I guess God was stirring things up for me back in the mid 90s when I first joined his Church. I left a "Ruckmanite" Church and was trying to find something a little better balanced and ministry oriented like I had down in San Diego. I guess I was somewhat "Caught up" in all the hype. I was thrilled when he announced the opening of the Bible College and thinking this would be a great opportunity to continue my education and graduate from his college. I don't think I particularly "Fit his mold" though nor were my lips as firmly pressed to his butt cheeks as they should've been but he did have my respect. I don't really blame him for this though, my marriage would've never survived such an environment had I pursued the "Ministry" in such an environment (It didn't anyway but that is another story) plus the Lord really was impressing upon me that there may be some good things outside of the IFB world I had locked myself into. Of course you had all of the nonsense with Hyles and his ilk among a few other things but I was still trying to find some "Terra Firma" within the IFB world and pursue whatever calling the Lord had for me. Pursued a secular degree, tried to keep my mouth shut, and did my best to conform but the Holy Spirit kept "Poking the Bear"
and would not allow me to be content and I was also watching my family suffer so I knew I would probably be better off out of Church than remaining in such an environment!
I know what you mean about caving into modernism, CCM, and so forth. The Church I started attending had a "Contemporary" Praise Band which I got recruited into and bought a Fender Stratocaster and Bass Guitar from the local Guitar Center! The teaching and preaching was rock solid though and they weren't all "Emotion Driven" and such. They were also 4-Point Calvinist and used the NASB and went back a few years later after moving to Houston telling the Pastor I am now using an ESV and I think I am a "5-Pointer" and we had a good laugh over that!
But back to your statement about modernism, CCM, and so forth. Yes, I definitely see IFB (and especially IFBx Churches like Chappell's) headed in this direction and I think it is clearly illustrated with the direction that Greg Locke has been taking! Seems they will go Charismatic, seeker sensitive, and possibly even word of faith or prosperity gospel which are all acceptable so long as you don't go over to the dark side and become a CALVINIST!!! I am not anti-CCM but there is less and less of it that I actually like these days.