What Did You Like About Hyles Anderson

bgwilkinson said:
RebeccasRants said:
I liked taking piano lessons from Mrs. Godfrey.

Small world, my daughters all took piano from Marilyn Godfrey when they lived in Griffith. Excellent piano artist.

I, too, learned so much from Mrs. Godfrey - piano, organ, soul winning, good wife traits, etc.  I stay in contact with her.  She traveled to play the organ at my wedding. 
Sailorman said:
Wait . .  .I'm just finishing a post on "What Did You Most Like About Your last Colonoscopy"  . . . then I'll get right on it . . .
BWAH-HA-HA!  Now that's funny right there!
So far, Mrs. Godfrey and spouses seems to be the things people liked.
I like that this one guy came from the south to attend HAC while I was also a student.  I do not know a better man, and I have a wonderful father and five great brothers!

He is a hard worker. He easily outworks men half his age in half the amount of time. 

He is faithful.  I do not know of anything he cannot do or learn to do.    He is my favorite preacher, but he can also build a building in less time than professional contractors would do it.  He can change out entire electrical panels or plumb a house.    He is a tremendous SS teacher. 


............... he can paint our kitchen (or any other room) while wearing dress clothes and not get a  single splatter on them. 

Sailorman said:
Wait . .  .I'm just finishing a post on "What Did You Most Like About Your last Colonoscopy"  . . . then I'll get right on it . . .

Well, I found out at my one and only said procedure, that I had an autoimmune disorder, so yes, I like something about it.  ;)
Binaca Chugger said:
Mathew Ward said:
I like that all the Stinkin' HACkers loved the place then and now  :eek:

Once a HACker...Always a HACker!

You can take the HACker out of Hyles Anderson College, but you can never take Hyles Anderson College out of the HACker.
patriotic said:
I like that this one guy came from the south to attend HAC while I was also a student.  I do not know a better man, and I have a wonderful father and five great brothers!

He is a hard worker. He easily outworks men half his age in half the amount of time. 

He is faithful.  I do not know of anything he cannot do or learn to do.    He is my favorite preacher, but he can also build a building in less time than professional contractors would do it.  He can change out entire electrical panels or plumb a house.    He is a tremendous SS teacher. 


............... he can paint our kitchen (or any other room) while wearing dress clothes and not get a  single splatter on them. 

You might be a HAcker if.......

.....if he is known for doing all that in his dress duds.

Just saying..... ;D
Loved hearing Bro. Hyles preach in chapel and church.
Loved Bro. Grady's classes.
Loved the fact that I found God's will for my life.
Loved the fact that I found the gal of my prayers and dreams!
Loved the fact that I learned how to work hard without accolade and remuneration (down here that is).
Loved the fact that I learned how to be a servant and how to follow.
Loved the fact that I learned how to work with people although I think being an assistant pastor at two churches and a pastor at two churches really has brought it home.
Loved the fact that Jesus became more real to me during my time there.
All these things and more no money could buy.
Sorry haters...just being honest. ;D
Loved the excitement when we knew Dr. Hyles was preaching in chapel.
Met many lifelong friends.
Learned to love those who are less fortunate.