We're here, we're queer and we're coming for your children'

I think one reason many from "deviant" lifestyles don't come to repentance is because they don't find grace within the church.
I’m going to say that many of them have never stepped foot in a church since birth. Even in the Bible Belt, church attendance is becoming a thing of the past.
I’m going to say that many of them have never stepped foot in a church since birth. Even in the Bible Belt, church attendance is becoming a thing of the past.
And that by their choice. Many aren't looking for grace. Many are content to remain in sin; not just the sexual variety. Not much we can do about that. However, when one comes to us, we have the obligation to extend grace to them the same way grace was extended to us. That doesn't mean we accept their sin but neither are we to treat them as lepers.
And that by their choice. Many aren't looking for grace. Many are content to remain in sin; not just the sexual variety. Not much we can do about that. However, when one comes to us, we have the obligation to extend grace to them the same way grace was extended to us. That doesn't mean we accept their sin but neither are we to treat them as lepers.
I agree, but what I was trying to convey is that many (probably most) from younger generations have never stepped foot in a church while growing up, which isn’t really the fault of the kid. I know forty or fifty years ago, parents who didn’t attend church would allow their kids to ride the church bus or go with adults they’d possibly never met, but I think in today’s world, that’s about an extinct practice. I don’t even know of a single church that runs a bus ministry anymore in my region, and that includes the IFB churches.
I agree, but what I was trying to convey is that many (probably most) from younger generations have never stepped foot in a church while growing up, which isn’t really the fault of the kid. I know forty or fifty years ago, parents who didn’t attend church would allow their kids to ride the church bus or go with adults they’d possibly never met, but I think in today’s world, that’s about an extinct practice. I don’t even know of a single church that runs a bus ministry anymore in my region, and that includes the IFB churches.
Oh you not a kidding... part of my testimony is that I first heard the gospel when I learned that my school bus driver also drove a church bus in the neighborhood. It was a Nazarine church that operated these busses. I rode Mr. Ford's bus to school, it was only natural to me to ride his bus to church.

That was a whole different era. Being a school bus driver myself nowadays, I understand the liability risks involved in such a venture. It astounds me that such things weren't issues back then.
Gringo has been nothing but respectful here and has never been one to push an agenda! I will gladly stand in his corner against someone who makes unwarranted attacks!

Who's attacking him? But I would disagree with your opening sentence. His words...

Anyway, you're right, the Bible does teach that marriage is between one man and one woman. Absolutely.

I was personally happy when gay marriage came about
No submission to our Lord there...in fact, open defiance.

Do you seek to engage your world or do you prefer to live in an isolated, "Christian-ese Bubble?"
It appears that I'm engaging it now. I'm happy to engage anyone on any topic. However, I may have been mistaken about the mission of the FFF. One would presume, naturally, that it is here for Christians exclusively, and for those of what is called the 'Fundamental' persuasion primarily.

But if this is not the case, and as he appears to be here as a representative and spokesman for the 'gay community,' as if there were any such thing, it doesn't appear that my original notion was accurate. What I said about the FFF "opening the door" was out of line, and I apologize.

I actually wish there were more here like Gringo!
@Gringo, I think an invitation was just extended for you to bring some of your friends along.

Keeps me on my toes
How so?

and reminds me that I am Christ's ambassador and will one day give account of how I have represented him in my daily actions!
That's interesting. No...it really is. In fact, I'm being reminded right now.
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I'm afraid to ask but . . . what's your feeling towards me? If you have negative feelings towards me regarding my orientation, could you be specific. I'd appreciate it.
I didn't know, or if I did, forgot, that you were gay. Interesting.
There's too few gay people (relatively speaking) to ever overcome the majority's stereotype that gay people are lying in wait to sexually abuse children and to "recruit" them. I'm not even going to try.

