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  1. pastorryanhayden

    Are you for or against screens in preaching.

    We kind of got into this in the Jack Treiber thread and I thought it deserved it's own thread.  I'm sure it's been covered before. Are you for or against screens in preaching and why?
  2. pastorryanhayden

    Is the IFB movement fatally flawed? If so is it redeemable? If yes, then how?

    Just trying to get something started here with some questions: 1) Is the IFB movement (I'm thinking Hyles, Sword of the Lord, West Coast, Crown, etc.) fatally flawed? 2) If you do believe it is fatally flawed, then how? 3) If you do believe it is fatally flawed, is it redeemable? 4) If you think...
  3. pastorryanhayden

    Just war theory applied to fundamentalism

    I've heard a lot of talk lately about just war theory.  Basically it comes down to doing as little damage as possible to tackle your opponent and only targeting enemy combatants. I'm wondering, do we apply just war theory when we "earnestly contend for the faith?"  Do we only try to defeat the...
  4. pastorryanhayden

    Do we have any hyper-dispensationalists on the forum?

    Recently, I've encountered some people who I would describe as hyper-dispensational.  By hyper-dispensational I mean, they say things like "Christ's teaching in the Sermon on the Mount wasn't intended for us, but for the kingdom age."  Or "1 John and James isn't for the modern Christian...
  5. pastorryanhayden

    Why does it seem the extreme KJV teachers are always mean?

    I've been to Peter Ruckman's church and heard him preach.  I've heard Bill Brady speak many times and have had one on one conversations with him.  After the KJV movies came out last year, I admired Sam Gipp, till I went on his web site and started seeing the way he writes.  Here is the thing...
  6. pastorryanhayden

    3 Ways We Explain Away Scripture

    I haven't been blogging for awhile, but I wrote this post this morning, and I always appreciate the forum's take on these things.  This one is about our tendency to explain away scripture.
  7. pastorryanhayden

    Open, close, or closed communion

    Please state your position and biblical argument for it. I grew up in an open/close communion environment.  The church I pastor is closed communion.  (Always has been, when they hired me I told them i was unsure of my position and we would stay closed until I came to a conviction on it and...
  8. pastorryanhayden

    What think ye??

    Read this article by Al Mohler on the Zimmerman case.  He's very good at "playing both sides." Is he just being soft here?  Or does he make a legitimate point...
  9. pastorryanhayden

    Hopelessly stuck between Indiana and Iowa

    I'm an east coaster.  Born and raised.  Parent's from Boston.  I've lived in plenty of places, just none west of East Tennessee.  Besides missions trips to Mexico, I've never been west of St. Louis.  Now, I've found myself hopelessly stuck between Indiana and Iowa.  (Lot's of corn.)
  10. pastorryanhayden

    Is the modern emphasis on revival Biblical?

    I have a theory - I think that the modern revival emphasis was never intended for the church. That's not to say there are no revivals in the Bible - there are many of them, in the Old Testament. That's not to say there haven't been great revivals in semi-recent history - there were several, they...
  11. pastorryanhayden

    Simplistic preaching

    I wrote this post today on the blog about the bad effects of simplistic preaching. Anybody care to share examples of how someone oversimplified Bible doctrine and it had negative effects on you. (please don't turn this...
  12. pastorryanhayden

    What did they do at HAC to make graduates worship Hyles?

    I'm an IFB pastor.  I'm conservative about the KJV, music, dress, etc.  I didn't go to Hyles, but interacting with HAC alumni, I find the one common thread with all of them is that they worship the ground that Jack Hyles walked on. I know pastors who will pray to the deceased Jack Hyles. I know...
  13. pastorryanhayden

    Is extravagance sinful.

    This is one that I've never heard preached about but seems to be taught in the NT.  (many would argue that non-extravagance is the meaning of modest and James seems to deal with this in his critique of the rich man.). What's your take?  Is it appropriate for a preacher to wear $1500 suits?  Just...
  14. pastorryanhayden

    Article: Why I Have Not Left The Independent Baptist Movement.

    I don't know this guy, but I liked this article and I echo his sentiments toward Independent Baptists:
  15. pastorryanhayden

    Things to show an older generation of fundamentalists besides our liberty.

    I wrote this piece on my blog.  (I haven't been blogging much lately, mostly because I'm busy with pastoring and trying to get my pizza oven finished.)  It is about how my generation (I'm 29 BTW) uses Christian liberty as an excuse to run to the other extreme of the IFBx crowd. ...
  16. pastorryanhayden

    Stuff Fundies Like is right on this one (and I hate to admit it)
  17. pastorryanhayden

    Can a Christian be a forum hijacker?

    Just had to ask.  Seeing that there have been so many ridiculous "can a Christian be" topics posted.
  18. pastorryanhayden

    Historical Taxonomy for Fundamentalism

    I was fascinated by this article by Kevin Bauder: In it, he quotes Jack Hyles of all people in deliniating a taxonomy of fundamentalism.  I found it...
  19. pastorryanhayden

    Racist article on

    Read this this morning and it got me riled up. Here is my response
  20. pastorryanhayden

    History material about Fundamental Baptists?

    I'm trying to compile some history on fundamentalism.  I'm finding its hard to find objective material.  Everything is either glowingly positive or extremely negative. So far I've got George Marsdens books (which are objective but limited) and a couple of bios on J Frank Norris and John R Rice. ...