Iain Paisley, R.I.P.

rsc2a said:
It was the same people who murdered Joan Rivers for proving Michelle Obama was a man.  The Left is murdering Christians in Mexico and Italy and their loudest supporters to throw us off the trail, but the Left is the militantly pro-life Roman Catholic Church... and the Illuminati.
Yeah cuz all those false religions suddenly quit murdering one day.
rsc2a said:
It was the same people who murdered Joan Rivers for proving Michelle Obama was a man.  The Left is murdering Christians in Mexico and Italy and their loudest supporters to throw us off the trail, but the Left is the militantly pro-life Roman Catholic Church... and the Illuminati.

You forgot...

prophet said:
subllibrm said:
prophet said:
subllibrm said:
Reformed Guy said:
ChuckBob said:
rsc2a said:
Reformed Guy said:
[quote author=ChuckBob]I don't recall the pope lopping off any heads recently. Sorry, but that's a really stupid comparison and has nothing to do with St. Ian.


Some history would do some good.  Just because a caged lion hasn't killed a man recently doesn't mean he's not a killer.

John Paul killed a man? Francis?

John Paul may have popped one or two. he was in the Polish resistance during WWII.

The point is that the Catholic church hasn't executed any body in several hundred years. Following the caged lion logic one also must be wary of the sainted Puritans. They're only ones that ever executed anybody in North America.


Talk to some missionaries in RCC-dominant countries.  Or, better year, take a year Sabbatical from whatever you do and go serve as a missionary in Italy.

You'll come come singing a different tune...

We know a family working towards going to Italy as missionaries. Are you saying that their lives will be in danger at the hands of the Catholic church?
Try Mexico, for that matter.

Or go to Arizona, to a Mormon controlled town.

Or go to an Islamic controlled country.

Cults are as cults do, and the RCC cult hasn't changed a bit.  It is on a leash in some countries, so go to one where it is not to judge.

I guess I should have added "physical" in front of danger. I know folks who have worked in Mexico, Utah, Argentina and Brazil. Harassed? Yup. Misrepresented? Sure. Verbally persecuted (which of us hasn't been)? Of course. Not one report of physical harm or threats related to their missionary efforts. Closest I can think of was the wife in Argentina was mugged. No indication from the mugger that the pope had put him up to it though.

My question was directed at reformed guy's assertion that Italy held some special level of danger. Since this couple is headed there it would seem prudent to warn them of the papal plot to do to them whatever it is that is done in Italy.
I was referring to murder.

Should we be planning their funerals?  ???
Been to France and Italy, no problems. Population of both countries seemed to be indifferent to religion period. The exception being France. They can't stand Muslims and really don't care for Jews. Protestants, no big deal. Son went on mission trip  to Ireland last summer. Was treated well everywhere.

I've hunted, fished and traveled over a lot of the American West. Probably treated better by Mormons than anybody else. I treated them how I would like to be treated and they did the same.

I've known several SBC missionaries to Europe. Can't ever recall one griping about catholic persecution.

I've also found that wherever you go you treat the natives with respect they will usually respond in kind. If you are an arrogant jerk you might just get whipped. Considering the attitude on a lot of the fundy MOG's that I've met over the years it's a wonder we're not at war with most of the world.

In closing I have observed that a lot of fundies really enjoy being persecuted. It makes for good stories at deputation time and it raises your stock value. Plus, they seem to want to believe that it's them against the world and they're reaching for the last round. in my travels I've found that most native folks are too busy trying o put meat on the table to care.

ChuckBob said:
Been to France and Italy, no problems. Population of both countries seemed to be indifferent to religion period. The exception being France. They can't stand Muslims and really don't care for Jews. Protestants, no big deal. Son went on mission trip  to Ireland last summer. Was treated well everywhere.

I've hunted, fished and traveled over a lot of the American West. Probably treated better by Mormons than anybody else. I treated them how I would like to be treated and they did the same.

I've known several SBC missionaries to Europe. Can't ever recall one griping about catholic persecution.

