Why I no longer worship.

In no way can I believe this. You know as well as I the underlying motive behind both Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism (others as well) is exactly the same: Protect the Brand.

No, the brand is not "Jesus". No need to protect someone who has already been killed then resurrected. The brand is not "truth" i.e. "the gospel". No need to protect truth. Truth will always survive and I believe will at some point prevail. If "the gospel" dies, it was never truth.

Nope, the brand of Evangelicalism is its influence, political power and of course, $$$. It's all a grift.

You've been around long enough to see this. I certainly understand you have much to lose to confront the reality so I will just let you deal with your own conscience. I thought I was losing my soul when I left but I realized the church was "the world" and the marginalized "the soul" so I'm glad I now find my new friends among the immigrants, misfits and queers. I can just be imperfect me and accepted for who I am despite all my years trying to suppress their existence through my Fundagelical faith.
It seems to me like you judge an awful lot for somebody who doesn’t want to be judgmental.
In no way can I believe this. You know as well as I the underlying motive behind both Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism (others as well) is exactly the same: Protect the Brand.

No, the brand is not "Jesus". No need to protect someone who has already been killed then resurrected. The brand is not "truth" i.e. "the gospel". No need to protect truth. Truth will always survive and I believe will at some point prevail. If "the gospel" dies, it was never truth.

Nope, the brand of Evangelicalism is its influence, political power and of course, $$$. It's all a grift.

You've been around long enough to see this. I certainly understand you have much to lose to confront the reality so I will just let you deal with your own conscience. I thought I was losing my soul when I left but I realized the church was "the world" and the marginalized "the soul" so I'm glad I now find my new friends among the immigrants, misfits and queers. I can just be imperfect me and accepted for who I am despite all my years trying to suppress their existence through my Fundagelical faith.
"Nope, the brand of Evangelicalism is its influence, political power and of course, $$$. It's all a grift."

Sad that you feel that way, Smellin'. Maybe over time, you'll see some of the good as well.

Don't judge the ideology by the imperfect people who believe it. They're a part of every philosophy and religion.
In no way can I believe this. You know as well as I the underlying motive behind both Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism (others as well) is exactly the same: Protect the Brand.

No, the brand is not "Jesus". No need to protect someone who has already been killed then resurrected. The brand is not "truth" i.e. "the gospel". No need to protect truth. Truth will always survive and I believe will at some point prevail. If "the gospel" dies, it was never truth.

Nope, the brand of Evangelicalism is its influence, political power and of course, $$$. It's all a grift.

You've been around long enough to see this. I certainly understand you have much to lose to confront the reality so I will just let you deal with your own conscience. I thought I was losing my soul when I left but I realized the church was "the world" and the marginalized "the soul" so I'm glad I now find my new friends among the immigrants, misfits and queers. I can just be imperfect me and accepted for who I am despite all my years trying to suppress their existence through my Fundagelical faith.
Whether you believe me or not is of no consequence.
You have not only made up a play time religion with yourself as god...you have proclaimed yourself as the arbiter of 'truth'.
Like the secular culture you philosophically embrace, you can believe anything...except THE Truth of God's word.

You and your Smellinism religion is rich in irony.
Ironic that the Hylesism you so despise continues to shape your life by shaping your belief system.
And, your apostasy simply goes toward fulfilling a Biblical prophecy of the 'falling away' in the last days.

And I do feel sorry for you...
6. When people worship God, we (myself included) worship our relative projection of what God really is.
Sorry but what sort of gobbledygook is this you're saying?
There is no other way we can worship outside our own bias.
Oh OK. So when God inspires us and instructs us to worship him like in Psalm 100, Enter his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise so we just turn around and say SORRY no way we can do it? That would just be my bias to obey you?
7. The worship of God without it being a god of personal projection is impossible.
So I guess God didn't know what he was doing when he stated for us to do it. Too bad he didn't know about the personal projection problem. OK if you won't do it there is a place in scripture which says the very rocks will cry out. They don't get so bent out of shape about personal projection and it seems God is pleased.

Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!”I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” Lk 19:33

I no longer worship.

