The Heresies of the Religion of Calvinism and how Satan has used it to infiltrate the Church

Yep, predictable victim mentality response, boys today are proud Ahabs, comedy illiterate, and take power in curling up in a little ball for attention.

I recommend gathering a band of leftist SJW's together and making a petition to FFF to ban us on the grounds that someone offended your untouchable feelings.
After all, feelings are the ultimate deciding factor for all things in today's society. As long as you feel any kind of way, everyone else has to bow down to you.

The 5 year old who throws a temper tantrum because he got spanked as a reprimand for lying and taking his friend's toys is now King of the Family.
Everyone stop what you're doing, tmjbog was offended. Life must come to a screeching halt for everyone around him to address his god-feelings, and any, and I do mean any, who were involved in offending these feelings, must be thrown in jail.

What cheated power. What arrogance. What an inverted, Satanic society we live in, where the whiners win and the champions are shamed.

You are not handicapped, therefore why are you acting like a handicapped person when God gave you perfectly good potential to conduct yourself in facing reality like everyone else around you. You don't get to cop out like a victim hermit while everyone else in the Christian community faces facts and stands for God, yet you avoid reality because you're scared to stand with God against some popular New Calvinist Movement of irrelevant fearful geezers, to the point where you actually turn against the truth and make it scarier for others to come to it, chronically lying, running a smear campaign against the Bible itself and teachers like Ruckman who make that amateur Calvin look worse than handicapped by comparison.

That post wasn't making fun of handicapped people, it is making fun of you. If you don't want to be treated like someone trying to cheat power by playing dumb and acting handicapped in that area, then honor God by using what he gave you. Real handicapped people face reality and don't fall back on their handicapped status the way you create an imaginary one for yourself so everyone can feel bad for you. You should be ashamed of yourself. If you act like a kid, you're going to be treated like a kid in life. If you play dumb and constantly cry wolf 100 times that everyone who reads and believes the Bible is using "human reasoning" like a little complaining victim, you're going to be treated as such in life.

As someone who has been told I'm a "cool person" by others the majority of my life, a people person, an artist, a musician, a creator, not from a trailer park and didn't grow up in the IFB and never met Ruckman, I can state accurately from experience that this current generation is the most backwards, Satanic generation so far.

You allow all these LGBTQ letters and your freedoms to be taken away, then pat yourselves on the back because you think you're doing some great feat being "tolerant" and "loving" and "accepting". Deluded cowards. Almost every generation in history has had to fight for what's right. My friends and I would have protested against all of these things the youth is now fighting for back in high school, these leftist "tolerators" are trying to destroy every good virtue to create their upside down society. You gather together and validate each other's deluded victim mentalities, and find any twinge of a reason to come against anyone with an ounce more balls than you to paint them as "oppressive". You are the thought police of 1984. You are the oppression. You are the Communist borg. And I'm specifically talking to the men. You act like little boys and you're proud of it.

And some of these people even claim to be Christians. As in the days of Noah, and Lot, ladies and gentlemen. Get over yourselves, and your feelings, there exists this being called God, who matters more than you. There exists other people besides just you who don't want to live like a crab-in-a-barrel victim for the rest of their lives. We have a greater purpose to serve beyond just ourselves and the inconsistent state of our emotions. We are in a spiritual war, not an afternoon picnic club, and I don't know if you've noticed, but whatever this generation of Christians has been doing, obviously hasn't been working at all. It's time to be be boys and girls. You can do it.
Sorry you have no ability to insult me-you are just some random cultist on the internet. I understand your need to insult. Don't worry there will become a time in your life where you will mature and stop worrying about who thinks you are cool. Now back to using photos of handicapped people as insults. If this is acceptable and ok according to the KJV then it truly does teach a different gospel. Fortunately most who use the KJV tower above you in both their knowledge of the KJV and in living it.

I'll ignore all your random ramblings about this or that cultural boogy men the Ruckmanites try to paint on their opponents.
The only way you will get banned is by your own fault. We don't ban posters on the basis of group think.
But you do allow hypocrites who obsessively slander and make intensely crude insults to others, who are not Fundamental Baptist, but LBCF (which has been proven here to be in line with Presbyterian doctrine for more so than Baptist, and even less so than Fundamental Baptist), to hold a position of leadership here and ban others who do the same to a lesser frequency.

