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  1. Biblebeliever

    ?Evangelist's Responsibility to the Local Church by Tony Miano

    I just wanted to share this message because I was edified by it. It is meant to help those who have a zeal to do biblical evangelism while also understanding the importance of the Local Church. Now I don't know if there is anyone on this forum who also preaches on the streets, but if there is...
  2. Biblebeliever

    Every Street Preacher and Evangelist should belong to a local church

    I meant to include a few remarks concerning this brief video in the OP, but I'll just post them here. Which is that I do believe it is fine for an Open Air Preacher to have righteous anger and righteous indignation towards wickedness and sin, as long as he is able to maintain a biblical balance...
  3. Biblebeliever

    ?Evangelist's Responsibility to the Local Church by Tony Miano

    Evangelists Responsibility to Local Church by Tony Miano Topic: Submission Description: Tony Miano preached this sermon at the 2011 Jersey Fire conference. It is both a warning and a call to...
  4. Biblebeliever

    Every Street Preacher and Evangelist should belong to a local church

    Open Air Preacher Profile of Tony Miano | Every Evangelist Should Belong to a Church
  5. Biblebeliever

    What is the Definition of Repentance: RESPONSE to Kent Hovind

    Well, I thank you for doing that. Because I want to be shown when I am wrong about something no matter what it is. As I believe that a true King James Bible believer will always humble himself and take correction and then receive the truth that is shown unto him. For I don't want to ever be...
  6. Biblebeliever

    New Bible Version INSANITY! - Bryan Denlinger

    New Bible Version INSANITY! Good video by brother Bryan Denlinger:      Video Description: If you fall for the "Alexandrian philosophy" that underlies the modern "Bible" versions, it will eventually make you insane!
  7. Biblebeliever

    The Church Age -Night: By brother James Melton

    THE CHURCH-AGE NIGHT Sometimes I get accused of posting things without enough explanation for newer believers. I plead guilty. Here's a bit of info. for the Big Picture chart that I frequently post . . . Matthew 14:25: "And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the...
  8. Biblebeliever

    What is the Definition of Repentance: RESPONSE to Kent Hovind

    No, I know that she is actually a woman. But there are still those who believe that she is a transgender. For instance,  Alex Jones still believes that she is a man: If you check out...
  9. Biblebeliever

    AVOID THIS RFID 666 Mark of the Beast Technology!!! (Implantable Microchips)

    The RFID microchips are not the Mark of the Beast,  but I would still warn people about them and strongly encourage them to never get micro-chipped. For there are a number of valid reasons why people should not get micro-chipped. And Again, The Mark of the Beast Technology (not the Mark of the...
  10. Biblebeliever

    Concerning Salvation in the Time of Jacob's Trouble (7 Year Tribulation)

    Balaam, what is it that you find heretickal about Dr. Peter S. Ruckman's views and teachings?
  11. Biblebeliever

    Concerning Salvation in the Time of Jacob's Trouble (7 Year Tribulation)

    It's not about our opinions balaam. Its about what does the word of God say. It is to be the sole authority in our lives.
  12. Biblebeliever

    AVOID THIS RFID 666 Mark of the Beast Technology!!! (Implantable Microchips)

    Scott, I updated and modified the title and description of this post to prevent any further confusion. And so that you know that I was not promoting this wicked and vile technology.  Just posting about it to warn the Body of Christ of what is already out there.
  13. Biblebeliever

    AVOID THIS RFID 666 Mark of the Beast Technology!!! (Implantable Microchips)

    Scott, Even though those RFID Implantable microchips are not the Mark of the Beast,  people should STILL avoid them like the plague. And concerning the Time of Jacob's trouble, the King James Holy Bible says that if ANY man takes the Mark, that same man will drink the wine of the wrath of...
  14. Biblebeliever

    What is the Definition of Repentance: RESPONSE to Kent Hovind

    What is the Definition of Repentance? Response to Kent Hovind by brother Joshua Jocelyn. This is a very good video response and answer to Kent Hovind on the issue of Repentance and how it is defined In this brief video teaching, brother Joshua shows how the word(s) (Repent/Repentance) are...
  15. Biblebeliever

    Concerning Salvation in the Time of Jacob's Trouble (7 Year Tribulation)

    The Tribulation (Time of Jacob's trouble) have passed? What about the 2 witnesses? There is no historical account of Moses and Elijah appearing on earth around the time of 70AD. And how about the vial judgments and other judgments? Every thing recorded after Revelation 4:1 has not yet happened...
  16. Biblebeliever

    Concerning Salvation in the Time of Jacob's Trouble (7 Year Tribulation)

    T-B, No, their salvation will not be secured or finalized until they endure to the end of the time of Jacob's trouble (Matt. 10:22; 24:13; Mk. 13:13) or are martyred (Rev. 6:9) for the Lord Jesus Christ and His blessed and holy word. And concerning your question,  no, the blood of Jesus Christ...
  17. Biblebeliever

    AVOID THIS RFID 666 Mark of the Beast Technology!!! (Implantable Microchips)

    Millions already chipped! RFID 666 Mark of the Beast Technology but not the official Mark of the Beast. Still though, this very technology should be avoided at all costs. Video Description: PLEASE WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO! You should NEVER receive a microchip implant, as this offers a pathway to...
  18. Biblebeliever

    Hard Preaching

    Great post! Now of course I will admit that when I think of hard preaching, what you mentioned does  come to my mind. And I do agree with hard preaching against sin, and specific sins at that! As well as hard preaching against apostasy, apostate churches and denominations (such as the Southern...
  19. Biblebeliever

    Concerning Salvation in the Time of Jacob's Trouble (7 Year Tribulation)

    To the brethren on here, it has been quite a while since I've logged on here, and after doing so this evening, I thought to post in this forum again. But before I do that,  I hope that each one on here are seeking a  more closer fellowship with the Lord, especially in these very dark and evil...
  20. Biblebeliever

    What Is Right or Wrong with This?

    The brother speaking in the video and marking Kent Hovind as a Heretick Is Joshua Jocelyn. This brother is very sound in his view and teaching of Repentance. Of course there are things which I don't agree with him on, but when it comes to Biblical Repentance, he certainly has studied out this...