career Sunday School

As of right now, we are not serving in any particular ministry.  We have just switched our membership from an IFB church (we have been IFB all of our lives) to a SBC.  We gave to Thanksgiving baskets to be made buying turkeys and other things. 

We are praying now for the Lord to leads us to a particular ministry within the church now. 
Hallelujah!! Thank you for that bragimony!! But I'm going to have to charge ya' (fake laugh)
Recovering IFB said:
Bruh said:
We've served in a few different capacity's through the years.

Bus Ministry
Children's Ministry
College and Career Sunday School

As of right now, we are not serving in any particular ministry.  We have just switched our membership from an IFB church (we have been IFB all of our lives) to a SBC.  We gave to Thanksgiving baskets to be made buying turkeys and other things. 

We are praying now for the Lord to leads us to a particular ministry within the church now. 
Hallelujah!! Thank you for that bragimony!! But I'm going to have to charge ya' (fake laugh)

Ok, I'm bragging to people with fake names who I know nothing about to people who have no clue who I am on a forum, yep I was really doing my best.......mission accomplished, I have soooooooo much to gain by doing this.

Now if I was at church and walked up to someone and said, I do this this and this aaaaannndd what is it that you do around here? That would be much much different than stating how we've served in the past on a forum that I only know one person like actually only know one person that I haven't seen in person in probably 25 years.

No I take that back I actually know 2 ppl on here I haven't seen since I was in 5th grade.

There's a whole lot of good about the FFF, but this thread underscores what's wrong with it.  A whole lot of people that have had bad experiences in Christianity, particularly in their time with IFBs make them jaded and cynical, and maybe worst of all, judgmental.  As the saying goes, "you can take the boy out of the fundy, but not the fundy out of the boy".  I was hoping to hear of transformed lives to the glory of God, but instead I received a bunch of dung from malcontents who'd rather fight than praise the Lord.  I've been around the FFF a long time, and it didn't used to be this way.  Don't get me wrong, there were buttheads who always took every chance to turn something wholesome and good into a grudgematch, but the proportion is much higher now. 

At work there is such a thing as "the chilling effect".  It's when an employer puts practices in place that suppresses employee feedback for fear of retaliation or job loss.  Good people with legitimate concerns will clam up in order to toe the line and keep their employment.  A similar thing seems to have happened on the FFF.  The people who often want to be divisive speak the loudest and their prevailing culture of negativity drowns out those who don't want to be used for nothing more than a quick shallow one-liner.  I'm not saying that the type of sarcastic humor and (counter)criticism has no place on the forum, but what I am saying is that the fellowship that was more abundant (even of this "fighting" forum) is clearly less robust than in days past, and that's is sad.

Carry on with your judging my intent now.

If you were looking at a mirror when you said this, then I would applaud you. I judge that you were speaking to those who would dare question the outstanding servant of God that apparently walks next to your shadow.
Matthew1323 said:
If you were looking at a mirror when you said this, then I would applaud you. I judge that you were speaking to those who would dare question the outstanding servant of God that apparently walks next to your shadow.

1) That makes absolutely no sense in the context of what you responded to.    The point I was making is that rather than making a bunch of attacking comments (as you and numerous others did and continue to do) it would be better to praise God for how He has worked in our lives.

2)  You'd have to have the knowledge of God to know my heart to discern whether my intent with this thread was to brag on myself vs praise God.  You can't know my heart but you still judge me.  This is precisely the judgmental nature that many atheists decry as problematic amongst Christians.  Yet you and scores of others have chosen to attack me rather than share how God has shed His grace on and through you to make a difference in this world.  The book of James clearly teaches that the world sees our faith through the works (changed lives), but rather than acknowledge this simple truth which reflects God's Lordship and glory y'all want to attack the fella who tried to start a thread intent on doing something different than the usual FFF bickering.
Then let others praise you. Praising yourself is either ego or insecurity.

In fact, my son put it very well as I was typing this...while speaking about something else entirely:

"Saints don't brag about being saints."

