The Heresies of the Religion of Calvinism and how Satan has used it to infiltrate the Church

I'm not about one-way conversations where one side is trying to smear and lie about the other, I'm interested in both sides coming together to compare information with the goal of finding the truth.
You do not practice what you preach when it comes the KJV-only issue.

You seem to engage in one-way discussion where you try to smear and bear false witness against believers who disagree with KJV-only reasoning.

You do not display patience and do not seem to make any serious effort to understand the other side's perspective.
I have attempted to understand the KJV-only side's perspective, having read completely over 150 books by KJV-only authors.
"I have read over 150 books and my conclusion was... Screw the Bible!" -Logos666 the broken record
UCG could be considered the broken record with his "loser" carnal smear tactics and bogus distortions [where he improperly puts words in the mouths of others that they do not state] since he is unable or unwilling to present any positive, clear, consistent, sound, true, scriptural case for KJV-only reasoning/teaching.

UCG seems to attack me for putting the authority of the Scriptures above the opinions, traditions, and human reasoning of KJV-only advocates.
UCG seems to attack me for putting the authority of the Scriptures above the opinions, traditions, and human reasoning of KJV-only advocates.

Where are "the Scriptures", Holy and inspired by God?

Is the King James Bible inspired Scripture, that you would submit to as your "authority"?
unable or unwilling to present any positive, clear, consistent, sound, true, scriptural case for KJV-only reasoning/teaching

...above the opinions, traditions, and human reasoning.

"Gail once ate a bowl of mashed potatoes, another time she spelled a word wrong, I once shined James White's shoes, another book told me the KJV translators were all Calvinists, another told me the New Versions don't use the Critical Text MSS anymore, how can you deny the evidence, any who do are unable or unwilling or incapable or unwilling to present any positive, clear, consistent, sound, true, scriptural case for reasoning/teaching/bleaching/reaching/impeaching/leaching/beaching/screeching beyond the opinions, traditions, and human reasoning, human reasoning, human reasoning, human reasoning, human reasoning, human reasoning, human re-"
"Gail once ate a bowl of mashed potatoes, another time she spelled a word wrong, I once shined James White's shoes, another book told me the KJV translators were all Calvinists, another told me the New Versions don't use the Critical Text MSS anymore, how can you deny the evidence, any who do are unable or unwilling or incapable or unwilling to present any positive, clear, consistent, sound, true, scriptural case for reasoning/teaching/bleaching/reaching/impeaching/leaching/beaching/screeching beyond the opinions, traditions, and human reasoning, human reasoning, human reasoning, human reasoning, human reasoning, human reasoning, human re-"
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Ya, your post mocking handicapped people certainly went a long ways to prove your case-wouldn't expect much better from one who follows in the ways of Ruckman, though.
"I have read over 150 books and my conclusion was... Screw the Bible!" -Logos666 the broken record
Ole Rucky would be proud. Attribute a made up quote to your opponent and throw in little vulgarity-You have trained well in the Way of the Ruckmanite.
Again the fight is between the Ruckmanite and the translators of the KJV.

"Now to the later we answer; that we do not deny, nay, we affirm and avow, that the very meanest translation of the Bible in English, set forth by men of our profession, (for we have seen none of theirs of the whole Bible as yet) containeth the word of God, nay, is the Word of God. As the Kings Speech which he uttered in Parliament, being translated into French, Dutch, Italian and Latin, is still the Kings Speech, though it be not interpreted by every Translator with the like grace, nor peradventure so fitly for phrase, nor so expressly for sense, every where."
Where are "the Scriptures", Holy and inspired by God?

Is the King James Bible inspired Scripture, that you would submit to as your "authority"?

Do KJV-only advocates only have invalid questions based on their unproven KJV-only premises behind which they try to hide?
You are not entitled to assume your unproven KJV-only premises by the use of fallacies such as begging the question and special pleading, and then demand that others answer questions based on mere subjective human assumptions. Invalid questions based on assumptions or on twisted misrepresentations/distortions do not need to be answered since they are invalid.