I've also found that wherever you go you treat the natives with respect they will usually respond in kind. If you are an arrogant jerk you might just get whipped. Considering the attitude on a lot of the fundy MOG's that I've met over the years it's a wonder we're not at war with most of the world.

Jim Elliot would disagree with you.

Test it Bob. Head to Iraq. Be kind, treat them with respect, quietly on a Sunday in a simple room after politely inviting some people to a little "talk". In a gentle, respectful tone, without raising your voice, tell them Jesus is the only way. That Allah is a false god that offers false hope, but that there is a true God, the God of Abraham, their earthly father according to the Quran, and that he loves them, and wants then to repent by rejecting Allah and to place their faith in the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ for salvation.

I'll be waiting for the 6:00 news. You'll be either on it, or Al-Jezera (sp) TV.

Being blissfully ignorant doesn't make you correct.
Ian Paisley was pretty popular at Bob Jones University in the 1980s. Did he continue to have an open door at BJU?
ItinerantPreacher said:
ChuckBob said:
Been to France and Italy, no problems. Population of both countries seemed to be indifferent to religion period. The exception being France. They can't stand Muslims and really don't care for Jews. Protestants, no big deal. Son went on mission trip  to Ireland last summer. Was treated well everywhere.

I've hunted, fished and traveled over a lot of the American West. Probably treated better by Mormons than anybody else. I treated them how I would like to be treated and they did the same.

I've known several SBC missionaries to Europe. Can't ever recall one griping about catholic persecution.

I've also found that wherever you go you treat the natives with respect they will usually respond in kind. If you are an arrogant jerk you might just get whipped. Considering the attitude on a lot of the fundy MOG's that I've met over the years it's a wonder we're not at war with most of the world.

Jim Elliot would disagree with you.

Test it Bob. Head to Iraq. Be kind, treat them with respect, quietly on a Sunday in a simple room after politely inviting some people to a little "talk". In a gentle, respectful tone, without raising your voice, tell them Jesus is the only way. That Allah is a false god that offers false hope, but that there is a true God, the God of Abraham, their earthly father according to the Quran, and that he loves them, and wants then to repent by rejecting Allah and to place their faith in the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ for salvation.

I'll be waiting for the 6:00 news. You'll be either on it, or Al-Jezera (sp) TV.

Being blissfully ignorant doesn't make you correct.

I have (or have had) Hindu friends, agnostic friends, atheistic friends, Christian friends, homosexual friends, Jewish friends, and Muslim acquaintances. My wife has Hindu friends, agnostic friends, atheistic friends, Christian friends, homosexual friends, and Muslim friends. A co-worker lived for five years in the Middle East, is devoutly Christian and had scores of Muslim friends and acquaintances.

With all those variety of folks, we have all had deep, specific conversations about our faith and things of faith including our particular views on Jesus, so much so in fact that a good Hindu friend of our family attended church services with us once. (We reciprocated by going to temple with him.)

Of all the people we have faith conversations with, the most intolerant ones we have found are one of two types: fundamentalist Christians and Western New Atheists. Are their intolerant people in other faiths? Absolutely! But don't kid yourself: there are still folks killing others "in the name of Jesus" every single day.

Bonus question: Of that entire group only individuals from one demographic has cut off association with me at times because of disagreement. Care to take a guess which group that was? (Hint: It's the group whose views most closely align with my own.)

Bonus question 2: Care to guess which demographic screams the most about being persecuted and/or discriminated against, often while living very luxurious lifestyles where they are free to do anything they want? (Hint: It's the same answer as bonus question 1.)
rsc2a said:
ItinerantPreacher said:
ChuckBob said:
Been to France and Italy, no problems. Population of both countries seemed to be indifferent to religion period. The exception being France. They can't stand Muslims and really don't care for Jews. Protestants, no big deal. Son went on mission trip  to Ireland last summer. Was treated well everywhere.

I've hunted, fished and traveled over a lot of the American West. Probably treated better by Mormons than anybody else. I treated them how I would like to be treated and they did the same.

I've known several SBC missionaries to Europe. Can't ever recall one griping about catholic persecution.

