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  1. B

    I bet Dr. Hyles regrets preaching.........

    I bet Dr. Hyles regrets running around America preaching that Christians should have stayed out of politics in 1980.  I heard him preach that sermon 2-3 times. He would say, "We should not have turned our bus captains into poll captains..."  Oh that we would have been soul winning bus captains...
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    Revival Meeting at FBC

    It was refreshing to see that FBC is having a Winter Revival in a few weeks. God still blesses revival meetings that are done under His leadership.
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    Are dress standards dead in a majority of churches?

    If your horse is dead, for goodness sake - dismount!
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    Capitol Connection in Washington DC........Fundies are foaming all over......

    Well I see we have some Bill Grady followers in this thread. I just about fell out of my chair laughing when I saw Doeg!
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    I got turned in!

    Once I was called into Dr. Jorgenson's office and accused of dating a City Baptist lady teacher. The accusation was that I was meeting her at places without a chaperone. He also wanted to know if I had given her an unapproved cassette tape. The truth was, we were not dating. I was engaged to...
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    In All My Years At FBC This Was The First Time I Ever Saw This . . .

    Thank God, Thank God, Thank God that Pastor Wilkerson had the courage to do what was right. That is much better than making that soul a "two fold child of Hell". This is some of the best news I have heard coming out of FBC in a long time.  I believe that person will be saved and FBC strengthened.
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    New promo video

    If I listened close enough, I did not hear the full name of Jack Hyles mentioned not one time. How refreshing, maybe just maybe the school will be about Jesus from now on. I know they have a good shot at it with John Wilkerson as their pastor. Thankful!
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    Michelle Obama says kids too busy for church

    So sad to watch this! Unfortunately, many "so-called" Christians bow before the same idols she mentioned. Church is a conviction, not a convenience!
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    A Woman Preaches in Northland’s Chapel

    SAD Day for Northland! What is also sad is that there is a lot of this going on in modern churches. I believe God calls and gifts women to teach but not preach, and the men at Northland hopefully were given the option to not attend. If they want to sit there and listen, that is a different...
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    Great article exposing the Hebrew Roots Movement and Cult

    I know this will fall deaf on most ears, but if it brings glory to God by protecting one person from making the KJV a god in and of itself, then I will be grateful. I love the KJV, but just face it, the modern KJV only movement has produce as many heresies as liberalism has. In fact, I think...
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    Has Schaap's fall humbled the FBC / HAC crowd at all?

    My own testimony is that it took me years to get over the haughtiness not just of FBC/HAC, but the whole IFB movement. It is a performance based movement (along with some other movements even in the SBC where I now pastor). The Bible teaches that the successful Christian life is one of simple...
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    New FBC Invitation Format

    Praise the Lord he had an altar call. As to pleading with people to come, he is just being a faithful pastor. I will restrain from posting what I am tempted to say in total, but may I point out a few positives. When Jesus preached many times people left, or got mad. He said something at one...
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    Freedom as a Pastor

    I'm not trying to get a stick started, just wandering if anyone had the same experience. Sometime ago a friend that asked me how was my experience going back into a SBC church to pastor. I simply told him that I was more free as a SBC pastor than as an independent Baptist pastor to be and do as...
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    Where are you posting from?

    Central, SC
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    Dreams About HAC/FBCH

    I suffered with nightmares about HAC for years. It was not until I confessed being bitter toward the place that I got relief. My experience there was so tramatic that I almost could not breath just visiting the campus of PCC. But thanks be to God for His deliverance. I plan to go back for a...
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    The day Dr. Hyles died

    The day Dr. Hyles died I was in my study at the church I pastored in Alabama. I was saddened for my dad who had great respect for Dr. Hyles so I called my dad. Much to my surprise, my dad handled it all very well.  I also hurt for the Hyles family. No matter what the past held, his death was...
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    Revival and Soul Winning

    I was blessed to attend the South Carolina State Evangelism Conference this week. As I sat there, it had the feel of Southwide Baptist Fellowship and the Sword of the Lord conferences from the late 70's (minus the preaching on pants on women). I left the conference with a deeper burden for...
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    FBC Hammond and their New Pastor

    I have been amazed at some of those in the ifb ranks who have looked to FBC Hammond like the Catholics do the Vatican. It turned my stomach to hear people say that FBC can still save America. Jesus is the only one who can save America!! My prayer is that FBC will become a strong expositional...