KJV-only advocates cannot present any positive, clear, consistent, sound, true, scriptural case for their KJV-only theory so they improperly attempt to demand that others blindly submit to their human KJV-only reasoning/teaching. The KJV, a Bible translation in the same way as the pre-1611 English Bibles and in the same way as post-1611 English Bibles such as the NKJV, does not state nor teach that it is inspired.
The UGC Wonder Twins can't run fast enough to avoid defending Plastered Kevin's drunk theology.

There's never a straight answer to be had from the Ultimate Grifting Companions. It's always "watch my video" (it's not there) or "I already answered that" (they didn't) or "I don't have time to..." (they always have time to change the subject and post long scolds about that instead).

Jam tomorrow, and jam yesterday, but never jam today.

UGC == losers.
Ya, your post mocking handicapped people certainly went a long ways
Yep, predictable victim mentality response, boys today are proud Ahabs, comedy illiterate, and take power in curling up in a little ball for attention.

I recommend gathering a band of leftist SJW's together and making a petition to FFF to ban us on the grounds that someone offended your untouchable feelings.
After all, feelings are the ultimate deciding factor for all things in today's society. As long as you feel any kind of way, everyone else has to bow down to you.

The 5 year old who throws a temper tantrum because he got spanked as a reprimand for lying and taking his friend's toys is now King of the Family.
Everyone stop what you're doing, tmjbog was offended. Life must come to a screeching halt for everyone around him to address his god-feelings, and any, and I do mean any, who were involved in offending these feelings, must be thrown in jail.

What cheated power. What arrogance. What an inverted, Satanic society we live in, where the whiners win and the champions are shamed.

You are not handicapped, therefore why are you acting like a handicapped person when God gave you perfectly good potential to conduct yourself in facing reality like everyone else around you. You don't get to cop out like a victim hermit while everyone else in the Christian community faces facts and stands for God, yet you avoid reality because you're scared to stand with God against some popular New Calvinist Movement of irrelevant fearful geezers, to the point where you actually turn against the truth and make it scarier for others to come to it, chronically lying, running a smear campaign against the Bible itself and teachers like Ruckman who make that amateur Calvin look worse than handicapped by comparison.

That post wasn't making fun of handicapped people, it is making fun of you. If you don't want to be treated like someone trying to cheat power by playing dumb and acting handicapped in that area, then honor God by using what he gave you. Real handicapped people face reality and don't fall back on their handicapped status the way you create an imaginary one for yourself so everyone can feel bad for you. You should be ashamed of yourself. If you act like a kid, you're going to be treated like a kid in life. If you play dumb and constantly cry wolf 100 times that everyone who reads and believes the Bible is using "human reasoning" like a little complaining victim, you're going to be treated as such in life.

As someone who has been told I'm a "cool person" by others the majority of my life, a people person, an artist, a musician, a creator, not from a trailer park and didn't grow up in the IFB and never met Ruckman, I can state accurately from experience that this current generation is the most backwards, Satanic generation so far.

You allow all these LGBTQ letters and your freedoms to be taken away, then pat yourselves on the back because you think you're doing some great feat being "tolerant" and "loving" and "accepting". Deluded cowards. Almost every generation in history has had to fight for what's right. My friends and I would have protested against all of these things the youth is now fighting for back in high school, these leftist "tolerators" are trying to destroy every good virtue to create their upside down society. You gather together and validate each other's deluded victim mentalities, and find any twinge of a reason to come against anyone with an ounce more balls than you to paint them as "oppressive". You are the thought police of 1984. You are the oppression. You are the Communist borg. And I'm specifically talking to the men. You act like little boys and you're proud of it.