It makes sense, FFF, hypocrites of a feather flock together to attack the Bible and its teachers thinking God won't do anything about it.
You think you're running a little Fundamental Baptist forum here? God sends in the big boys to expose it.

You're not going to misrepresent the name of all Fundamental Baptists with all of their colleges listed here, each with their own threads, allowing inadequate kids like Ransom to police the forums as an obvious mole in staunch defiance to everything the Fundamental Baptists stand for, without God sending in some correction.

You told me you left the Fundamental Baptist movement to attend some seminary that preferred the NIV. Man, even guys like James White know that version has more corruptions than the NASB/ESV.

Just what do you think you're doing here, making a Fundamental Baptist forum with the sole purpose of smear campaigning the Bible itself and Fundamental Baptists?
Do you seriously think everyone doesn't see the trickery and fakery going on?

If you want to police and moderate a forum exclusively hating on the Bible and Fundamental Baptists all day in favor of some political Presbyterian-doctrined LBCF, go start another forum elsewhere and call it "Anti-Fundamental Baptist".

Hey FFF (666 as F is the 6th letter in the alphabet), you need to ban yourself, kid.
But you do allow hypocrites who obsessively slander and make intensely crude insults toward others, who are not Fundamental Baptist, but LBCF (which has been proven here to be in line with Presbyterian doctrine for more so than Baptist, and even less so than Fundamental Baptist), to hold a position of leadership here and ban others who do the same to a lesser frequency.

It makes sense, FFF, hypocrites of a feather flock together to attack the Bible and its teachers thinking God won't do anything about it.
You think you're running a little Fundamental Baptist forum here? God sends in the big boys to expose it.

You're not going to misrepresent the name of all Fundamental Baptists with all of their colleges listed here, each with their own threads, allowing inadequate kids like Ransom to police the forums as an obvious mole in staunch defiance to everything the Fundamental Baptists stand for, without God sending in some correction.

You told me you left the Fundamental Baptist movement to attend some seminary that preferred the NIV. Man, even guys like James White know that version has more corruptions than the NASB/ESV.

Just what do you think you're doing here, making a Fundamental Baptist forum with the sole purpose of smear campaigning the Bible itself and Fundamental Baptists?
Do you seriously think everyone doesn't see the trickery and fakery going on?

If you want to police and moderate a forum exclusively hating on the Bible and Fundamental Baptists all day in favor of some political Presbyterian-doctrined LBCF, go start another forum else where and call it "Anti-Fundamental Baptist".

Hey FFF (666 as F is the 6th letter in the alphabet), you need to ban yourself, kid.
Do you even know what the fundamentals are? They have nothing to do with Bible versions, number of dispensations, or whether your lady folk wear pants or not.
But you do allow hypocrites who obsessively slander and make intensely crude insults to others, who are not Fundamental Baptist, but LBCF (which has been proven here to be in line with Presbyterian doctrine for more so than Baptist, and even less so than Fundamental Baptist), to hold a position of leadership here and ban others who do the same to a lesser frequency.
Anyone else been on the FFF long enough to remember when Phil Johnson used to hand out Mrs. Grundy Awards to the forum schoolmarms for excessive finger-wagging?

Anyone got a dump truck full of 'em? We need them right now.
But you do allow hypocrites who obsessively slander and make intensely crude insults to others, who are not Fundamental Baptist, but LBCF (which has been proven here to be in line with Presbyterian doctrine for more so than Baptist, and even less so than Fundamental Baptist), to hold a position of leadership here and ban others who do the same to a lesser frequency.

It makes sense, FFF, hypocrites of a feather flock together to attack the Bible and its teachers thinking God won't do anything about it.
You think you're running a little Fundamental Baptist forum here? God sends in the big boys to expose it.

You're not going to misrepresent the name of all Fundamental Baptists with all of their colleges listed here, each with their own threads, allowing inadequate kids like Ransom to police the forums as an obvious mole in staunch defiance to everything the Fundamental Baptists stand for, without God sending in some correction.

You told me you left the Fundamental Baptist movement to attend some seminary that preferred the NIV. Man, even guys like James White know that version has more corruptions than the NASB/ESV.