I've also found that wherever you go you treat the natives with respect they will usually respond in kind. If you are an arrogant jerk you might just get whipped. Considering the attitude on a lot of the fundy MOG's that I've met over the years it's a wonder we're not at war with most of the world.

Jim Elliot would disagree with you.

Test it Bob. Head to Iraq. Be kind, treat them with respect, quietly on a Sunday in a simple room after politely inviting some people to a little "talk". In a gentle, respectful tone, without raising your voice, tell them Jesus is the only way. That Allah is a false god that offers false hope, but that there is a true God, the God of Abraham, their earthly father according to the Quran, and that he loves them, and wants then to repent by rejecting Allah and to place their faith in the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ for salvation.

I'll be waiting for the 6:00 news. You'll be either on it, or Al-Jezera (sp) TV.

Being blissfully ignorant doesn't make you correct.

I have (or have had) Hindu friends, agnostic friends, atheistic friends, Christian friends, homosexual friends, Jewish friends, and Muslim acquaintances. My wife has Hindu friends, agnostic friends, atheistic friends, Christian friends, homosexual friends, and Muslim friends. A co-worker lived for five years in the Middle East, is devoutly Christian and had scores of Muslim friends and acquaintances.

With all those variety of folks, we have all had deep, specific conversations about our faith and things of faith including our particular views on Jesus, so much so in fact that a good Hindu friend of our family attended church services with us once. (We reciprocated by going to temple with him.)

Of all the people we have faith conversations with, the most intolerant ones we have found are one of two types: fundamentalist Christians and Western New Atheists. Are their intolerant people in other faiths? Absolutely! But don't kid yourself: there are still folks killing others "in the name of Jesus" every single day.

Bonus question: Of that entire group only individuals from one demographic has cut off association with me at times because of disagreement. Care to take a guess which group that was? (Hint: It's the group whose views most closely align with my own.)

Bonus question 2: Care to guess which demographic screams the most about being persecuted and/or discriminated against, often while living very luxurious lifestyles where they are free to do anything they want? (Hint: It's the same answer as bonus question 1.)
That statement defines your Christianity to a T rsc2a

Are you validating my assertion that the Catholic Church still persecutes Christians?
ItinerantPreacher said:
rsc2a said:
ItinerantPreacher said:
ChuckBob said:
Been to France and Italy, no problems. Population of both countries seemed to be indifferent to religion period. The exception being France. They can't stand Muslims and really don't care for Jews. Protestants, no big deal. Son went on mission trip  to Ireland last summer. Was treated well everywhere.

I've hunted, fished and traveled over a lot of the American West. Probably treated better by Mormons than anybody else. I treated them how I would like to be treated and they did the same.

I've known several SBC missionaries to Europe. Can't ever recall one griping about catholic persecution.

I've also found that wherever you go you treat the natives with respect they will usually respond in kind. If you are an arrogant jerk you might just get whipped. Considering the attitude on a lot of the fundy MOG's that I've met over the years it's a wonder we're not at war with most of the world.

Jim Elliot would disagree with you.

Test it Bob. Head to Iraq. Be kind, treat them with respect, quietly on a Sunday in a simple room after politely inviting some people to a little "talk". In a gentle, respectful tone, without raising your voice, tell them Jesus is the only way. That Allah is a false god that offers false hope, but that there is a true God, the God of Abraham, their earthly father according to the Quran, and that he loves them, and wants then to repent by rejecting Allah and to place their faith in the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ for salvation.

I'll be waiting for the 6:00 news. You'll be either on it, or Al-Jezera (sp) TV.

Being blissfully ignorant doesn't make you correct.

I have (or have had) Hindu friends, agnostic friends, atheistic friends, Christian friends, homosexual friends, Jewish friends, and Muslim acquaintances. My wife has Hindu friends, agnostic friends, atheistic friends, Christian friends, homosexual friends, and Muslim friends. A co-worker lived for five years in the Middle East, is devoutly Christian and had scores of Muslim friends and acquaintances.

With all those variety of folks, we have all had deep, specific conversations about our faith and things of faith including our particular views on Jesus, so much so in fact that a good Hindu friend of our family attended church services with us once. (We reciprocated by going to temple with him.)