If a 10 year old can figure that out, I would hope someone who is supposed to be a teacher can as well.
So, after reading the OP and the replies, I'm confused.

Is it necessary to serve in a church ministry in order to glorify God?

I could list things that I do or have done at church, but the wonder to me is God's abundant mercy and grace that He shed on me, who is a nothing of a person, and that He uses messages from the pulpit and my own study to speak to my heart about the things I need to make right to better glorify Him. 
To those who think that stating ur service in the church on this forum is very prideful, have a question.

If stating ur service on here is bragging, do y'all think that ppl are like trying to become big shots on here?
rsc2a said:
Then let others praise you.

I never asked for, nor sought praise.  That's another lie from the Freebirds. 
Walt said:
So, after reading the OP and the replies, I'm confused.

Is it necessary to serve in a church ministry in order to glorify God?

Nope, and the OP never implied nor explicitly stated that a person could only glorify God via church ministry.  Why would you assume that when it was neither implied nor stated anywhere in the OP?
Bruh said:
To those who think that stating ur service in the church on this forum is very prideful, have a question.

If stating ur service on here is bragging, do y'all think that ppl are like trying to become big shots on here?

I am a big shot already.  ;)
Considering the tenor of this thread, I probably should be exercising my better judgment, but here goes...

What ministries has God opened for me?  Well, my primary ?church? ministry is serving as Finance Director.  It is a salaried position.  I am a department of one, which means I touch every penny of income/expense in all our various ministries.  But I don?t mean to imply that I do all the work myself.  In reality, I simply support the work of all our ministries.  Except for our semi-annual business meetings when I talk ?budget?, it?s mostly a ?behind the scenes? position, which is just the way I like it! 

Other than simply working with numbers, which I believe is one of my giftings from God, the thing I like most about my position is that it often allows me to be the bearer of good news to hurting people.  Yes, first and foremost, it means I have the opportunity to present the Gospel.  But some of my most poignant interactions with hurting people come through our school.  I have had parents burst into tears of gratefulness when I present the good news of the financials to them.  That?s a truly humbling experience!  My most memorable experience has got to be the lady who came in to get a statement of her school tuition obligation to prove expenses for her Section 8 rent.  The bulk of her child?s tuition is paid through a low-income scholarship program.  I told her that I would certainly give her a statement, but that I didn?t think it would help her case.  So I printed up the statement showing her balance as $13.  She started jumping around, praising the Lord so loudly that the rest of the staff in our suite of offices came running to see what was going on.  As it turned out, she didn?t realize that the scholarship award had gone up, although our tuition hadn?t.  So she was expecting a bill around $500. 

I am also a Sunday School teacher to a group of ?single? women.  Most are widows or divorcees, but some are married women with husbands who do not attend church.  Years ago, I joined this class in the latter category.  One day, the teacher asked for volunteers to teach a lesson a month.  The lady next to me poked me in the ribs and said, ?You should do this?.  Well, I wasn?t too keen on the idea, but for some strange reason (Holy Spirit?) I gave a half-hearted wave in lieu of actually raising my hand, so two of us became co-teachers with our official teacher.  The other lady dropped out, but I continued with my once a month lesson.  I found that I got more out of the lesson as a teacher than I did as a student.  Fast forward a couple of years, when the teacher asked me to take over the class.  I agreed, and taught it for a few years.  But it started to wear on me,  so I informed the class that I was thinking of disbanding (it?s a small class) after we finished the current series of lessons.  Well, to my surprise, they all offered to co-teach.  So now we are all teachers!  And just like me, they have found that they learn more as the teacher than they do as the student.  Praise God!

