Standards of dress

brainisengaged said:
I know Someone who was dressed extremely immodestly when He gave the ultimate gift, His life. And His Father was pleased. I don't think it is all about what we are wearing...or, not wearing.

This is all you've got?  Our Savior was stripped in shame and mockery.  You compare that with girls wearing little of nothing and think God is pleased.  Please tell me that you post in jest.
RAIDER said:
brainisengaged said:
I know Someone who was dressed extremely immodestly when He gave the ultimate gift, His life. And His Father was pleased. I don't think it is all about what we are wearing...or, not wearing.

This is all you've got?  Our Savior was stripped in shame and mockery.  You compare that with girls wearing little of nothing and think God is pleased.  Please tell me that you post in jest.


If I have a standard that helps me walk closer to God, that shouldn't bother you one bit. If I tell you that you must hold to that standard to be right with God, then I am a Pharisee. - COT seem to be wearing the label COT would call "Pharisee" quite proudly.
I don't jest at all about Jesus. Ever. It just occurs to me it is not about what one wears but about what one does.
RAIDER said:
Mathew Ward said:
RAIDER said:
This thread has taken a direction towards the "pants on women" discussion (which does fall into the topic).  Let's go back to the discussion of modesty which was brought up in several posts.  Several are saying that the modest apparel spoken of in Timothy has little to do with showing flesh and more to do with "gaudiness". 

With that in mind, what Scriptural guidelines do you follow when it come to dress?  Ladies, I'm sorry, but for the point of discussion let's focus on woman's dress.  Personally, I can't buy the "if it is appropriate for the activity, it is ok" thought pattern.  While I agree that if a young man is looking for the purpose of lusting it is a sin on his part.  On the other hand, if a high school or college gal is wearing (for sake of illustration) the "accepted" volleyball uniform it puts a temptation before a young man.  Is God honored with this type of attire?

What are your thoughts?

So let me get this straight (said in my Morgan Freeman voice).

We have a Christian girl who is going to a public high school, for the sake of being used of God to see others come to Christ. She joins the volleyball team in order to connect with others and to be used of God and you are worried that her shorts may be too short or too tight?

Good luck with that.

So it is ok for a gal to wear a garment that shows her complete leg, as well as the form of her rear and crotch?  She also wears a very tight top that shows her form with little left to the imagination.  Meanwhile, while wearing this clothing she bends over, runs, and jumps in front of a gym full of young men.  You actually don't have any problem with this because she wants to be used of Christ?

The same young men will lust after her no matter what she wears, they have a heart/lust issue. I think Jack Schaap would be a illustrative point of a heart/lust issue.

I guess you would have her wearing HAC approved coulottes and standing out like a sore thumb Looking like some grandma and ridiculed by her peers.

But why is it so much an issue as to what she wears for volleyball? If what she wears is a stumblingblock to you then I would suggest you not support her or attend her games. Maybe even preach on those harlots that play volleyball :) not caring one iota for the girl but that she dresses to your standards.
RAIDER said:
brainisengaged said:
I know Someone who was dressed extremely immodestly when He gave the ultimate gift, His life. And His Father was pleased. I don't think it is all about what we are wearing...or, not wearing.

This is all you've got?  Our Savior was stripped in shame and mockery.  You compare that with girls wearing little of nothing and think God is pleased.  Please tell me that you post in jest.

I have tried really hard to stay out of this, but I just have to comment on this.  Sigh!
Raider, NO ONE has said that girls who wear little of nothing think God is pleased.  That's the whole problem with this subject.  It's an "all or nothing" kind of subject.  If a person doesn't think it wrong for women to wear "pants", it is automatically misconstrued that they think they are saying that it's ok to wear little of nothing!  No one is saying that and I doubt that anyone believes that! It is assumed that if a person doesn't have a problem with women wearing pants then they think all skirts-only women are Pharisees!  No one thinks that!  Why does it have to be so black and white??????  It's NOT!

I am 100% FOR modesty.  Whether a woman is wearing pants, skirt, dress, shorts, etc. it should be done modestly!  I think I said in an earlier post that my clothing should not distract anyone from seeing Jesus IN me.  Whether that is pants, skirt, dress, shorts, should not distract people from seeing Jesus IN me.  I think you do not believe that ANYONE can see Jesus IN a woman who is wearing pants and that is just not true!  I was talking about modest pants and YOU brought up halter tops and mini skirts.  They are NOT the same!  I am not even suggesting that halter tops and mini skirts are modest! (Although on someone shaped like me, I doubt there would be any lusting going on either way...hahahahahaha!  I am not blessed in those departments.)