I will just say that what these clowns in the gay community are doing right now is going to prove its downfall. So don't worry. It won't be too long before the good that was done (in a gay's eyes) such as the abolition of gay discrimination in the work place, the right to marriage etc will all be a thing of the past. The hatred for a gay person that the "average" person has is only going to intensify as we watch the gay community "coming after your children". People won't stand for that and I don't blame them. While the mammon loving press could care less that the majority has nothing but revulsion for this community, when they realize that it's purse strings are emptying, they will turn on the gay community quicker than a Hyles graduate could turn on Hyles Anderson College.

The gay community has been SO STUPID to allow this fringe to speak for them as a whole and it's going to be its undoing, I'm afraid. This is no different than if the press portrayed Stephen Anderson and you as the same. You wouldn't like it.

And as a gay person myself, I am SO EMBARASSED and horrified that little children have been brought into this. While I was personally happy when gay marriage came about, I would willingly give that right up if it meant that we would act decently and protect children instead of rubbing a drag queen's silicone into the eyes of a baby.
Okay, Mr. Gringo. I would like to get a better understanding of how you think and what your purpose in engaging the people here might be.

Are you looking for 'deliverance' from your position? Or are you looking to foster an acceptance of it? And would an acceptance necessitate a denial of what you asserted is clearly taught in the Bible about sex and marriage?
I think one reason many from "deviant" lifestyles don't come to repentance is because they don't find grace within the church. If they do repent, they still struggle because if they were to reveal their struggles they'd be treated as lepers. We as the church will have much to answer for.
I believe this is a factor but not the root cause. Certainly those outside of Christ see the Church acting just like the world and ask "What have they got that I haven't got?" and use our bad behavior as a reason and excuse to be dismissive of the Gospel message.

Think about this statement and tell me whether you agree or disagree:

"The HOLINESS of God emanates through the holiness of his Church."​

The Church will one day be presented "Without Spot and Blemish" and we understand it is far from that right now but if Christ is truly dwelling among his people, should his characteristics and attributes be evident and should not those in the world have a reverence and fear of such? What should be characteristic of those who have truly "Been with Jesus?"
Okay, Mr. Gringo. I would like to get a better understanding of how you think and what your purpose in engaging the people here might be.

Are you looking for 'deliverance' from your position? Or are you looking to foster an acceptance of it? And would an acceptance necessitate a denial of what you asserted is clearly taught in the Bible about sex and marriage?
Why don't you go back and look at his post and interaction history yourself? I don't think he owes you a single explanation as to why he is here! If you are a Calvinist then ACT LIKE IT and realize that it is God who changes a man from the inside out and it is GOD who grants us repentance and faith to believe! Gringo is accountable to God for his life and his faith (or lack thereof) and according to what I know of his background, he is not ignorant of any of this!

I cannot help but wonder if I were an unbeliever, how I would react to such a statement?

Now, regarding someone who is an unbeliever or identifies with the LGBTQ+ community:

If someone were here being disruptive posting their propaganda and getting in our face regarding the gay lifestyle, he or she ought to be banned. It is rude behavior and every bit as rude as if I went to one of their sites and started quoting bible scripture and telling them they had better repent! I would expect to be (rightfully) booted as well.

Same goes for militant atheists coming on here being confrontational and making a mockery of the Christian faith!

Gringo has done none of these, he has acted with the utmost of politeness and respect which is more than I can say for many, many other FFFers throughout the years so BACK OFF!!!
Who's attacking him? But I would disagree with your opening sentence. His words...

Anyway, you're right, the Bible does teach that marriage is between one man and one woman. Absolutely.

I was personally happy when gay marriage came about
No submission to our Lord there...in fact, open defiance.
Read the full context of his statement. There are certain things such as an employer's benefits which are usually granted to families that were not available to same-sex couples. Same goes for medical powers of attorney and visitation of next of kin during medical emergencies. I can fully understand why those in the Gay lifestyle would desire this and I do not see any reason why they should be denied. Men like John Macarthur have been on record saying they are all for legal "Domestic Partnerships" which would take care of such matters while standing firm on the matter that marriage is ordained of God and is between one man and one woman for life!