Of all the people we have faith conversations with, the most intolerant ones we have found are one of two types: fundamentalist Christians and Western New Atheists. Are their intolerant people in other faiths? Absolutely! But don't kid yourself: there are still folks killing others "in the name of Jesus" every single day.

Bonus question: Of that entire group only individuals from one demographic has cut off association with me at times because of disagreement. Care to take a guess which group that was? (Hint: It's the group whose views most closely align with my own.)

Bonus question 2: Care to guess which demographic screams the most about being persecuted and/or discriminated against, often while living very luxurious lifestyles where they are free to do anything they want? (Hint: It's the same answer as bonus question 1.)
That statement defines your Christianity to a T rsc2a

Are you validating my assertion that the Catholic Church still persecutes Christians?

That statement? You really should study Paul more...like a LOT more...

My assertion is that Catholics are Christians...and people of virtually every identifying group persecute others of differing identifying groups, "Christian" notwithstanding.
rsc2a said:
A co-worker lived for five years in the Middle East, is devoutly Christian and had scores of Muslim friends and acquaintances.

Where at in the Middle East?  Not all Middle Eastern Muslims are created equal, as I'm sure you know.  IPs point was sufficiently clear for any honest reader.  You won't live long in *some* Muslim countries as a "devout Christian".
ItinerantPreacher said:
ChuckBob said:
Been to France and Italy, no problems. Population of both countries seemed to be indifferent to religion period. The exception being France. They can't stand Muslims and really don't care for Jews. Protestants, no big deal. Son went on mission trip  to Ireland last summer. Was treated well everywhere.

I've hunted, fished and traveled over a lot of the American West. Probably treated better by Mormons than anybody else. I treated them how I would like to be treated and they did the same.

I've known several SBC missionaries to Europe. Can't ever recall one griping about catholic persecution.

I've also found that wherever you go you treat the natives with respect they will usually respond in kind. If you are an arrogant jerk you might just get whipped. Considering the attitude on a lot of the fundy MOG's that I've met over the years it's a wonder we're not at war with most of the world.

Jim Elliot would disagree with you.

Test it Bob. Head to Iraq. Be kind, treat them with respect, quietly on a Sunday in a simple room after politely inviting some people to a little "talk". In a gentle, respectful tone, without raising your voice, tell them Jesus is the only way. That Allah is a false god that offers false hope, but that there is a true God, the God of Abraham, their earthly father according to the Quran, and that he loves them, and wants then to repent by rejecting Allah and to place their faith in the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ for salvation.

I'll be waiting for the 6:00 news. You'll be either on it, or Al-Jezera (sp) TV.

Being blissfully ignorant doesn't make you correct.

Well, it appears you're conceding that Europe is a rather safe environment for the faithful since you've moved on to Iraq. Of course, anybody with one eye and half sense would realize that Iraq is dangerous for anybody that's not a radical Muslim. We weren't discussing Iraq. We were discussing the Pope and his followers and you alleged that they all really want to kill us even though they've restrained their murderous urges for the past 300 or so years. I believe that brings up to the present.

rsc2a said:
A co-worker lived for five years in the Middle East, is devoutly Christian and had scores of Muslim friends and acquaintances.

Where at in the Middle East?  Not all Middle Eastern Muslims are created equal, as I'm sure you know.  IPs point was sufficiently clear for any honest reader.  You won't live long in *some* Muslim countries as a "devout Christian".

He was in the UAE. Also worked in Qatar and Saudi. I also knew of several folks stationed in Libya (almost transferred there) and Egypt. I know of Christians in Iraq, Kuwait, and Turkey.

There are also folks in Africa murdering other folks "in the name of Jesus" and even good ole "Christians" in the U.S. of A that think we should stone homosexuals to death. I understood his point just fine...he's just completely wrong. People of all faiths (and no faith) are both guilty of and victims of persecution and discrimination at different places.
ItinerantPreacher said:
Jim Elliot would disagree with you.