I also serve on our media team.  I run the screen in the Sunday AM service.  When I signed up, it was supposed to be a once a month position.  Well, that didn?t work out.  So we are a team of two.  My counterpart runs the screen in the Sunday PM service.  To be honest, I volunteered only to help out by filling an empty spot.  Even though I do not have a ?burden? for this job, God has blessed.  When I first started, it used to make me physically ill when I didn?t have the words I needed or the video didn?t work.  But now, I get a bit of a kick when the platform goes off-schedule.  I even minister to the rest of the media team when things don?t work out right.  My stock phrase is, ?Well, this is simply another lesson in forgiveness!?  A good friend sits in the choir.  He can always tell by my body language what is going on.  When the worship leader goes off-schedule and sings a verse I am not expecting, I lean in toward the monitor to find the verse he is singing.  If I don?t see it, I blank the screen.  Or when the video doesn?t work, I just make the ?oh well? signal with my arms.  In conclusion, even though I do not have a burden for this position, I still find satisfaction in it when it goes as planned, and can see the humor in it when it does not.  If someone really wants to fill the position, I would give up my chair in a heartbeat, but in the meantime, I?ll simply enjoy the blessings God gives me through it.

As to my outside activities, I have what I call my ?pool table ministry?.  I call it that because most of the connections I?ve made with my son?s friends are those who come into my game room to play pool.  My computer and radio is in that room, so I?m there most evenings.  Many of these young people are what I affectionately call ?strays?.  I call them that because they have been thrown away by their families.  I also have had a few ?floppers??those who don?t have a bed to sleep in, so they flop on my couches.  But I?m happy to report that I haven?t had any of those for awhile because they have moved up in life.  I get to present the Gospel to them, mentor them, or simply share with them the songs playing on the Christian radio station I listen to.  What I have found is that these young people just want to be treated with dignity.  And that?s what I try to do for them.  I endeavor to show Christ to them through my living testimony.  And they have blessed me in so many ways!  For example, one young man brings his tractor over to either mow my pasture or grade my dirt road.  He tells me that he does it because he is bored, but I know he does it to do me a kindness and he knows how much I appreciate it.  Another young man brought me a plant to put on my desk when he found out I moved to a new office.  And they are quick to do an errand or the heavy lifting for me.  So again, what I meant to be a blessing to others has blessed me much more richly?

And I would be remiss if I didn?t mention my Saturday morning routine.  I meet with my former Sunday School teacher (yes, that same one!) for breakfast and fellowship, and then prayer time.  She actually initiated this to mentor me.  But it has turned out to be so much more.  We are now on the level of equals, meaning that I bring as much to the table as she does.  And the prayer time!  God has taken her outreach of mentorship to a whole new level.  He has turned us into Prayer Warriors!  Goodness, I can?t even think about it without tears coming to my eyes.  It?s intense.  It?s draining.  It?s exhilarating!  And it feeds my soul in such a way that I can?t even describe it.  Sometimes I can do nothing more than go straight to bed when I get home?

My personal testimony is this?I accepted a staff position to be a blessing to my church.  I welcomed some young people into my home.  I accepted an invitation to breakfast from a person I liked and respected.  But God took those things and made them into something so much more.  His ways are higher than my ways, and He has blessed me immensely.  Praise be to God!

Thanks for taking the time to share the details of how God has used you.  It was a very enjoyable read.  I could identify with volunteering to fill voids where no burden existed, but also knowing that some things still need to be done in order to have a successful ministry.  And to hear how the ladies you taught came to the place that they were able to join in to become teachers themselves is a wonderful example of making disciples. 

I'll have to consider the pool table ministry since I too have had a table for almost 20 years and love the game.  I just recently was able to get ALAYBOY interested in playing with me, and maybe he'll bring home some "strays" that become followers of Christ.

Thanks again for sharing those encouraging ministry thoughts, and as always, people like you make the FFF a better place.  :)

lnf said:
Considering the tenor of this thread, I probably should be exercising my better judgment, but here goes...

What ministries has God opened for me?  Well, my primary ?church? ministry is serving as Finance Director.  It is a salaried position.  I am a department of one, which means I touch every penny of income/expense in all our various ministries.  But I don?t mean to imply that I do all the work myself.  In reality, I simply support the work of all our ministries.  Except for our semi-annual business meetings when I talk ?budget?, it?s mostly a ?behind the scenes? position, which is just the way I like it! 

