Recent content by Holy Moley

  1. H

    If you had it to do over again...

    Liberty University.  The place is far from perfect, but it is accredited, gives you freedom to be an adult and think outside of the institutional leadership and has produced some highly successful grads.
  2. H

    Deaths Of HAC Students

    Ken Smith -- attended HAC in the late 70's and early 80's.  Was disabled and had to use hand crutches.  Such a nice guy.  Something that haunts me to this day... One day I stepped out of my office for a few minutes (I was a pastor at the time) and when I returned, I had a message on my desk...
  3. H

    If you had it to do over again...

    Truth here.  In addition, to Raider's comment about it not mattering if you are a PT or other ministry major if the school is accredited, you are sadly wrong.  If you want to get a graduate degree from a reputable institution or seminary, you'll need an accredited under-grad degree.  In...
  4. H

    Real HAC Numbers

    Afraid not -- it was the early 2000's and to much time has passed and gray hair has emerged for me to remember the details.  It was during his last years there or right after he left.  He was still at Crown if my memory serves correctly.
  5. H

    HAC is better than AOG

    Yeah, because forcing others to engage in Spiritual activities to build a kingdom is God's Way for evangelism.  Continuing to do something because it is forced upon you is character-building and meritorious.  Never question authority.  Never question the system.  Never admit that you made a...
  6. H

    Real HAC Numbers

    In the range of time from 79-83, they were reporting around 2,700 students.  This was about the same time when most of the other Fundy schools were hitting their peak (about the same time that the Christian Day School movement hit it's peak).  BJU had 5,000, TTU had around 4,000, BBC Springfield...
  7. H

    What was the worst sermon you ever heard at HAC?

    Joe Combs had some humdingers.  He was nearly worshiped while I was there in the early 1980's, but I never could stand him and his arrogance and his outlines stolen from Warren Weirsbe.  Two come to mind however.... The infamous Pink Shirt sermon wherein it was insinuated that if you wore a...
  8. H

    HACkerGraf 12/16

    Wasn't "taking his snake for a walk" what got Jack Schaap in trouble? And Jack Hyles, Dave Hyles, and...., well, you get it...
  9. H

    Joe Combs and other criminals from HAC

    Not voting for Trump or The Hill, but apparently you rode the short bus to HAC in your day.  It is relevant in that a) I would know people who went there b) there is a trend of HAC grads who have abused children and women and c) for a reason that is totally none of your business.
  10. H

    Joe Combs and other criminals from HAC

    Recently someone told me that Joe Combs had died in prison, but I can find nothing online that verifies that.  Does anyone know if it is true? I'm aware of the Combseeze, Jack Schaap, Kerry Martin, Kent Rabe who have been/are in prison.  What other alumni or former staff who have been or are in...
  11. H

    Update on First Baptist Church of Hammond

    Never has anyone in IFBdumb been more successful in exploiting his last name and dead father's coattails than Tony Hutson.
  12. H

    Hacker Trivia!!

    This reminds me of when I worked in the Century Mall in the early 1980's.  I had a manager whose name was Carol.  She was a mess.  She'd tease me publicly about being a 20 year old virgin and being Baptist, but privately she'd ask me tons of questions.  We talked for hours (Century Mall was...