Famous Quotes

The depravity of man is at once the most empirically verifiable reality but at the same time the most intellectually resisted fact.—Malcolm Muggeridge
As wheels in a complicated machine may move in opposite directions and yet subserve a common end, so may truths apparently opposite be perfectly reconcilable with each other, and equally subserve the purposes of God in the accomplishment of man’s salvation.—Charles Simeon
while a stopped clock might be right twice a day..... a clock that is running.. but which is off by a few minutes... never is...

but it;s possible i could have thought it up myself.... it just came to me one day - yet could have been from memory or from the voices i still hear now and then... i really don;t know..... :unsure:
while a stopped clock might be right twice a day..... a clock that is running.. but which is off by a few minutes... never is...

unknown... but it;s possible i could have thought it up myself.... it just came to me one day - yet could have been from memory or from the voices i still hear now and then... i really don;t know..... :unsure:
Nice of you to drop in. I pray all is going well with you and your family.
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Nice to hea

Nice of you to drop in. I pray all is going well with you and your family.
thank you.... all is going fairly well.... we finally got the old jeep running and up to specs... it;s now officially safety checked and registered again... it took a lot longer and cost a lot more money than we expected too... even doing all the work ourselves..... . i might write something about it later but if i do i;ll put it in one of the all purpose type threads... i learned a lot...not enough to be considered a korean war era jeep mechanic... but i could definitely rework and replace the axles and drive train... and do a decent evaluation of the engine operation too..... :)
thank you.... all is going fairly well.... we finally got the old jeep running and up to specs... it;s now officially safety checked and registered again... it took a lot longer and cost a lot more money than we expected too... even doing all the work ourselves..... . i might write something about it later but if i do i;ll put it in one of the all purpose type threads... i learned a lot...not enough to be considered a korean war era jeep mechanic... but i could definitely rework and replace the axles and drive train... and do a decent evaluation of the engine operation too..... :)
As a Jeep guy myself, I’d learning more about the project, and if your dad doesn’t mind, maybe a pic after y’all get everything done.
As a Jeep guy myself, I’d learning more about the project, and if your dad doesn’t mind, maybe a pic after y’all get everything done.
i;ll ask about it.... we will be up in the mountains with it most of next week just scouting out the old trails we use to drive to get to hunting places...... ...thing is - it doesn;t look much different than it did before with the exception of having new tires.... (the military tractor looking kind).... but it runs better and drive better.... you never realize how loose your front wheel bearings are until you install new ones and drive it again...... less worries about breaking something off road now.... but i;ll put more about that in a different thead.... ...
I am not an elephant! I am not an animal! I am a human being!—Joseph Merrick
I am not an elephant! I am not an animal! I am a human being!—Joseph Merrick
I've heard from numerous sources that Joseph Merrick (his correct name) was a devout Christian. I am to understand that in his youth, he was very close to his mother who taught Sunday school in a Baptist Church.
Interesting, I did not know that. And on the basis of his testimony apparently there was a relatively recent kerfuffle over the display of his remains.
Interesting read.

So... if it is a hallmark of Christianity to expect a proper burial, is it then expected that believers wouldn't have organ donor stickers on their driver's licenses? Is donating one's body after death to science strictly a pagan practice?

I can appreciate a "decent Christian burial" as it recognizes the importance of our lives lived in the body, a direct rebuff of gnosticism, however, I don't see anything un-Christian about donating one's body to medical science in hopes of furthering medical understanding.

To dogmatically declare that because someone was a believer he desired such and such... I think any reasonable person would see the problem with that.
I think the essence of the disagreement between the family of Merrick and the University that holds his remains is that the family doesn't see any further need to display them, while the University says that if they bury them then future breakthrough research via DNA would be unnecessarily complicated. I guess if it can be proven that Merrick allowed for the usage of his body in perpetuity for research then it is a moot point to argue over the Christian ethics of it.
Faith is the bird that sings, while it is still dark, in anticipation of the dawn.
“Never, ever underestimate your opponent, and always respect them even if you don’t like them”—Billie Jean King (actually it was her dad’s words)
  • Jason Bourne: [Getting ready to leave Marie's car in front of his apartment house] Thanks for the ride.
  • Marie: Any time.
  • Jason Bourne: [after a pause] Well, you can come up, and you can... or you could wait here. I - I can go check it out, but you could wait...
  • Marie: Uh, no, no...
  • Jason Bourne: [as she is saying no] You could wait...
  • Marie: ...no, no!
  • Marie: Um, with you, you would probably just forget about me if I... stayed... here.
  • Jason Bourne: How could I forget about you?
  • [laughs]
  • Jason Bourne: You're the only person I know.
"When the gods Wish to Punish Us, They Answer Our Prayers." - Oscar Wilde

I heard this (mis)quote today while watching ESPN Gameday. I know Wilde was a profligate and held no torch for western morality so I wouldn’t expect ESPN or Wilde to have any sense of reverence or propriety, but the reason I took notice wasn’t for any religious observance, rather that the narrator who mouthed the quote actually changed it to …

"When the Gods Wish to Punish Us, She Answers Our Prayers." - Oscar Wilde

What a pathetic Orwellian world we are evolving into.
"There is no theology here. Although I am basically taking classes and lectures in dogmatics and philosophy of religion, the impression is overwhelmingly negative. They talk a blue streak without the slightest substantive foundation and with no evidence of any criteria. The students—on the average twenty-five to thirty years old—are completely clueless with respect to what dogmatics is really about. They are not familiar with even the most basic questions. They become intoxicated with liberal and humanistic phrases, are amused at the fundamentalists, and yet basically are not even up to their level."--Dietrich Bonhoeffer (on the sad state of 20th century American Evangelical theology...imagine if her were here today!)
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi