What Did You Like About Hyles Anderson

you were blessed....give your wife a big high five!!
I liked my bus route and bus kids. Liked some friends that I met. Liked the things I learned. The bad things happened after I left.
prophet said:
Vince Massi said:
John Olsen
Who raised a Sodomite rapist...

I think that his son is working for a church again.  I don't know how a pastor could hire someone with a past like his......no matter how talented of a musician he is, he admitted to some major indiscretions in the 70's and 80's.
prophet said:
Vince Massi said:
John Olsen
Who raised a Sodomite rapist...

Sad but true, Prophet.

Mr. Olsen told me that he set the alarm on his wristwatch to go off every hour, so that he would remember to pray for his son. After many years, his son did repent.

Mr. Olsen was an unusual blend of wisdom and supporting the rules (some of which were pretty stupid). He used his authority to dismiss demerits wisely. Jim Vineyard chewed him out one time for refusing to do something wrong, and John Olsen wouldn't back down. He was a kind man who would listen to legitimate grievances without playing the "bad attitude" card.

Over the years, he tried to help grads who needed encouragement, and I was able to relay some of his messages to grads who weren't doing too well. John Olsen genuinely cared for the students. Long before most, he realized that the students were more important than the rulebook, and he dismissed "bad attitude" as a cover-up for sin long before most of us did.

He told me that he had wanted to leave, but God clearly and loudly told him not to. He learned that Jack Hyles had Olsen listed as "unloyal"--not a traitor, but someone who could not be trusted to blindly believe whatever he was told.

After a student enemy of his got expelled, Mr. Olsen contacted him and tried to help him. He personally interceded with Brother Hyles for a student who had done Olsen wrong and had gone to him to confess and ask forgiveness.

I do not consider Mr. Olsen to be a man of great ability, but he was a Godly, sincere, hard-working man who served well in a difficult position.
prophet said:
Vince Massi said:
John Olsen
Who raised a Sodomite rapist...

Prophet, be careful. Your children are young. You are doing the best you know how to rear them. But they still have their own will and sin nature. You don't know yet what will become of them. I hope you never have to carry around the burden and/or stigma of the sins of your children...but you may.
cast.sheep said:
prophet said:
Vince Massi said:
John Olsen
Who raised a Sodomite rapist...

Prophet, be careful. Your children are young. You are doing the best you know how to rear them. But they still have their own will and sin nature. You don't know yet what will become of them. I hope you never have to carry around the burden and/or stigma of the sins of your children...but you may.
I was put in a classroom with this pervert teaching.
This was long after his first crime.
If someone helped hide his crimes, then they really aren't a "bright spot" in HAC's history.
Or, more to the point, this is just another in a stack of examples, of the phoniness we were presented with.

John Olsen was a real jerk, BTW, and I'm sure it played a role in the Lil' creep's life choices; he wasn't exactly an old man when he began Sodomizing my fellow church members.

By all accounts, his other son turned out pretty well.
Prophet's impression of BO is indelibly imprinted on his mind. This type of thing reminds me of when they catch a wizened little old man and rejoice because another Nazi war criminal has been apprehended. His current neighbors on leafy Main Street USA are shocked...he had the nicest flower garden, he loved the neighborhood children, and he is just a frail little old man. How COULD he be the animal they are saying he was way back in the War?

For some reason of very obscure connection, BO is on my Facebook friends list. He posts hymns every day and just sounds so...spiritual.

He's like the little old man... I see no harm in him and don't understand how it could be so. (...make no mistake, I read his confession and think of him as a Class One Creep. Why do I allow him to be my FB friend? Really, just to observe the freak show.) But it be so...there are people alive who have his monstrosities indelibly imprinted upon their souls.

That leads me to wonder...we catch the little old Nazi and he is prosecuted for his war crimes and we feel some sense of justice, bittersweet of course since the past cannot be changed. But at least a perp was made to pay. It doesn't always happen.