Other than simply working with numbers, which I believe is one of my giftings from God, the thing I like most about my position is that it often allows me to be the bearer of good news to hurting people.  Yes, first and foremost, it means I have the opportunity to present the Gospel.  But some of my most poignant interactions with hurting people come through our school.  I have had parents burst into tears of gratefulness when I present the good news of the financials to them.  That?s a truly humbling experience!  My most memorable experience has got to be the lady who came in to get a statement of her school tuition obligation to prove expenses for her Section 8 rent.  The bulk of her child?s tuition is paid through a low-income scholarship program.  I told her that I would certainly give her a statement, but that I didn?t think it would help her case.  So I printed up the statement showing her balance as $13.  She started jumping around, praising the Lord so loudly that the rest of the staff in our suite of offices came running to see what was going on.  As it turned out, she didn?t realize that the scholarship award had gone up, although our tuition hadn?t.  So she was expecting a bill around $500. 

I am also a Sunday School teacher to a group of ?single? women.  Most are widows or divorcees, but some are married women with husbands who do not attend church.  Years ago, I joined this class in the latter category.  One day, the teacher asked for volunteers to teach a lesson a month.  The lady next to me poked me in the ribs and said, ?You should do this?.  Well, I wasn?t too keen on the idea, but for some strange reason (Holy Spirit?) I gave a half-hearted wave in lieu of actually raising my hand, so two of us became co-teachers with our official teacher.  The other lady dropped out, but I continued with my once a month lesson.  I found that I got more out of the lesson as a teacher than I did as a student.  Fast forward a couple of years, when the teacher asked me to take over the class.  I agreed, and taught it for a few years.  But it started to wear on me,  so I informed the class that I was thinking of disbanding (it?s a small class) after we finished the current series of lessons.  Well, to my surprise, they all offered to co-teach.  So now we are all teachers!  And just like me, they have found that they learn more as the teacher than they do as the student.  Praise God!

I also serve on our media team.  I run the screen in the Sunday AM service.  When I signed up, it was supposed to be a once a month position.  Well, that didn?t work out.  So we are a team of two.  My counterpart runs the screen in the Sunday PM service.  To be honest, I volunteered only to help out by filling an empty spot.  Even though I do not have a ?burden? for this job, God has blessed.  When I first started, it used to make me physically ill when I didn?t have the words I needed or the video didn?t work.  But now, I get a bit of a kick when the platform goes off-schedule.  I even minister to the rest of the media team when things don?t work out right.  My stock phrase is, ?Well, this is simply another lesson in forgiveness!?  A good friend sits in the choir.  He can always tell by my body language what is going on.  When the worship leader goes off-schedule and sings a verse I am not expecting, I lean in toward the monitor to find the verse he is singing.  If I don?t see it, I blank the screen.  Or when the video doesn?t work, I just make the ?oh well? signal with my arms.  In conclusion, even though I do not have a burden for this position, I still find satisfaction in it when it goes as planned, and can see the humor in it when it does not.  If someone really wants to fill the position, I would give up my chair in a heartbeat, but in the meantime, I?ll simply enjoy the blessings God gives me through it.

As to my outside activities, I have what I call my ?pool table ministry?.  I call it that because most of the connections I?ve made with my son?s friends are those who come into my game room to play pool.  My computer and radio is in that room, so I?m there most evenings.  Many of these young people are what I affectionately call ?strays?.  I call them that because they have been thrown away by their families.  I also have had a few ?floppers??those who don?t have a bed to sleep in, so they flop on my couches.  But I?m happy to report that I haven?t had any of those for awhile because they have moved up in life.  I get to present the Gospel to them, mentor them, or simply share with them the songs playing on the Christian radio station I listen to.  What I have found is that these young people just want to be treated with dignity.  And that?s what I try to do for them.  I endeavor to show Christ to them through my living testimony.  And they have blessed me in so many ways!  For example, one young man brings his tractor over to either mow my pasture or grade my dirt road.  He tells me that he does it because he is bored, but I know he does it to do me a kindness and he knows how much I appreciate it.  Another young man brought me a plant to put on my desk when he found out I moved to a new office.  And they are quick to do an errand or the heavy lifting for me.  So again, what I meant to be a blessing to others has blessed me much more richly?