Just what do you think you're doing here, making a Fundamental Baptist forum with the sole purpose of smear campaigning the Bible itself and Fundamental Baptists?
Do you seriously think everyone doesn't see the trickery and fakery going on?

If you want to police and moderate a forum exclusively hating on the Bible and Fundamental Baptists all day in favor of some political Presbyterian-doctrined LBCF, go start another forum elsewhere and call it "Anti-Fundamental Baptist".

Hey FFF (666 as F is the 6th letter in the alphabet), you need to ban yourself, kid.
I for one would not want to see you banned. You are truly fascinating. And I think the world needs to see what the Way of the Ruckmanite offers.
Do you even know what the fundamentals are?
Doing what you do best, here's "Fundamental Baptist" mole #2.

"The fundamentals" and "Fundamental Baptist" are two different subjects altogether.
Every denomination has their own unique and separate interpretation of what they call "the fundamentals".
The majority of the forums/top threads (not sub-threads) on this site are attempting to represent Fundamental Baptist Colleges publicly before the whole world.

Almost all Fundamental Baptists use the King James Bible, and believe it.
Almost all Fundamental Baptists do not believe the Church replaced Israel (and all of the original Fundamental Baptists don't).
Almost all Fundamental Baptists believe in the rapture of the Church because of this distinction, they are Dispensational.

Almost all Fundamental Baptists do not agree with Covenant Theology (the majority of whom are Calvinists) which claims the Church has replaced Israel.
Fundamental Baptists are not anti-Semitic, we do not boast against the branches.
Fundamental Baptists do not believe in any form of works salvation like many Covenant Theologians (especially Catholics) do.
Any Fundamental Baptists who do not use the KJV anymore (but did at one time) do not engage in multi-month campaigns publicly online to attack the Bible and smear anyone using it, while doubling back each time they're called out and pretending "Oh no, I use the KJV too... Now let me get back to attacking it again".

Fundamental Baptists do not hold to the LBCF, which was a political move to close the gap between Baptists and the Presbyterian leadership in Parliament at the time, and to actually distance themselves from the Anabaptists because they didn't want to be viewed as "extreme" in the eyes of the Presbyterians.

Outside of Fundamental Baptists, the broader range of just "Baptist" includes the SBC, many of whom don't even adopt the LBCF because of these reasons.
On a scale of various Baptists, if Fundamental is on one side with Ruckman and others (even if some of them disagree with Ruckman on some points, he was still Fundamental Baptist and his students now have the largest Baptist internet audiences in the world: Dr. Gene Kim, Robert Breaker, Dr. David Peacock, Andrew Sluder, etc.) the SBC would be further away from Fundamental Baptist, but the LBCF would be all the way on the other end next to the Presbyterians.

Yet you have an owner here who admitted he has left the Fundamental Baptist side a while ago and attended a seminary who use the NIV, a version even the Nondenominational megachurches in Orange County, California don't use because even they know it's corrupt, and a Presbyterian-doctrined "LBCF" moderator who polices and trolls any and all who discuss the King James Bible and Dispensationalism.

How's that little smear campaign op going hiding behind your keyboards, Calvinists?
Trying to ensure the Fundamental Baptists don't have a place to gather and rally up behind sound doctrine?

UGC is going to crush Calvinism. We're just getting started. You guys made your move, now we go harder.
Too bad most of these ivory tower scholars and their little forum buddies who write and publish anti-KJV books were never in the military.
You keep playing politics and using these deceptive tactics and we'll see who God stands behind in the end.
UGC is just going to keep keepin' it real and pluggin forward from the underground.
God leads, God fights our battles so that we don't have to, we're just going to keep podcasting and posting our video Bible studies.

UGC out.
Hey FFF (666 as F is the 6th letter in the alphabet), you need to ban yourself, kid.
More numerology with the Ruckmanite. I thought it was just Gayle with her Acrostic algebra, but apparently finding significance with numbers is common place with The Way of the Ruckmanite. Below is another interesting example proving the best Spanish Bible version to use:

"I've come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as "A perfect Bible" in the Spanish Language. (Not yet anyway)[51]… The King James Bible is God’s Word in English. It was first printed in 1611. Let’s look at that date again: 1611. What’s interesting to note is that 1+6+1+1= 9, and 9 is the number of fruit in the Bible. There are 9 fruits of the spirit in Galatians 5:22,23. So, would it be too far fetched to try to find a Spanish Bible whose date of publishing added up to 9. There is only one: the 1602, for 1+6+0+2 = 9"

But you do allow hypocrites who obsessively slander and make intensely crude insults to others...

