The OFFICIAL "You might be a Hacker if...." thread!

YMBAH start threads about:

I want to be like Dr. Hyles!
Standards of dress,
"Long" hair on men. 8)
Smellin Coffee said:
YMBAH if...

...for family devotions, you have your family stand and read the passages responsively...

Smellin Coffee said:
YMBAH if... have a Question and Answer hour despite the fact you have only 20 regulars attend Sunday night services...

:)  :)
Smellin Coffee said:
YMBAH if... answer your phone, "No Krincy, I'm not Jack Lyles."

I had forgotten about that one on the old FFF.  That's great!
YMBAH if.........

your song leader leads three verses of a song and you openly rebuke him.
YMBAH if............

you pastor a new church in a rural area and you require a security guard to park outside your home every night.
YMBAH if...............

you build an island in the church's water retention pond.
YMBAH if..............

you demand that the church replace the current carpet and pew pads with something of a yellow color.
YMBAH if..............

you keep looking for an air freshener that smells like the stairway area going from the hall to the balcony at FBCH.
YMBAH if....................

the first purchase you make at your new rural church are 3 large geese.
YMBAH if... start a Bible college and add a hall extension on the south end of the building so you have a place for a sign out desk.
YMBAH if... put the car wreckage from a pastor's fatal car accident on the front lawn of your church...
YMBAH if... purchase and move your childhood church building to your ministry's property...
YMBAH if............

you yell while preaching, "Folks in the hallway!  Folks in the hallway!!  Please be quiet!".  The problem is that your church has no hallways attached to the auditorium.
RAIDER said:
YMBAH if..............

you demand that the church replace the current carpet and pew pads with something of a yellow color.

and when the carpet is  installed you say, "I thought we ordered the kind with the iron print!"
Baptist City Holdout said:
YMBAH if................ you say bless GAWD, we're gonna follow the Old Paths of the 50's, even the way our basketball team dresses, then go OOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry folks, lost the Photobucket touch. This pic is just gonna have to wait......................
Halelujah!! God still answers prayer.

The mental pix are bad enough.

Thank God for Michael Jordan, and his long shorts, amen.
YMBAH if............

you are in a hardware store and you see a sign that says, "Oblong piping".  You immediately know that God is calling you to start a church half way across the country in Oblong, Illinois.
RAIDER said:
YMBAH if............

you are in a hardware store and you see a sign that says, "Oblong piping".  You immediately know that God is calling you to start a church half way across the country in Oblong, Illinois.

YMBAH if.................. you remember hearing about the newspaper wedding announcement that read, "Normal Girl Weds Oblong Boy."