We Christians know God will give each his 'comeuppance'. Judgment day is a-comin'. But then that always leaves me with lots of questions as well...people like BO who perpetrated these things while claiming the name of Christ as Savior, well of course they will be in Heaven with the rest of us brothers and sisters...and everybody will be happy over there! God will punish each of us for however awful we were as we tried our miserable best to live for Him...is punishment eternal? Will there be a heavenly caste system? Or will there be no discernible hierarchy whatsoever? God will discipline with some method we mortal humans cannot fathom that will still allow heaven to be heavenly...yet will serve justice. I guess...it's all too confusing.

brainisengaged said:
We Christians know God will give each his 'comeuppance'. Judgment day is a-comin'. But then that always leaves me with lots of questions as well...people like BO who perpetrated these things while claiming the name of Christ as Savior, well of course they will be in Heaven with the rest of us brothers and sisters...and everybody will be happy over there! God will punish each of us for however awful we were as we tried our miserable best to live for Him...is punishment eternal? Will there be a heavenly caste system? Or will there be no discernible hierarchy whatsoever? God will discipline with some method we mortal humans cannot fathom that will still allow heaven to be heavenly...yet will serve justice. I guess...it's all too confusing.

You are correct. Judgement is left in the hands of God. But remember the words of Christ and let Him decide on that final day whether it was an admission of guilt or true repentance:

If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Smellin Coffee said:
brainisengaged said:
We Christians know God will give each his 'comeuppance'. Judgment day is a-comin'. But then that always leaves me with lots of questions as well...people like BO who perpetrated these things while claiming the name of Christ as Savior, well of course they will be in Heaven with the rest of us brothers and sisters...and everybody will be happy over there! God will punish each of us for however awful we were as we tried our miserable best to live for Him...is punishment eternal? Will there be a heavenly caste system? Or will there be no discernible hierarchy whatsoever? God will discipline with some method we mortal humans cannot fathom that will still allow heaven to be heavenly...yet will serve justice. I guess...it's all too confusing.

You are correct. Judgement is left in the hands of God. But remember the words of Christ and let Him decide on that final day whether it was an admission of guilt or true repentance:

If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Yes, many have themselves fooled.

FTR, B.O. knew full well that the statute of limitations was up on his crimes, yet he fudged his "confession" to look like not quite raping teenage boys.

I can't get along with anyone who thinks that he "repented" recently, when he was finally exposed. 

When I was arrested, I said "get your pen ready", and gave a full confession.
I had no desire to try to get out of it, but rather to face the music, and do my time.

I know he admitted wickedness, but has he faced any music, or tried to make amends?
My guess is he wrecked a few lives, and owes restitution.
Yes, he did damage that will never be repaired. So did Dave Hyles, but, I digress.

You were arrested and did time?
Norefund said:
Yes, he did damage that will never be repaired. So did Dave Hyles, but, I digress.

You were arrested and did time?
Yes.  And I confessed it in front of a few thousand people.

There are several FBCH service videos, with me on the platform.
prophet said:
Smellin Coffee said:
brainisengaged said:
We Christians know God will give each his 'comeuppance'. Judgment day is a-comin'. But then that always leaves me with lots of questions as well...people like BO who perpetrated these things while claiming the name of Christ as Savior, well of course they will be in Heaven with the rest of us brothers and sisters...and everybody will be happy over there! God will punish each of us for however awful we were as we tried our miserable best to live for Him...is punishment eternal? Will there be a heavenly caste system? Or will there be no discernible hierarchy whatsoever? God will discipline with some method we mortal humans cannot fathom that will still allow heaven to be heavenly...yet will serve justice. I guess...it's all too confusing.

You are correct. Judgement is left in the hands of God. But remember the words of Christ and let Him decide on that final day whether it was an admission of guilt or true repentance:

If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Yes, many have themselves fooled.

FTR, B.O. knew full well that the statute of limitations was up on his crimes, yet he fudged his "confession" to look like not quite raping teenage boys.

I can't get along with anyone who thinks that he "repented" recently, when he was finally exposed. 

When I was arrested, I said "get your pen ready", and gave a full confession.
I had no desire to try to get out of it, but rather to face the music, and do my time.