And some of these people even claim to be Christians. As in the days of Noah, and Lot, ladies and gentlemen. Get over yourselves, and your feelings, there exists this being called God, who matters more than you. There exists other people besides just you who don't want to live like a crab-in-a-barrel victim for the rest of their lives. We have a greater purpose to serve beyond just ourselves and the inconsistent state of our emotions. We are in a spiritual war, not an afternoon picnic club, and I don't know if you've noticed, but whatever this generation of Christians has been doing, obviously hasn't been working at all. It's time to be be boys and girls. You can do it.
Yep, predictable victim mentality response, .
Perhaps you again describe you yourself.

It is KJV-only posters who may display a victim mentality response when their unproven subjective KJV-only opinions are not blindly accepted and when they do not get their way.
Logos666 has no Scriptures.jpg
So the answer is 1. I've never seen the Scriptures and have no idea where they are. 2. The King James is not Scripture and I won't submit to anything except my own opinion.

You're just a gas bag who keeps repeating the same junk over and over again. I feel so sorry for you.
I recommend gathering a band of leftist SJW's together and making a petition to FFF to ban us on the grounds that someone offended your untouchable feelings.
After all, feelings are the ultimate deciding factor for all things in today's society. As long as you feel any kind of way, everyone else has to bow down to you.

The only way you will get banned is by your own fault. We don't ban posters on the basis of group think.
You're just a gas bag who keeps repeating the same junk over and over again. I feel so sorry for you.
You're the one who just invented Logos' position out of your own imagination. You should feel sorry for yourself for being such a pathetic tool.
I recommend gathering a band of leftist SJW's together and making a petition to FFF to ban us on the grounds that someone offended your untouchable feelings.
This isn't some retarded Ruckmanoid forum where you'll get banned for disagreeing with the Blessed Virgin Pete. We're adults (except for you, apparently) and we can handle disagreements.

Want to be banned? Go ahead and ban yourself. Exit's that way.

You won't walk, though. Know how I know this? You're just another fundy. You're all alike. You want martyr points for bein parsecuted fer Jayzus.
Hilarious. UGC is so scared of giving straight answers to challenges to their superficial theology, they're now actually lobbying to get themselves banned.

Here's what they've soiled their undies over. This is in reference to the theological featherweight whose video UGC posted in the OP, thinking it actually poses an insurmountable problem to Calvinism:

For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality. (1 Thess. 4:3)​

Reading this verse, can we agree on the following?

  1. God desires that his people abstain from sexual immorality.
  2. The definition of "God's will" that this verse implies is along the lines of, "divinely revealed moral precepts that God desires or expects people to obey: for example, point 1."
  3. A person is capable of ignoring or disobeying those precepts.

This raises one further question: When Calvinists speak of "God's will" in any sense other than a divinely revealed moral precept that God desires or expects people to obey (for example, by citing LBCF.3, or talking about God's "decretive" vs. "prescriptive" will), is Thompson correct to dismiss this as cognitive dissonance or post-hoc rationalization?

Run away, coward, run away!
So the answer is 1. I've never seen the Scriptures and have no idea where they are. 2. The King James is not Scripture and I won't submit to anything except my own opinion.

You're just a gas bag who keeps repeating the same junk over and over again. I feel so sorry for you.
Typical that KJV-only posters return to their bogus "loser" deceitful misrepresentation and smear tactics as they improperly try to put words in the mouths of Bible-believers that they do not say.

You are the one who tries to demand that others accept blindly your subjective opinions that you repeat over and over without proving them to be true. You have not demonstrated that you are submitting to the word of God when you try to advocate your non-scriptural KJV-only opinions. You try to deny the actual truth. You have rejected actual scriptural truths even as translated in the KJV when they are problems for your unsound attempts to suggest that KJV-only opinions and traditions of men are supposedly a doctrine of God when they are not.

You ignore the fact that a question can be answered by a question. You also ignore the fact that an invalid question that assumes as true premises that have not been proven to be true does not need answered since it is invalid.

You have the burden of proof to prove your positive assertions for the KJV to be true and scriptural, but you dodge it. Your human reasoning's dependence upon fallacies is on display. Clearly your erroneous KJV-only reasoning is not the answer.