The OFFICIAL "You might be a Hacker if...." thread!

RAIDER said:
Tennessean said:
RAIDER said:
Binaca Chugger said:

To get your posting numbers up, you bump every old thread on the forum.

You also might be an idiot.

So you are calling me both a hacker and an idiot. Isn't that an oxymoron?

You do have a good point there!  I have known many.

There you go talking about yourself again.
Don't you ever get tired of hearing yourself?
You might be a Hacker if you feel convicted because you have not posted in a few days and you don't want to disappoint Raider.
Matthew1323 said:

upon returning to FBC you think that you now have street cred since you can now can tell them that you also were kicked out as pastor by the " @#?!%@ SBC!"    8)
I love this!

Street creds.


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fishinnut said:
YMBA HACker if.........

like Raider, you call ahead for Valentines Day reservation.

Is that Cal City?

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Teri in NC said:
RAIDER said:
YMBAH if the first thing that comes to your mind at Easter is the Bunny Hop.

OK, Cyndi Lauper, your TRUE COLORS are showing.

Most of us have bleached our minds from that.

Apparently, you are still carrying a torch for the hopper.
It's "shining through", like the glare on his bald spot at high noon.

Get it right , She Bopper!

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16KJV11 said:
You reserved front row chapel seats for "Behind Every Graduate There Stands"...
And you were a Freshman.

You didn't find a way to be scheduled to work during BEGS...

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RAIDER said:
baptisthac said:
prophet said:
fishinnut said:
YMBA HACker if.........

like Raider, you call ahead for Valentines Day reservation.

Is that Cal City?

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That is a nasty place to eat.

Ya think?!!
Just a wild stab in the dark...

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You might be a Hacker if you still take your vacation on the third full week of March.
RAIDER said:
You might be a Hacker if you still take your vacation on the third full week of March.

....and spend it in Hammond!
RAIDER said:
RAIDER said:
You might be a Hacker if you still take your vacation on the third full week of March.

....and spend it in Hammond!

On Monday afternoon you require your family to stand with you outside the old FBCH auditorium for one hour for sentimental reasons.
You might be a Hacker if you are criticizing Matthew for power posting.
RAIDER said:
You might be a Hacker if you are criticizing Matthew for power posting.

I must not be a HACker.  I think he is ingenious!  I wish I could get my own revival started without looking like a copy cat.
Teri in NC said:
RAIDER said:
You might be a Hacker if you are criticizing Matthew for power posting.

I must not be a HACker.  I think he is ingenious!  I wish I could get my own revival started without looking like a copy cat.

How about coming up with an original idea.
Teri in NC said:
RAIDER said:
You might be a Hacker if you are criticizing Matthew for power posting.

I must not be a HACker.  I think he is ingenious!  I wish I could get my own revival started without looking like a copy cat.

I remember hearing something at HAC about finding the successful people, study what made them successful, and copy them.

I think I shall.
patriotic said:
Teri in NC said:
RAIDER said:
You might be a Hacker if you are criticizing Matthew for power posting.

I must not be a HACker.  I think he is ingenious!  I wish I could get my own revival started without looking like a copy cat.

I remember hearing something at HAC about finding the successful people, study what made them successful, and copy them.

I think I shall.

Good idea. I am going to call Peyton Manning and see if he will let me follow him around for a few days.