Of which you engaged in plenty, yourself.
With that said... this forum is lightly moderated. We rarely ban people. I view this as an open vessel where ideas can freely flow.
If emotions get heated and people insult others (as you also do), it only reflects on those insulting the other person.
I think it is helpful to see who is engaging in rigorous debate and who is just insulting.
It helps to make up minds of who is right and who is wrong.
Yet you have an owner here who admitted he has left the Fundamental Baptist side a while ago and attended a seminary who use the NIV, a version even the Nondenominational megachurches in Orange County, California don't use because even they know it's corrupt, and a Presbyterian-doctrined "LBCF" moderator who polices and trolls any and all who discuss the King James Bible and Dispensationalism.

Right. I do not use the Fundamental label of myself, anymore.
I am a Creationist, a dedicated student of a normal interpretation hermeneutic of Scripture because I believe in Sola Scriptura. Salvation is a gift from God, not of ourselves. I am eternally secure. I studied both Greek and Hebrew, extensively. I prefer the NIV because it does a great job in translating accurately.
Nondenominational churches use the KJV... so, why use that argument?
and a Presbyterian-doctrined "LBCF" moderator who polices and trolls any and all who discuss the King James Bible and Dispensationalism.
The only one who's been "policed" lately is you, and that was because you went full Ruckman and couldn't keep a civil tongue in your head.

It's ironic that the UGC Wonder Twins are whining about a "moderator who polices" (that's the moderator's job), right within a post in which he attempts to police who gets to call himself a "Baptist."

Well, not so much "ironic" as "pathetically self-unaware" and "hypocritical."

Whereas, the Wonder Twins refuse to discuss or defend the video they posted at the start of this thread;

Whereas, this abandonment of the original topic is a tacit admission that it had no merit;

Whereas, the Wonder Twins have changed topics multiple times over the course of the thread; and

Whereas, the Wonder Twins are now moaning and groaning about how they are more sinned against than sinning:

I submit that a name change is in order for this topic, from "The Heresies of the Religion of Calvinism, etc.," to "Why are UGC Such Big Babies?"
Of which you engaged in plenty, yourself.

Since you are fond of reading and responding to half of what the other person says:

"But you do allow hypocrites who obsessively slander and make intensely crude insults to others, who are not Fundamental Baptist, but LBCF (which has been proven here to be in line with Presbyterian doctrine for more so than Baptist, and even less so than Fundamental Baptist), to hold a position of leadership here and ban others who do the same to a lesser frequency."

My point was: if you can't take it in good competition, don't dish it. Don't debate someone and then ban them when you lose.

With that said... this forum is lightly moderated.

There's your problem. Instead of hanging out on the fence all day, Mr. Nice Guy "Yes Man", why don't you make a decision.

If you want to go ecumenical and include everyone, make that clear.
If you want to be a Fundamental Baptist forum and represent all of those Fundamental Baptist and Dispensational Colleges publicly to the whole world, then you need better management and need to vet which denominations and positions your leadership holds to, because it is human nature and inevitable that moles from other denominations (especially Covenant Theologians) who are against Fundamental Baptists will take advantage of your wide-open nice guy policies, infiltrate leadership, and attempt to rebrand the Fundamental Baptist movement to align it with their New Calvinist Movement, etc.

You don't see Fundamental Baptists going onto Presbyterian/Calvinist forums and trying to subtly rebrand their identity for them and run them all out.
You sneaky rats. Have some honor.

If you are going to own and direct a forum publicly representing all of those Fundamental Baptist and Dispensational college, you better expect you're going to have to do what the Bible says and act like a man. Leaders have to make tough decisions. We can't get along with everybody. If you're not fit for that position or if you just want to go ecumenical, make that decision. But don't run a misrepresentation operation like the one you're currently running. God won't allow it for long without sending people in to expose it.