And I would be remiss if I didn?t mention my Saturday morning routine.  I meet with my former Sunday School teacher (yes, that same one!) for breakfast and fellowship, and then prayer time.  She actually initiated this to mentor me.  But it has turned out to be so much more.  We are now on the level of equals, meaning that I bring as much to the table as she does.  And the prayer time!  God has taken her outreach of mentorship to a whole new level.  He has turned us into Prayer Warriors!  Goodness, I can?t even think about it without tears coming to my eyes.  It?s intense.  It?s draining.  It?s exhilarating!  And it feeds my soul in such a way that I can?t even describe it.  Sometimes I can do nothing more than go straight to bed when I get home?

My personal testimony is this?I accepted a staff position to be a blessing to my church.  I welcomed some young people into my home.  I accepted an invitation to breakfast from a person I liked and respected.  But God took those things and made them into something so much more.  His ways are higher than my ways, and He has blessed me immensely.  Praise be to God!
Thank you, Alayman, for the kind words.  And I encourage you to develop your own pool table ministry.  It's been a great blessing to me, and I'm sure it would also be so to you.  Some of my young people entreat me to be their partner in a doubles match, even though I don't shoot the same good stick I did a few years ago.  ;D  And when I'm not actively playing, I'm still quick to give advice on a shot.  It is a great way to develop a relationship with young people.  And I have found that young people are all about relationship.  They can detect a fraud in half a second! 
subllibrm said:
Bruh said:
To those who think that stating ur service in the church on this forum is very prideful, have a question.

If stating ur service on here is bragging, do y'all think that ppl are like trying to become big shots on here?

I am a big shot already.  ;)

Exactly, like really? A big shot on a forum.

Trying to impress ppl with fake names............idk.
  I could identify with volunteering to fill voids where no burden existed,

Because if it wasn't for you, nothing would get done? is this what you're saying? that's how it appears,

but also knowing that some things still need to be done in order to have a successful ministry. 
I mean without Jesus getting in the way, how do you do it? ::)
Recovering IFB said:
  I could identify with volunteering to fill voids where no burden existed,

Because if it wasn't for you, nothing would get done? is this what you're saying? that's how it appears,

but also knowing that some things still need to be done in order to have a successful ministry. 
I mean without Jesus getting in the way, how do you do it? ::)

I'm proud of you, you're making progress.  You didn't accuse me of having an affair with any of the women I recently posted to.
Matthew1323 said:
If you were looking at a mirror when you said this, then I would applaud you. I judge that you were speaking to those who would dare question the outstanding servant of God that apparently walks next to your shadow.

1) That makes absolutely no sense in the context of what you responded to.    The point I was making is that rather than making a bunch of attacking comments (as you and numerous others did and continue to do) it would be better to praise God for how He has worked in our lives.

2)  You'd have to have the knowledge of God to know my heart to discern whether my intent with this thread was to brag on myself vs praise God.  You can't know my heart but you still judge me.  This is precisely the judgmental nature that many atheists decry as problematic amongst Christians.  Yet you and scores of others have chosen to attack me rather than share how God has shed His grace on and through you to make a difference in this world.  The book of James clearly teaches that the world sees our faith through the works (changed lives), but rather than acknowledge this simple truth which reflects God's Lordship and glory y'all want to attack the fella who tried to start a thread intent on doing something different than the usual FFF bickering.

Well, there is a fellowship section on the FFF. Did you honestly place this thread in the fighting section expecting fellowship?

Yes, it seems that your intention was a fight. You feign ignorance, innocence, and a pure heart for sympathy when it's convenent for you and then change hats to lead the parade for the arrogant and surrealistic SWORDless Crusaders. 