Those who are OUTSIDE OF CHRIST are by nature "Openly Defiant" against God. Philippians 2:1-3 is quite clear regarding this.
Why don't you go back and look at his post and interaction history yourself? I don't think he owes you a single explanation as to why he is here!
I certainly could do that given the time. And I may. And you're right, no one here owes me anything. But he may be willing to engage me. If he is, what is that to you?

But I don't think I need to look up his posting history. I think his purposes are clear in his posts in this thread. And I would like to engage him on those.

I fail to see where your permission is needed. :unsure:

If you are a Calvinist then ACT LIKE IT and realize that it is God who changes a man from the inside out and it is GOD who grants us repentance and faith to believe! Gringo is accountable to God for his life and his faith (or lack thereof) and according to what I know of his background, he is not ignorant of any of this!
Where have I been inconsistent with any of that? If you're a Calvinist, then you know that no matter what, his election, if he is of the elect, is not jeopardized in the least.

I think a lot of your bluster may be due to the fact you want to be well thought of by him, but at what cost? The truth? And what you said about a society and how it's institutions should be compelled to treat various living arrangements as equally valid as marriage seems to indicate that it is indeed the truth that is in the balance here.
Gringo is gay and an admitted atheist/agnostic. However, I don’t think either is a disqualification for being on the forum. That being said, the question of what draws such an individual to this forum shouldn’t be tossed aside. My hope is that Gringo is seeking Truth and his God-given conscience has caused him to return to this forum.
Gringo is gay and an admitted atheist/agnostic. However, I don’t think either is a disqualification for being on the forum.
Not at all. The rules prohibit such things as profanity, pornography, spamming, or doxxing.

We have no rule against being gay or atheist or agnostic--anyone willing to adhere to the rules we do have may post.

Gringo is welcome to post, and Ekklesian is also welcome to question his beliefs--as long as both remain within the rules, which so far hasn't been an issue.
And it came to pass that Sodom knocked on the door of the FFF, and it was opened.
And? This ain’t a church and Gringo isn’t posing as a believer living in unrepentant sin.
Not at all. The rules prohibit such things as profanity, pornography, spamming, or doxxing.

We have no rule against being gay or atheist or agnostic--anyone willing to adhere to the rules we do have may post.

Gringo is welcome to post, and Ekklesian is also welcome to question his beliefs--as long as both remain within the rules, which so far hasn't been an issue.
FYI for onlookers who may not know the history here. In the former iteration of the FFF when atheists were limited to solely participating in a limited sub-forum because they came aboard in large numbers all at one time ostensibly in an effort to undermine or destroy the FFF it can be attested that Gringo was not one of those who attempted to use such subversive measures. Many of the atheists who were “thrown in the dungeon”, so to speak, wailed and belly-ached incessantly, but not Gringo. He took part with his lot and did so peaceably. He behaved with decency and respect, as he continues to do in this recent appearance on the forum.
Okay, Mr. Gringo. I would like to get a better understanding of how you think and what your purpose in engaging the people here might be.

Are you looking for 'deliverance' from your position? Or are you looking to foster an acceptance of it? And would an acceptance necessitate a denial of what you asserted is clearly taught in the Bible about sex and marriage?
Those are questions that will provoke no answer. Probably meant to get in his face. I do not approve of his lifestyle, or his beliefs, but I do approve of allowing him here to interact. He has not been here under false pretenses, as far as I know.
First of all, I want to say "thank you" to all of those who have said kind things of me. I really appreciate it.

I've just been told that we're going to a restaurant that I have wanted to visit for a long time. And so, right now, I can't concentrate because Fried chicken, a piece of cobbler pie and some sweet tea with lemon are weighing too heavily on my mind to be able to think of other things.

Ekklesian, I learned long ago to not speak at the height of emotion. Let me get my thoughts together and I will respond. I appreciate your concerns. Thanks.

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