Recent content by pastorryanhayden

  1. pastorryanhayden

    I have been accepted into Cambridge as adjunct faculty

    Make sure you take a day trip into Boston, hang out at Fannuel Hall and Quincy Market, then walk down Hanover Street to see the old north church, the north end (little Italy) and get a Canoli at Mikes Pastries.
  2. pastorryanhayden

    Against CCM? Please convince us FROM Scripture, alone.

    Making a blanket judgment on CCM is like making a blanket judgment on IFB churches.  There is such a huge variety of it that you almost have to approach it on a case by case basis.  That being said, I'm loathe to like anything that tries to mix the gospel with being hip.  I'm of the opinion...
  3. pastorryanhayden

    It Does Happen To Real People

  4. pastorryanhayden

    An Open Letter To IFB College Students

    Fishnut. It was carefully worded.  I started going to an IFB preschool when I was one.  I didn't mean to mislead people into thinking I've been in the ministry for 29 years.  I assumed the audience of my blog would know what I meant. Have I personally known IFB people who hold to some stupid...
  5. pastorryanhayden

    An Open Letter To IFB College Students

    No.  I don't know Jack Hyles and have never heard him speak.  Despite their blusterings, the Hyles crowd is a minority in IFB circles.  The open letter referenced BJU and PCC, neither of those schools promote the things in the above quote.
  6. pastorryanhayden

    An Open Letter To IFB College Students

    I really can't believe some of you who said you agreed with that article 100% - while I disagree with you on many things, I thought you had more of a sense of fairness than that. This is my response from my blog: Last week, an Open Letter to Students of IFB colleges popped up on the internet...
  7. pastorryanhayden

    Facial Hair is Unbiblical....

    I saw a tract once that explained that Jesus had no facial hair.  It said that the only way that the romans were able to rip out his beard was because the events of the week left him without an opportunity to shave.  I think it was the one moment when I realized that the cultural reaction side...
  8. pastorryanhayden

    Present church culture

    Must you add a "I live in paradise and you don't -nanananana" into every topic?? Just kidding, I enjoy reading them.  Keep it up.
  9. pastorryanhayden

    Another reason to prohibit smartphones in church...

    I've had people fact check my sermons.  I can't get mad about it because if I was in the pew I'd be doing the same thing. I publish a manuscript of my sermons, which just opens them up to more fact checking, so I try to be careful about what I say.
  10. pastorryanhayden

    MacArthur's 'Strange Fire' conference

    I haven't followed it but my brother tells me it was quite comical.  He said that (and I haven't confirmed this) Mark Driscoll came passing out copies of his "resurgence" book and had to be escorted out by security.  Which is hilarious, but pretty immature. I am a cessasionist, so I agree with...
  11. pastorryanhayden

    Doctrine of Church Attendance

    Agreed.  Unless he made it clear that the synagogue was not the church, and that it was just Jesus' habit to go to the synagogue (a habit that translates well into church.) Either way, if was a relatively minor abuse of a scriptural text, and one I'd be prone to overlook. There are several...
  12. pastorryanhayden

    Present church culture

    The existence of this forum is proof if that.
  13. pastorryanhayden

    Present church culture

    I have no doubt that the quest for "relevance" in church culture has created an irrelevant church that gives the world much to mock.  I don't think the world really cares to have a cheap imitation of itself. That being said, I really wouldn't have gotten that just from that video.  He made...
  14. pastorryanhayden

    Will Paul Chappell Criticize Rick Warren Today?

    There may be five people in my church who know who Jack Hyles, John R. Rice, Curtis Hutson, etc. were.  They know Paul Chappell only as the guy who writes some of their SS curriculum.  They know Clarence Sexton only as one of my former pastors (whose name might come up in a sermon once every...
  15. pastorryanhayden

    Are you for or against screens in preaching.

    You make a good point.  Use of the screen goes better with an informative message than one meant to inspire and challenge.  It is better as a teaching tool than a preaching tool. That being said, I think people need both teaching and preaching.  They need all of scripture.  There is a whole lot...