Recent content by Reformed Guy

  1. R

    Proving Your Protestant beliefs using Scripture only

    How did the early church fathers prove it? 
  2. R

    Attack on Progressive Christians

    These Christians were "attacked"- And these Christians were "attacked"- ...but I seriously doubt any of the proggies mentioned in this churlish piece were...
  3. R

    Just because his name begins with Muhammad...this has nothing to do with Islam

    Yep.  As I heard someone say earlier today, the people who insist that Dylann Roof represents everyone associated with anything Confederate are the same people who will insist that Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez represents only himself.
  4. R

    Biblical Discipline:Things That Make You Go "What The .....?"

    Back to the OP-  What do any of these examples have to do with "Biblical Discipline?" Don't mean to nit-pick, but it bugs me that egregious examples of things abundantly Un-Biblical are paraded out to disparage something good, wholesome, necessary and commanded.
  5. R


    ...and I really pray that those who received sufficient counseling realized that any truths of admonition/comfort were most valuable questioned than seen as absolute.
  6. R

    We Are Dealing With Progressives In Our Town

    What does that diversion have to do with Progressive Christianity being monistic/pagan, and are you going to tell us why it matters what Jesus said/didn't say when you operate from the presupposition that it's more valuable to question His statements than receive them as truth?
  7. R

    We Are Dealing With Progressives In Our Town

    What difference does it make?  If we showed you such a statement, you would find more value in questioning his statement than in seeing it as absolute truth.
  8. R

    We Are Dealing With Progressives In Our Town

    I'm not interested in un-spinning spin, but will stand by my claim.  "Progressive Christianity" is inherently monistic, (the infuence of monism seen in several of your "8 points")- which is the essence of all pagan religion.
  9. R

    We Are Dealing With Progressives In Our Town

    Short answer- It's pagan religion.
  10. R

    The Death of Prayer Meetings

    ..'cuz the Church and the culture is so holy today we're beyond the need for prayer. Got it.
  11. R

    We Are Dealing With Progressives In Our Town

    J. Gresham Machen's Christianity & Liberalism is still very useful for this sort of fight...
  12. R

    Phil Kidd

    It's a legit  tweet.  There's things regarding Kidd that I've contemplated posting for some time.  Maybe sometime I will.  For now it will suffice to say that he is now Pastor of a church in my area-  a church with which I have a special connection- a church whose former pastor I have known my...
  13. R

    The Death of Prayer Meetings

    I suppose they're even less popular in these parts than Sunday night services....
  14. R

    Dropping the H-Bomb

    It is a word sometimes overused, but the parameters could be better set by someone other than a couple of finger-wagging heretics...
  15. R

    Guns Deadlier than Cars in 17 States

    Yup.  In 33 states you need a gun to protect yourself from cars...