The pope had Jim Elliot killed?!?!? Who knew he so much power and influence?
rsc2a said:
rsc2a said:
A co-worker lived for five years in the Middle East, is devoutly Christian and had scores of Muslim friends and acquaintances.

Where at in the Middle East?  Not all Middle Eastern Muslims are created equal, as I'm sure you know.  IPs point was sufficiently clear for any honest reader.  You won't live long in *some* Muslim countries as a "devout Christian".

He was in the UAE. Also worked in Qatar and Saudi. I also knew of several folks stationed in Libya (almost transferred there) and Egypt. I know of Christians in Iraq, Kuwait, and Turkey.

There are also folks in Africa murdering other folks "in the name of Jesus" and even good ole "Christians" in the U.S. of A that think we should stone homosexuals to death. I understood his point just fine...he's just completely wrong. People of all faiths (and no faith) are both guilty of and victims of persecution and discrimination at different places.

One of our Pastors worked for a decade in the Middle East...his experience was completely different.
But your point is taken, Islam is a religion of peace!  ;)
[quote author=Tarheel Baptist]But your point is taken, Islam is a religion of peace!  ;)[/quote]

Honestly, I wonder...are you even reading what I've written at all or just using my posts as a springboard for your brand of modern white-American, middle class evangelicalism disguised as Christianity?

People of all faiths (and no faith) are both guilty of and victims of persecution and discrimination at different places. - rsc2a
rsc2a said:
rsc2a said:
A co-worker lived for five years in the Middle East, is devoutly Christian and had scores of Muslim friends and acquaintances.

Where at in the Middle East?  Not all Middle Eastern Muslims are created equal, as I'm sure you know.  IPs point was sufficiently clear for any honest reader.  You won't live long in *some* Muslim countries as a "devout Christian".

He was in the UAE. Also worked in Qatar and Saudi. I also knew of several folks stationed in Libya (almost transferred there) and Egypt. I know of Christians in Iraq, Kuwait, and Turkey.

There are also folks in Africa murdering other folks "in the name of Jesus" and even good ole "Christians" in the U.S. of A that think we should stone homosexuals to death. I understood his point just fine...he's just completely wrong. People of all faiths (and no faith) are both guilty of and victims of persecution and discrimination at different places.

I'm not aware of any recent stoning of sodomites, but I am aware of numerous beheadings and executions (just for starters) amongst the adherents of that "religion of peace".  The fact that you'd compare the two is just more proof of how far gone your thinking actually is.
rsc2a said:
rsc2a said:
A co-worker lived for five years in the Middle East, is devoutly Christian and had scores of Muslim friends and acquaintances.

Where at in the Middle East?  Not all Middle Eastern Muslims are created equal, as I'm sure you know.  IPs point was sufficiently clear for any honest reader.  You won't live long in *some* Muslim countries as a "devout Christian".

He was in the UAE. Also worked in Qatar and Saudi. I also knew of several folks stationed in Libya (almost transferred there) and Egypt. I know of Christians in Iraq, Kuwait, and Turkey.

There are also folks in Africa murdering other folks "in the name of Jesus" and even good ole "Christians" in the U.S. of A that think we should stone homosexuals to death. I understood his point just fine...he's just completely wrong. People of all faiths (and no faith) are both guilty of and victims of persecution and discrimination at different places.

I'm not aware of any recent stoning of sodomites, but I am aware of numerous beheadings and executions (just for starters) amongst the adherents of that "religion of peace".  The fact that you'd compare the two is just more proof of how far gone your thinking actually is.

You should really do a bit more research: http://www.warchild.org.uk/issues/the-lords-resistance-army
rsc2a said:
A co-worker lived for five years in the Middle East, is devoutly Christian and had scores of Muslim friends and acquaintances.

Where at in the Middle East?  Not all Middle Eastern Muslims are created equal, as I'm sure you know.  IPs point was sufficiently clear for any honest reader.  You won't live long in *some* Muslim countries as a "devout Christian".

What IP did was shift gears when I called his statements concerning the Pope et al whacking those who cross him. Muslims were not part of the initial discussions. the fact remains that one can trod Catholic Europe as a believer and nobody gives a rip.