I have seen women wear technically "approved" skirts that were NOT modest!  I had a pastor once tell me that he would rather his ladies wear pants to church than skirts because women don't know how to sit properly.  That is a MODESTY issue, not an apparel issue. Some women just don't know how to sit like a lady. 

I don't give a rat's patootie what anyone else wears.  Some of my dearest friends are skirts only and that doesn't bother me ONE BIT!  I DON'T CARE! They are good godly ladies and THAT is the point!  I also have skirts-only  friends who are not a very good reflection of our Savior at all!  And, at one time, I was one of those! I have friends who wear pants and are worldly.  I have friends who wear pants who are more godly than anyone else I've ever known!  When will some of you people realize that it's a matter of the heart!  When the heart is towards God, everything else follows! 

I guarantee you that my wardrobe is modest.  Because I WANT to please the Lord in every area of my life.  I am a work in progress, but God knows my heart and He knows I want to please Him.  I believe with all of my heart that when I give $$$ to a homeless person, when I love someone who needs love, when I witness to someone about our Savior, when I do what I can to help...I believe God sees my heart and He knows that I want people to see Jesus in me, whether I have on pants or a skirt.

This issue just needs to be DONE.  Do what you believe is right.  And don't judge anyone else because they do things differently than you matter which "side" you are on! The issue is MODESTY!  The only people who think ALL pants are immodest are people who are TAUGHT to think that. My husband grew up unsaved and he honestly never thought anything about a girl wearing pants because he was never taught any other way.  They were just girls who had clothes on!  Jack Schaap had a problem with HB cheerleader uniforms!  Below the knee, feminine outfits!  That proves that perverts are perverts no matter what a girl is wearing.

Now...just leave us alone on this issue.  Please. 

RAIDER said:
Smellin Coffee said:
RAIDER said:
Smellin Coffee said:
RAIDER said:
Watch t.v. commercials.  In many commercials watch what the gals are dressed like.  The advertisers know what they are doing.  A Godly man will turn away.  An ungodly man will watch and lust.  Are the gals suppose to go guilt free because men are not to look?

And look at how their BEHAVIOR is, their body language. Sexism in commercials is intentional and it isn't just the attire attempting to tease.

Do most men have problems lusting when they show highlights of Olympic swimmers coming in and out of a pool? I have one friend who says it bothers him but in general, the response is, why would it be an issue?

Oh, I agree. For example, I won't watch Victoria Secret commercials and do turn away. But we know the intent. And yes, the girls SHOULD "go guilt free" when it comes to my opinion. It is between them and God. I am responsible for my own personal behavior.

We will definitely agree to disagree on this one.  I am anxious to see what some of the gals have to say.  You may have a following.  :)

I would like to add this: do what you believe God would have you do in this matter. If you believe such attire would lead you or anyone from your family away from God, then by all means do what you think is right. But please realize that others who may not have the same struggles or beliefs who love and follow Christ and might come to a different conclusion. In regards, it is between us and God as well.

God will work it all out in the end. :)

I appreciate that.  I have known many people through the years that "looked down" on people who did not share their dress and entertainment standards.  While there may have been a time when I bordered on that thought pattern, I never got fully caught up in it. 

On the FFF when I defend a position to which I hold some automatically toss me into the "looking down on others" category.  While I defend my beliefs and try to illustrate, I am truly not in that category.  While I believe Biblical standards and convictions are a way to honor God there are far more weightier matters.

This makes for an interesting thread.

To this I say a hearty Amen!

I did live in the longer the dress, the shorter the haircut, the more buses the more spiritual the church.

I may argue for a more liberty position and get tossed in with the freebirds where anything goes. While I defend my beliefs and try to illustrate, I am truly not in that category.  While I believe Biblical standards and convictions are a way to honor God but not the man made performance stuff.

One more thing...there seems to be a trend right now of current and former HAC ladies blogging about "fashion".  That's fine, but I think we are placing too much emphasis on the outside and not enough on the inside. Now, I have nothing against dressing fashionably. I dress fashionably! I like to look professional and put together. I am a professional and I know how important appearance is in my business. No one has ever accused me of dressing dowdy. Yes, I wear heels with jeans...Ha! But, skirts-only or not, when we are posting our OOTD (outfit of the day for you clueless males...Ha!) I just wonder if, as Christian ladies,  we are placing too much emphasis on the exterior.

