He is......the most interesting Hacker in the world!

prophet said:
His new innovations are immediately qualified to be called "old paths".

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Nicely done!
Those that open an NIV in his church are never heard from again.
Ray Young came to him and asked if he could have all the letters he had ever written and received....so he could publish them in book.
Baptist City Holdout said:
He put the American Standard Urinal Co. out of business.

Nicely done!! :)
The church he attended when he got saved was dismantled and reassembled on the campus of Hyles Anderson College
Heard this one last night........

He once created a diamond by peer pressure alone.
He was drop kicked through the goal posts of life.
Brother Hyles waited for him in the alley after church.
HAC named a scholarship after him!
Instead of watching a ball drop to celebrate New Year's Eve he watches a bus drop.
Dr. Hyles hung his portrait in the waiting room next to his office between the portrait of John R. Rice and his mother.

Every Monday before departing for the airport he would step inside the waiting room and say a say a few words to it.