I know he admitted wickedness, but has he faced any music, or tried to make amends?
My guess is he wrecked a few lives, and owes restitution.
brainisengaged said:
Prophet's impression of BO is indelibly imprinted on his mind. This type of thing reminds me of when they catch a wizened little old man and rejoice because another Nazi war criminal has been apprehended. His current neighbors on leafy Main Street USA are shocked...he had the nicest flower garden, he loved the neighborhood children, and he is just a frail little old man. How COULD he be the animal they are saying he was way back in the War?

For some reason of very obscure connection, BO is on my Facebook friends list. He posts hymns every day and just sounds so...spiritual.

He's like the little old man... I see no harm in him and don't understand how it could be so. (...make no mistake, I read his confession and think of him as a Class One Creep. Why do I allow him to be my FB friend? Really, just to observe the freak show.) But it be so...there are people alive who have his monstrosities indelibly imprinted upon their souls.

That leads me to wonder...we catch the little old Nazi and he is prosecuted for his war crimes and we feel some sense of justice, bittersweet of course since the past cannot be changed. But at least a perp was made to pay. It doesn't always happen.

We Christians know God will give each his 'comeuppance'. Judgment day is a-comin'. But then that always leaves me with lots of questions as well...people like BO who perpetrated these things while claiming the name of Christ as Savior, well of course they will be in Heaven with the rest of us brothers and sisters...and everybody will be happy over there! God will punish each of us for however awful we were as we tried our miserable best to live for Him...is punishment eternal? Will there be a heavenly caste system? Or will there be no discernible hierarchy whatsoever? God will discipline with some method we mortal humans cannot fathom that will still allow heaven to be heavenly...yet will serve justice. I guess...it's all too confusing.
Don't fool yourself.  BOs worship is BS.  And, FWIW, so is the "worship" of each and every sicko who protected the perv to continue his crimes.
Does that include Jack Hyles? He was informed of the molestation of a 13-year-old in the early 1970's and did nothing. In fact, Bob Olsen was made director of the Junior High Choir after the incident had been reported. BO remained in the employ of FBC for years after that and found fresh victims during that period.

Binaca Chugger said:
Don't fool yourself.  BOs worship is BS.  And, FWIW, so is the "worship" of each and every sicko who protected the perv to continue his crimes.
Norefund said:
Does that include Jack Hyles? He was informed of the molestation of a 13-year-old in the early 1970's and did nothing. In fact, Bob Olsen was made director of the Junior High Choir after the incident had been reported. BO remained in the employ of FBC for years after that and found fresh victims during that period.

Binaca Chugger said:
Don't fool yourself.  BOs worship is BS.  And, FWIW, so is the "worship" of each and every sicko who protected the perv to continue his crimes.
Of course it includes that thumb-sucking momma's boy.  He sounded so tough, taking a stand against his enemies...after they attacked him, and left him no choice...but he was a coward when it came down to sorting out actual problems.
He had no dad, I understand, but I dont understand those of us who had a picture of God the Father in our homes, who fell for that spiritual, emotional, mental effeminate man's leadership.
Norefund said:
Does that include Jack Hyles? He was informed of the molestation of a 13-year-old in the early 1970's and did nothing. In fact, Bob Olsen was made director of the Junior High Choir after the incident had been reported. BO remained in the employ of FBC for years after that and found fresh victims during that period.

Binaca Chugger said:
Don't fool yourself.  BOs worship is BS.  And, FWIW, so is the "worship" of each and every sicko who protected the perv to continue his crimes.
Thou Sayest.

I have waited a while to see what the response on this thread would be.  I have really been surprised.  A couple of "likes" for one staff member that was nice or really skilled.  One person "liked" the training he received and is now pastoring.  The overwhelming majority of people simply "liked" the fact that they made friends and met a spouse.  Sadly, I believe the same could be said of most any social grouping of young adults.  How is this any different from the exact same "likes" someone would have for a workplace, internet sites, or secular university?  I was really expecting more about God changing the heart of individuals and life learnings that would motivate people into full time service. 
