Recent content by wtyson

  1. W

    Wait? Really.......................

    If you already suspect you know the answer are you really asking or trying to start a debate? The Bible gives clear principles of dating, courtship & relationships...correct? The best relationships follow the Bible's guidance. WTyson
  2. W

    World Famous Evangelist Caleb Garraway

    Caleb hasn't attributed this title to himself...just the knuckleheads here trying to dirty the testimony of a good young man & friend.
  3. W


    My prayer is that we end the vast majority of abortions in America in my lifetime! This is a barbaric practice!
  4. W

    Prayer for Tim Lee's family.

    Praying for the Lee family during this difficult time.
  5. W


    HE has been good on the mountaintop and in the valley!
  6. W

    The fundamental problem with red-letter so-called Christianity...

    ALL Scripture is given by inspiration...its all RED to me!
  7. W

    RIP Sgt. Owen

    I watched much of it yesterday. LBC & Pastor Chappell served the law enforcement community with dignity and grace.
  8. W

    What is a Christian to do?

    Both are a disaster... Read the party platforms... The Supreme Court is the primary reason I am holding my nose and voting for Trump.
  9. W

    Pastor Intimidation

    Absolutely great advice!
  10. W

    The Old Paths

    Did you take the time to read the Bible verses posted as well? My guess is clarifies what the statement is about...
  11. W

    The Old Paths

    Thankful for anyone who comes to Christ regardless if I disagree with the method or process of discipleship. Let us ALL rejoice in souls saved, EVEN those saved in oldpaths churches!!
  12. W

    The Old Paths

    What is the question? Contrary to what may be thought...many do not sit at their computer anticipating the next FFF posts... Silence may be that we are actually quite busy...
  13. W

    The Old Paths

    While any of us would be susceptible to prideful posts I am encouraged by the reports of folks being saved. It seems like IFB critics are always saying fundamentalism is dying yet when IFB preachers share exciting news of growth and souls saved it is greeted with criticism rather than...
  14. W

    Hey wtyson!

    Praise the Lord for our military. Thankful for their sacrifice and dedication. I have a viewing to attend that evening but will try. Awesome tee! :)