I'm a hypocrite because that's not completely true; worship is in our DNA and is universal among all humans and cultures. Our desires create the object of worship. Apart from that contradiction which is within all humanity, here is why I don't worship God.

1. God exists beyond time and space.
2. Mankind is incapable of understanding what or if anything exists outside of time and space (though the Cosmological argument tends to suggest there has to be).
3. Because we cannot know if/what exists, the best we can do is speculate through projection of what exists out there, whether that is an actual deity, multiple deities, a hierarchy of deities or even a product of Simulation Theory. (No, I don't believe in Simulation Theory though I do believe it could be possible.)
4. The "god" of human worship is meant to provide meaning, wholeness and completeness at some point in history, whether in our time on earth or in some future manner such as afterlife, heaven and/or a revamped earthly kingdom.
5. Because of mankind's inability to comprehend objects/beings/science, much less understand anything that exists outside of time and space, we rely on whatever influences we believe most logical to our relative opinion. That logic could be through a holy book. Could be through other people. Could be through unexplained circumstances relative to each believer. Could be through tragedies or victories. Could be through Intelligent Design (which I do believe in). etc. These things lead to an individual's projection of what God is, how God acts, how God affects or communicates.
6. When people worship God, we (myself included) worship our relative projection of what God really is. There is no other way we can worship outside our own bias.
7. The worship of God without it being a god of personal projection is impossible.
8. The worship of projection is idolatry. Hence, the worship of any god can only be the practice if idolatry.

Yes, my position IS a contradiction because nothing can be at one with itself at all times. The fact that I even suggest something exists beyond time/space violates the very same premise that we can't know about anything existing outside of time/space. Even using the biblical ideology of idolatry as a premise for my argument is also a contradiction because it would suggest God is using the Bible as (at the very least) a lawbook or guide of some kind.

Regardless, here I stand at this given moment in time, accepting the living contradiction that is me.

Be blessed. :)

I no longer worship.

I'm a hypocrite because that's not completely true; worship is in our DNA and is universal among all humans and cultures. Our desires create the object of worship. Apart from that contradiction which is within all humanity, here is why I don't worship God.

1. God exists beyond time and space.
2. Mankind is incapable of understanding what or if anything exists outside of time and space (though the Cosmological argument tends to suggest there has to be).
3. Because we cannot know if/what exists, the best we can do is speculate through projection of what exists out there, whether that is an actual deity, multiple deities, a hierarchy of deities or even a product of Simulation Theory. (No, I don't believe in Simulation Theory though I do believe it could be possible.)
4. The "god" of human worship is meant to provide meaning, wholeness and completeness at some point in history, whether in our time on earth or in some future manner such as afterlife, heaven and/or a revamped earthly kingdom.
5. Because of mankind's inability to comprehend objects/beings/science, much less understand anything that exists outside of time and space, we rely on whatever influences we believe most logical to our relative opinion. That logic could be through a holy book. Could be through other people. Could be through unexplained circumstances relative to each believer. Could be through tragedies or victories. Could be through Intelligent Design (which I do believe in). etc. These things lead to an individual's projection of what God is, how God acts, how God affects or communicates.
6. When people worship God, we (myself included) worship our relative projection of what God really is. There is no other way we can worship outside our own bias.
7. The worship of God without it being a god of personal projection is impossible.
8. The worship of projection is idolatry. Hence, the worship of any god can only be the practice if idolatry.

Yes, my position IS a contradiction because nothing can be at one with itself at all times. The fact that I even suggest something exists beyond time/space violates the very same premise that we can't know about anything existing outside of time/space. Even using the biblical ideology of idolatry as a premise for my argument is also a contradiction because it would suggest God is using the Bible as (at the very least) a lawbook or guide of some kind.

Regardless, here I stand at this given moment in time, accepting the living contradiction that is me.

Be blessed. :)
Are you for real? You sound like some low life pinhead liberal with a lot of BS.
Yup. You're getting a full dose of our village apostate now.
I no longer worship.
“I have left my religious conversion behind and settled into a comfortable state or atheism. I have come to think that religion has caused more harm than any other idea since the beginning of time.” Smellin Coffee Larry Flynt (publisher of Hustler magazine), in his autobiography. An Unseemly Man

1Jn 2:19
They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.