I don't know. Maybe I'm just weird.
cast.sheep said:
I have tried really hard to stay out of this, but I just have to comment on this.  Sigh!
Raider, NO ONE has said that girls who wear little of nothing think God is pleased.

Really, have you read through this thread?
cast.sheep said:
I am 100% FOR modesty.  Whether a woman is wearing pants, skirt, dress, shorts, etc. it should be done modestly!

That's what we are trying to discuss.  The example I gave, to which many have commented, is a gal in a volleyball outfit.  In your definition would that be considered modest?
cast.sheep said:
Now...just leave us alone on this issue.  Please.

If you haven't noticed, this thread is to discuss standards of dress.  I am not bothering or badgering you.  If you don't want to discuss it, don't read this thread.  If you want to discuss it, give us your opinion.  I value your thoughts.
RAIDER said:
brainisengaged said:
I know Someone who was dressed extremely immodestly when He gave the ultimate gift, His life. And His Father was pleased. I don't think it is all about what we are wearing...or, not wearing.

This is all you've got?  Our Savior was stripped in shame and mockery.  You compare that with girls wearing little of nothing and think God is pleased.  Please tell me that you post in jest.
Who are these girls?

You again jump from pants to skimpy. Why the incessant equating of the two?
RAIDER said:
cast.sheep said:
I am 100% FOR modesty.  Whether a woman is wearing pants, skirt, dress, shorts, etc. it should be done modestly!

That's what we are trying to discuss.  The example I gave, to which many have commented, is a gal in a volleyball outfit.  In your definition would that be considered modest?

Says the guy who equated wearing pants to halter tops and mini skirts.  ::)
subllibrm said:
RAIDER said:
brainisengaged said:
I know Someone who was dressed extremely immodestly when He gave the ultimate gift, His life. And His Father was pleased. I don't think it is all about what we are wearing...or, not wearing.

This is all you've got?  Our Savior was stripped in shame and mockery.  You compare that with girls wearing little of nothing and think God is pleased.  Please tell me that you post in jest.
Who are these girls?

You again jump from pants to skimpy. Why the incessant equating of the two?

The pants were brought up by others early in this thread.  We discussed them for several pages.  A few pages ago I began to discuss scantily clad volleyball players as an example.  Are you reading all the posts?
subllibrm said:
RAIDER said:
cast.sheep said:
I am 100% FOR modesty.  Whether a woman is wearing pants, skirt, dress, shorts, etc. it should be done modestly!

That's what we are trying to discuss.  The example I gave, to which many have commented, is a gal in a volleyball outfit.  In your definition would that be considered modest?

Says the guy who equated wearing pants to halter tops and mini skirts.  ::)

You are out in left field.  I will re-post the conversation so it can be read in context.
RAIDER said:
brainisengaged said:
Bruh said:
RAIDER said:
cast.sheep said:
So, I ask this question in all sincerity:  Do you think the woman in capris pants and a white top was NOT pleasing the Lord because of what she had on?  All I know is that the woman's unspoken testimony changed my life.  This is something I experienced....not something someone told me about.  God used her in my life....unlike any other woman in the entire world.  It made absolutely no difference whatsoever that she wasn't wearing a skirt. 

Do you consider any female who wears pants, etc. as having a lack of standards?  This is a sincere question.

I don't believe that people who disagree on this issue are necessarily embittered.  But that is for another conversation.

I did not see the woman you are describing so I cannot answer your question.  Regardless of what she was wearing, her testimony made a major difference in your life.  The Lord can use anyone anytime do do his will.

A woman that wears pants is a stinkin' Jezebel!!  :)

And wouldn't that be the whole argument?

I have never heard someone say, she changed my life because she had a dress on....Is the point.  LOL!!


I have never heard someone say, "She changed my life because she was wearing a halter top and a mini skirt". 


Here it is.  Read it in context!
It's simple. Just like reading, context is vital when determining what is modest. Something perfectly acceptable at the beach quite likely would not be appropriate at Wal-Mart. Likewise, uniforms for particular high school sports may not be acceptable in the classroom.

The bigger question is why some people seem to care so much about what my daughter is or is not wearing. Isn't their responsibility to teach their own children proper behavior in spite of others' choices?